
Overlord (homunculus in a AU overlord)

Dez_Burns · TV
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3 Chs

A world I do not like

My name is zero and yes, my parents in this world named me a fucking number!!!

Fucking assholes. They even abandoned me when I was eight years old because it was too inconvenient to care for a child.

So most of my days were full of pain, misery and plenty of despair for a child even though I have a mind of a 30 year old mind.

Yeah, I died 3o years old, leaving behind an ex girlfriend that dumped me and loving parents that cared for me.

Only in this life to get parents that fucking got rid of me because it was convenient for them. Fucking assholes!!

No, I haven't told you how I died. Well, you see it starts sound like any typical story you would find in fucking anime.

I saw a girl crossing the street with a ball. A truck was coming by at high speeds so I pushed her out of the way and I got hit hard.

Hell, I did not even die away immediately I somehow barely survived, and sat through the pain on the cold ground as i slowly bled out.

Now, where was I?

Oh yes, surviving as a child that fucking sucked not only did I have to fight for food. I also had to steal and if I got caught back, then I most likely would've ended up as a sex slave to some gross back dumpster pervert.

Or get chopped up for food by one of the cannibals, who is in the city.

Now you're asking me why would there be cannibals well, you see the world I was born into went through World War III, which resulted in nuclear weapons. If you're following this line of thinking, you know what the fuck happened next total nuclear wasteland and not the good kind from the video game fallout.

All no big boys and girls that would've been a kindness know this type of nuclear wasteland was even worse why was it worse because after the war ended, mega corporation stepped in and took over of every no nation.

The land is poisonous the water in the ocean boils and the air, practically choke you to death.

Then they constructed huge ass, dumb cities to keep the radiation out. Then they hobbled as much survivors as they could gave them jobs and work them like they were slaves.

Which basically they were they signed a contract, and did not read the fine print and pretty much signed most of their their family to indentured servitude for a twisted mega corporation.

Another reason to hate this fucking world, because if the homeless people of this corporate controlled planet doesn't get you then corporate contract certainly will, thay used pretty words how they want to be in your best interest in reality they're just gonna work you down to the bone.

They simply do not care as long as they make profits, as the years went by, as I slowly got older, well Old enough to get a job, I started working in one of the corporate factories and worked my way up.

I managed to land a high enough position within two years then you ask me how did I accomplish this?

Well, it's very simple. I killed the pieces of shit that were above me and the people next in line before me, so I just made it look like a bunch of accidents then gathered enough fake evidence to make them think another guy within the same department as me did it with probable cause!!!!

Because one of the higher management people was fucking his wife and he didn't like that one bit. Hell rumors has it that he has a garage full of fake dummies of our bosses and he stabs them.

Don't know whether that's true or not but he was good enough of a scapegoat for me to climb the corporate ladder.

My new position gave me a steady stream of income higher than I thought it was gonna be but hey, it was enough for now.

Life in this domed city is pretty good if you have money if not, you're pretty much homeless.

Even with my high position and high pay I know for a fact that the strippers down the street gets more money. I'm sleeping with every rich guy on the block.

How do I know this well, when I turn 10 years old, I robbed several strippers houses and how do I know where they live well, I kind of follow after them as they took care of their clients.

Back then I new with my 30 year old mine here my child body that these bitches would have cash for me to steal and give me some fucking food back then.

Sometimes it went off without a hitch other times I nearly got killed, and the really bad times I had to really dodge bullets.

They didn't give a fuck if you were a kid or not if you stole from them, you're dead.

But now, because of my hard life in this new life, I'm gonna do things a lot smarter because in this brand, new world, it's every man for himself.

As I began leaving work for the day, heading towards my apartment I noticed a advertisement sign for a new game shop.

Being a former anime watcher and gamer I decided to go into the store to see what they have. Of course, I had no intention of buying anything.

however, one of the games took my notice, it was an advertisement on the rack for new game that came out a year ago called Yggdrasil.

A DMMO-RPG game where strength is not everything."

The game itself was not Expensive but from the mini forms online have pointed out it's in game purchases are quite a bit of money.

As I'm reading through the game, something triggered in my brain after so many years, it started to be made clear to me.

I was an overlord the enemy series that was a big hit before I died. Hell I was even rooting for the bad guy who did not even know he was a bad guy.

it was always funny how the skeleton couldn't fuck that succubus but now it's no longer a laughing matter since I'm living in the same world as that guy before his game character goes to the New World.

Thinking of my life up until now I realize I have a chance to make a better life than what I currently have so I bought a copy of the game, and proceeded to go back to my apartment within the upper district where it was much nicer to live at, and far less crime.

I put the game in download it. It got in my chair and plugged the wiring to the back of my neck, and I started to immerse myself in Yggdrasil for the next few days since it was of the weekend.

Hell I went through the whole day just checking out all the races and characters and customizations. There was a lot like I mean shit ton it puts all the old games I used to play to shame through the huge amount of customization.

I chose the Homunculus a Artificial construct, which in law are artificially created humans through alchemy.

As I continue customizing my character, I noticed I had a increased food penalty.

It was my only race penalty however, I do have a benefit to my race.

I'm able to carry and store 57% more items than any other race.

It was good to have not great, but still pretty good as I continued finishing up my character and design, my outer appearance, which took about three hours.

I created my perfect character, tall lean a bit muscular with black hair, purple eyes with Sharp purple markings underneath the eyes and wearing a mage robe.

Why would I go with a mage build simple to get a feel for the game after all I remember from the anime that that skeleton fucker was beyond OP with mage.

With my character finished, I went to Yggdrasil's in game store, where are used to my real world money to pay for items as I looked around, I noticed a beginner bundle for every new player that signed up for the game.

It will give you 1000 gold coins of Yggdrasil gold, as well as a couple of free items for your starter class as well as one random ticket for one rare item.

The beginner bundle wasn't bad and it wasn't expensive either from my point of view it looks like it was made this way for people with far less money.

So I bought the beginner bundle as well as two more bundles for Inexperienced players.

Those two extra bundles were far more expensive, but still within my price range.

The first extra bundle purchased, gave the player several more gold coins as well as one data crystal as well as several one time, use items in a few health potions.

The last extra bundle was more important since I gave me one free random job class, as well as several other expendable items.

After receiving all of my items, and they went straight to my inventory, and I equipped my character with his starter gear. I used up my rare item ticket.

after its use, a big wheel appeared, and started spinning, until it finally landed on an icon in the shape of a ring.

I received the rare item, called the ring of concealment this special ring allows the user to masquerade as a human or a humanoid.

Almost an individual has high job class, so let them see pass concealment items then everyone that sees my stats through any type of spell, which is assume I am a humanoid.

I equipped the ring to my character afterwards I was satisfied with my preparation's and decided to log in to the game fully next thing I knew I appeared within against forest.

Get a feel for the controls, as if I can move my character just like my own body I started to explore the forest afterwards. I came across several monsters, most of them were goblins a few ogres to with my beginner spells. I was able to dispatch them quickly, got the dropped items from their deaths.

I continued this hunting of monsters for a while because I did so I noticed my food meter quickly depleted, forcing me to eat up my rations and other food items.

To keep my characters food meet her up, so I don't starve.

I'm eventually going to run out of food which I need to find a place to get food.

I continued on until I stumbled across a small town where I could refill my supplies.

Trusting my ring of Concealment, I enter the town without any trouble as everyone, even the NPC's saw me as a humanoid, instead of a Heteromorphic.

I managed to buy a plenty of food to fill up my inventory with how much gold I've acquired throughout my monster hunting, even though getting gold in this game is pretty fucking easy!!!!

After that, I managed to join a party of humans to go on monster hunting quests. Apparently they're trying to get extra gold craft certain items.

I easily agreed and requested any items dropped by monsters they don't need I can have which thay too easily agreed.

Seven hours later, we completed all the quests, and I got my fair share of dropped items and gold.

I decided now is a good time after I left the party to open up my extra bundle to grant myself that random job class.

[ding ding!!]

[Alchemist job class received]

Not bad, but I hope I would've gotten something better but oh well.

I continued on monster until I hit level 25 and I did not spend a single one of my points that I could put into my job classes.

I put 15 in mage maxing it out and putting the rest of the 10 in alchemist.

I will also continue saving up my skill points i'll figure out later with stats to put them in for now, let's find other information I can gather from a different party.


{ authors note: this will be my longest chapter ever and I put real work into this one. I hope you like it and this is definitely where I wanted to go with the story. I'm going to change the title soon.