
Overload (English Version)

It's the year 2570, civilization has advanced a lot while staying afloat with its own problems, in the shadows of it, an ancient group that knows the secret force of living beings moves to stop those who use that same force with evil purposes, without the rest of society finding them. The corruption of hado lurks everywhere looking for a strange and harmful target for society, the disciples of hado will do whatever it takes to evade it. The land has changed during that time, the history has evolved, the technology, the ideals... the races. Will it be the same land that everyone knows? What mysteries does this world really hide?

Iron_Moonlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


A few rays of light filter through the curtains of Rena's window at the same time that her alarm sounds and she reaches out from her bed to turn it off, she first reaches for her glasses and after seeing the time she decides to get up.

-Uaaaaa… The schedule in Japan and Mexico is extremely opposite, I'm still sleepy…

After half falling asleep she pats her cheeks and heads to her wardrobe to change into hers, she selects a set of semi-formal clothes and removes her pajamas to get dressed.

When she's ready, she walks through the door into the kitchen and turns on her coffee maker as she pulls the ingredients to make her breakfast out of her refrigerator.

-In which part did I left them… Ah!

After saying those, she closes the refrigerator door and opens a door with some shelves from which a silver briefcase comes out.

She opens the silver briefcase revealing 5 kitchen knives that you could tell by miles that they were quite refined knives for the kitchen.

She chooses one and begins to cut the ingredients very skillfully and quickly.

After finishing cutting everything, she puts a pan with oil on the fire waiting for it to heat up.

Once done, she pours the ingredients and sautés them to finish cooking, she sits together with a cup of coffee at the table and begins to have breakfast while listening to news on TV.

"After the strange events at the CDMX international airport, the police found traces of molten metal and scratches in a part of the runway, so far the police have not found any kind of reference regarding the samples found, the only thing what they have is the recording of a loud metal noise that occurred near the area but they have not found anything else, according to the interview with the inspector of the case, they decided to classify them in the file of spectral reports, a file of few reports that is still open to date over the decades in which reports of sightings, noises or strange evidence accumulate but there is no explanation for them given as a result that people think that they are specters who carried out these cases, although it is a conclusion more than anything to distance themselves from the duty of having to analyze a case with no future in which no one was injured and there was no material damage worth mentioning".

-That must have been what I heard from the plane when we landed… But a ghost? Hahahahaha, they really wanted to abdicate the responsibility of investigating that, well it's time for me to go.

Rena picks up a single shoulder bag and leaves her apartment to attend her first day at the SPA, as she leaves her house she closes the door and goes down the nearby stairs to exit the building when she bumps into a girl.

Rena looks at her carefully and thinks that she is beautiful... after looking at her for a while she realizes that she is also looking at her and decides to approach her to talk to her.


- H... Hello...

Again an awkward pause occurs which is interrupted by that girl at the bottom of the stairs.

-Uh excuse me, are you okay?

Rena regains her composure and responds with a smile.

-Yes, nothing happens... it's just that... I didn't think about what else to say, I still don't have a good command of Spanish.

-Yeah… I thought that you were not from Mexico, at least here there are no people with blue hair and even less with such light skin.

-he he…

-My name is Sara, a pleasure

-Ah, I'm Shimizu Rena, I'm from Japan.

-So your name is... Shimizu? What a strange name

-It is not like that, in the East the surname is said before the name.

-Seriously? I'm not very familiar with eastern culture, by the way, so you only have one last name?

-Yes, in Japan when two people get together, the surname is unified.

-Well, not here, but it offends me not to tell you my full name, I'm Sara Flores Castillo.

-A pleasure

Rena sees the time from a clock on the wall and she remembers that she has to go.

-Uaa, I have to go or I'll be late for the SPA.

-Are you going there too?

- Too?

-Today I start the course at the SPA, we can go together if you like.

-It would be a great help in case I get lost

-Come on, I don't want the teacher to scold me.

-Yes, I follow you.

After the brief talk, both go to the station to take the transport to the SPA headquarters, after a moment a truck arrives with a normal view for the time in which a mechanized door retracts completely where they go down and up passengers for which both board the transport.

-I thought the bus would be more different from Japan

-Before I suppose it was. After the risk of a phenomenon similar to the volcanic winter that would be the cause of the excess release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by the factories of the time, all the governments of the planet sought measures to avoid it, and the technology and way of life of Japan were a great example in several aspects, after all, they were the ones who patented a fuel that is more efficient than oil and friendly to the environment.

-It was to be expected that something similar happened to pass… but that I found practically the same type of bus was a surprise.

-Of course it has its changes, but the base is the same. I don't think a country wants to unleash a phenomenon similar to the one it was about to do some centuries ago.

-I guess.

"Next stop: SPA CDMX"

-Looks like we're almost there.

The bus stops its route and the mechanized doors fold up again without leaving a trace of themselves, Rena and Sara get off the bus and go to the entrance of the institution.


A figure reveals himself on a busy road with a backpack while he talks on his cell phone. A man of average height, brown hair and a serious attitude walks without much more worries than what he heard on the phone.

- Did a gold drop fall?!

He immediately covered his mouth after yelling that and the crowd turned to see him, he made a face of embarrassment and continued on his way while the attitude on his face suddenly started to show more emotions.

After calming down he returns to the conversation of the call.

-Well, what is its content Emiliano?

-It's confusing, the drop fell a little bit later when Aisaac and I arrived at Zafiro. But its content is too open.

- Well, it must be. The gold drops are light accumulations that fall from the stalactite of the cave of hado in Veracruz and show a prophecy of an early or late event that will be extremely important, it is basically a warning that has never been wrong.

-That is exactly the problem, normally the drop of gold shows the warning in front of those who are close to it, but this time it has to be seen and at the same time not.

- Who was there?

-Akira, Fernando, Aisaac, Santiago and me

-Ok, what does the reflection say?

Emiliano's voice through the phone makes a sound of clearing his throat and he proceeds to speak

-He says the following: The light of the last centuries in the area will witness the beginning of a crucial point in his trajectory. An event that will decide the beginning of the decline of one of the two most important groups in the land where the cave of hado was established. The flame will know his destiny and will have an encounter with the one who will steal something from him that he did not think was possible to steal from him, the encounter with the princess of the cataclysm will define the beginning of a series of events that cannot be overlooked.

Vesta, after boarding the bus, remains meditating while he is on the phone about the prophecy that gave the drop of gold and after thinking for a while he speaks again.

-The light of the last centuries... I suppose it refers to the legion, right?

-On this side we think the same, as is evident the land is Mexico and the groups we are practically sure are the legion and Dark Moon

-The decline of us or theirs is coming... We can't take it lightly.

-As for the rest, we are still in the process of deciphering it, but it is evident that with "The flame" refers to you, after all you are the disciple of the hado of fire.

-The problem is the other… who is the princess of the cataclysm… From what the prophecy says, I am the one who will have an encounter with her.

-Yes, and under experiences it is not about someone who will simply define the fall of one of the groups just for the sake of it. It is probably a somewhat irregular event that simply marks the beginning.

-Then it is very likely that it is an early prophecy, isn't it?

Everything seems to indicate that.

-Mmmmm… After class I'll go to Zafiro, I need to analyze some things.

-Understood, we'll wait for you.

Vesta hangs up the phone and looks up at the sky as he gets off the bus, letting out a sigh.

-At this moment there is no point in focusing on that, for now I will continue the day normally, but I should be alert anyway, even if nobody knows who I am.

Vesta adjusts his backpack to his shoulders and enters the SPA CDMX while he goes to the room that had been assigned to him according to his career while he observes the infrastructure of the school.

-It is a very interesting place, I come only for the title, but it seems that it will not bother me to be here.

Upon entering the classroom, he sits on a bench slightly away from the front of the class while he leans on one of her arms and waits for the teacher's arrival.

-Sorry? Is the seat available?

Vesta turns to his left and sees a redheaded student quite tall by local standards.

-Sure, go ahead, they haven't assigned anything yet.

-Thank you, a pleasure, my name is Roberto Guzmán Ríos.

-Vesta Rio Montes Guerrero, a pleasure as well

-Well, call me Roberto and I'll call you Vesta.

-It seems reasonable to me

A bell rings in the background in the classroom and the teacher enters the class, after arranging his books on the desk he goes to the class.

-Good morning, I am the teacher who will be in charge of you as an advisor, I like to be objective and efficient, so I will explain the working method of the SPA.

He opens his portfolio from which he takes out a plastic pencil that when pressing a button turns on a tip and prepares to write on the digital whiteboard of his back

the important points of what he was saying.

-To begin with, the evaluation method is simple, but that is not why it should be neglected. At the end of each semester, you will show a project that implements what they have learned in all the classes in their area. This project must always be delivered in teams of 4 that will be formed. right now. I must emphasize that it is recommended that they get along with that team because it is the one they will work with throughout this career, that is, that team of 4 will not be separated in any way for the next 4 years with exceptions in certain special conditions.

Condition 1: A registration problem or a violation of the academy rules has been detected that causes the expulsion of one of the members of the group.

Condition 2: One of the members does not contribute anything to the group and there is evidence of this.

Condition 3: The death of one of the team members

After saying that, the faces of many of the students were surprised at condition 3 because it was relatively extreme. Realizing this, the teacher turns to his students and tells them.

-I am aware that it is a strange situation but unfortunately it is there because it can happen and it has already happened, because one of our students lost the battle against a terminal illness and died, so that rule had to be established. Insensitive? Maybe a little, necessary? Completely because the life of a foreign person can reach its final sigh but one's life cannot and it must be continued. Now let's begin to form the quartets, in the room there are the necessary students to form exactly 5 teams. I will give 10 minutes, if at the end there are people free, they will join the rest who are free.

When the teacher finishes talking, Roberto turns to Vesta and before he can say a word, Vesta interrupts him.

-Let me guess you want to team up

-Wow, faster than I thought.

-Perhaps it is not appropriate for me to say it, but my feelings are usually right, very much for or against me.

-Please do not catalog this in your regret.

-Hahahaha, okay. I have no problem teaming up with you.

- What do we do about the rest of the members?

-Don't worry about it, the teacher said that the rest would get together, so we'll end up with a team, after all.

After the 10 minutes have passed, the teacher looks up and goes to the classroom.

-Well, who was free?

Vesta and Roberto raise their hands at the same time as two girls who were in the other corner of the room.

-Excellent, you already know your team, now move so that the team is completely close, the tables can form arches just so that the team can work comfortably, don't worry about the rest of today, in a few moments you can go out to meet background the facilities so use the rest of the day to get to know each other well.

Vesta was getting up from his place to go to the other side when he realized that the pair of girls were heading towards him, when they were close one of them spoke to her.

-Don't bother, I think this place is more comfortable than the one over there

-As you like, I have no problem.

The brown-haired girl thanks Vesta and together with the other they sit on the other two spare chairs, while Vesta looked away, the figure of the second girl crossed, which caused Vesta to open her eyes in surprise immediately having been captivated by the face of that beautiful girl with short blue hair and glasses that hid a pair of beautiful light blue eyes, she passed by him to reach his chair.

As soon as he returned to normal sanity he noticed a mocking smile coming from Roberto looking at him to which Vesta decides to respond.

- What?

-Nothing, just that you perfectly concealed your trip to the moon.

Vesta adjusts her throat which draws the attention of the two girls who were also apparently in their own world.

-I don't know what you're talking about, but changing the subject I think it's a little rude that we haven't introduced ourselves since this will be our group for the race so let me.

With a completely formal and serious voice, Vesta adjusts his tie and addresses the entire table.

-My name is Vesta Rio Montes Guerrero. You can call me Vesta or Rio without problems, however, I would prefer Vesta. It's a pleasure.

After the final gesture he felt a sight that did nothing but look at him, but he could not identify who was because he barely raised his head and he no longer had the feeling.

Roberto, following Vesta's initiative, proceeds to introduce himself.

-Certainly I find it impolite even for a couple of ladies to show up before the men so it's my turn, I'm Roberto Guzmán Ríos. Call me what you prefer, delighted.

Both girls nod their heads and the girl with long black hair decides to speak.

-Of course it's a pleasure, My name is Sara Flores Castillo, I hope we get along… Ah! And you can call me Sara.

When Sara finished, Vesta dressed his gaze towards the other girl because he was quite curious about her name.

After analyzing she, there was no way that those features were local. He was barely finishing analyzing what country she could have come from when the girl introduced herself.

-My name is Shimizu Rena, I come from Japan as a scholarship student, it's a pleasure.

-Rena huh? A nice name.

He had decided to comment on something to start a conversation and break the silence of the table.

-Wait, wait, do you know how names work in Japan?

Immediately Sara asked in surprise.

Yes, I am somewhat familiar with them.

-eh… After I found Sara-san I thought that few people knew the arrangement of names in Mexico.

-You are wrong, in fact, there is a great majority that knows it and it is rarer to find people who do not know it

-Hey Vesta I felt that personal.

-Well, don't take it personally, Sara.

- Hey?...

Roberto raised his voice a little uncomfortable

-I can also enter the conversation?

-Uhm, sure? Although I don't know why you didn't go in alone.

- Hey, Vesta, don't be cruel! You just met me and you're already lecturing me? At least have a little consideration.

-Society will not consider you Roberto.


-Easy Roberto-san I guess you'll have to learn from scratch.

-I'm not sure that was a consolation.

Sara gets up from her chair as she gives her entire team a look.

-Looks like we can go out now, so why don't we go to the campus?

-That seems fine to me.

Rena gets up from her chair as she is followed by Roberto and Vesta to head the 4 towards the exit.

-What should we review first about the school?

-The infrastructure, as well as the equipment and options offered by the school should be a priority in my opinion...

-Uaa… you really go with very clear goals, isn't that right, Vesta-san?

-It is necessary to know under what conditions the school works, as well as the opportunities it can offer you, that way you can begin to get an idea of ​​needs outside the campus.

- I want to see the cafeteria!

-I agree with Sara, that is also an aspect to take into account.

-Do they really arrive at the SPA and it only occurs to them that the first thing to check is the cafeteria? Sara? Roberto?

-I know it's not very suitable, but... I'm hungry...

After saying that, Sara's stomach growled loudly while the other 3 only contained laughter, Sara noticed that and her face immediately turned red.

-W-Well anyway let's eat please!

-… Didn't you have breakfast?

- No, I didn't have time for that! So let's go to the cafeteria and don't make fun of me Roberto, I realize you're not even trying to hide your laughter!

-hahahaha… Ah… I'm sorry, impossible not to laugh.

-H-hey Sara-san… but you had time to talk to me on the stairs of the building…

-Ugh… it's just… I practically just woke up… Anyway, we're going to the cafeteria!

-In agreement

Once in the cafeteria, Sara goes directly to a table and pulls up a table screen showing the menu as she motions for the rest to hurry up. Once at the table, the group pulls up their menu screen and chooses what they would order.

-Well, in what we hope you would like to talk about your reasons for coming to this race.

-We should get to know each other better if we're going to work every semester together… I know, start your Vesta.

- Me? Why?

-You are by far the most serious here and you give off an aura of mystery, you also have quite a formal vocabulary.

-…Mystery… I have to admit that it made me a little crazy.

-If Vesta doesn't want to then I'll do it. I applied for the SPA because it's a school quite close to my home and the Biotechnological Development career covers too many aspects for it not to be tempting to take it, you can go to practically any work area after graduation.

-It is a valid reason I must say, although the fact of "close to my home" I do not consider it a valid argument.


-And how about you Sara? Roberto already gave his intentions.

-I applied here because it was a wish when I was little, my mother graduated from here and I managed to get my family forward despite my father's illness, also... it was my father's last wish before he died.

-That's a compelling reason… They made a fool of you Roberto.

-I'm not articulate for these situations so I just won't say anything.

-You already said a lot Roberto-san.

-I'm sorry if we are disrespecting your good intention, Sara, but as you can see, Roberto is not very intuitive, it seems.

- Hey! What did that come to?

- Deduct it.

After the little discussion Sara starts laughing and interrupts them.

-There is no kind of offense, yes... it's a sad memory... but I'm mature enough to face it and it already has a bit of that.

-Okay, so if there are no more comments I guess I'll be next. Apply to the SPA for being the highest academic authority worldwide and to the career of biotechnological development due to the areas it covers and I will focus on the development of aerial and nanotechnological prototypes so that one day you may see one of my patents become the base of a theory or the basis of mass production in history.

-Wow… That's thinking big.

-It may be, while it may not be up to the task, but I won't know until I try. (I think I'm not the best to say that after everything I've developed for the legion... haha...).

- What about you Rena?

-I came to study here because I managed to obtain an international exchange scholarship for a full career abroad and one of my relatives comes from this school precisely, so it was a good idea for me to ask for it since I also wanted to leave Japan and get to know diverse places.

-A student of excellence within Japanese standards, that is a great prestige from my point of view.

-C-could be, but… I don't think it's that good.

-What for one person may be nothing for another is a galaxy of difference or an unattainable goal.

-E-even so, I think it's not unattainable, don't think too much of me... please...

-The prestige is something that is brought from antecedents, but the esteem forms it step by step from facts so it forms your own esteem.

-By any chance, don't you have a book on hand with all those kinds of Vesta phrases?

-No, why?

-Because it's hard to believe that you have one for every possible situation.

-Simply the phrases that I was once told or heard remained engraved in my mind.

-Yes, of course, and I can fly.


-I think we already spent a lot of time in the cafeteria, right guys? I think it's time we moved elsewhere.

-We are here in the cafeteria because you ordered a banquet and you just finished it, by the way, how is it possible that you finished all that?

-Don't go into details, I just said I hadn't had breakfast so let's go.

The group got up and went to various places in the institution while chatting and doing a few silly things while seeing how trust grew between them, while Vesta's group headed for the door due to the end of the class schedule Vesta's phone sounded with a peculiar ringtone that broke the atmosphere of the group a bit and caught the attention of the four members.

Vesta picks up the phone and looks at the sender.

I'm sorry, it's important. I will see you tomorrow because it will probably take me a few moments.

The group watches as Vesta's attitude becomes extremely serious and she walks away from her a bit as she answers the phone.

-Do you think it is a relative with a problem?

-I don't think Vesta-san would adopt that attitude because of something like that...

-We'll have to ask him tomorrow, come on.

The remaining three get on the bus to their residences while Rena looks back at Vesta's figure slowly disappearing into the distance.