
Chapter 251 (Fair Punishment)

Shock colored Gene's features as he listened on. In a daze, he grabbed the contract from the bed and was alarmed to see his signature and seal on it.

If Jacob hadn't shown up, the contract would've been processed, and I would have been deemed a criminal in Pentagon. Worse yet, I might even be arrested!

Cold sweat streamed down his forehead as he hurriedly tore the contract into pieces. The whole time, his heart was racing from anxiousness.

The events on that day totally changed his perception of life.

"Young— Mr. Sullen, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, the consequences would have been disastrous. I'm sorry for treating you like that when you were so kind as to offer me a reminder this afternoon," Gene apologized, his face flushing with embarrassment.

"Mr. Ludlow, there's no need to thank me. I'm merely trying to protect the well-being of the citizens of Pentagon!" Jacob flashed him a faint smile.