
Chapter 136 (All Debts settled at Sentiment Chemical Limited)

"Why? Do you want to collect the debts together with him? In that case, I'll put both of you on the same team. If you can't complete them by today, both of you will be fired," Chase suddenly declared after Camilla challenged him.

Suddenly, Roy raised his hand and suggested, "Mr. Larson, I want to change teams."

It was obvious to him that Chase was targeting Jacob on purpose, especially after Jacob disrespected Charles. Therefore, he felt that he would be dragged down by Jacob if he remained on the same team as him.

"Fine, Camilla and you will switch." Chase nodded in agreement.

This time, Meagan no longer stood up for Camilla despite watching what happened. After all, Jacob had hit Chase the day before, upsetting her. Moreover, he had also stepped on Charles's toes, which was as good as ending his career."

After Chase returned to his office Roy quickly packed his things and moved as if he was avoiding the plague.