
Overload (English Version)

It's the year 2570, civilization has advanced a lot while staying afloat with its own problems, in the shadows of it, an ancient group that knows the secret force of living beings moves to stop those who use that same force with evil purposes, without the rest of society finding them. The corruption of hado lurks everywhere looking for a strange and harmful target for society, the disciples of hado will do whatever it takes to evade it. The land has changed during that time, the history has evolved, the technology, the ideals... the races. Will it be the same land that everyone knows? What mysteries does this world really hide?

Iron_Moonlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Hi! It's been tooooooooooo long since i last uptdated this one, but here I am. I dind't forgot this version. it's just that i had a lot of trouble towards this one and just recently find the time to continue it... since the spanish version ended the first arc and the writing of the second arc is reaching a critical point, I needed all I've got to make it great. In the following days i'll be uptdating even more chapters than before the pause, meanwhile, read this one.



A crowd gathers in the Ruby hangar, the legion's air base in Japan, several of them seem to be discussing a plan or strategies, in the central part the figure of a thin girl with semi-long white hair with an ornament behind her head stands out, her eyes were white as well, she wore a battle suit with blue details and a red bow hung from his hair ornament.

An imposing figure that emitted an intimidating aura approaches the white-haired girl, wearing a light brown battle suit with yellow details, his short brown hair completely revealing the huge scar on his left eye and after displaying an interface from his left ear speaks to the girl.

- What is the situation Kazumi?

-It's not very special, it's just the suppression of an ARASHI move.

- How many assets do we have available?

-We have 3 supreme masters and 10 masters. The 4 great masters will be in charge of keeping the stasis field stable.

-I see…

-Our commander is Suibun-sama and he has us two Armando as supports.

-If it really is an important movement for ARASHI, it is likely that we will find at least two Ringu, right?

-It would be most likely.

A relatively tall figure enters the hangar, he was wearing a black battle suit over which he wore a robe with blue details that resembled waves, on his back he wore a huge Japanese kanji that represented water. His long black hair highlighted his blue eyes. The figure took an elevated position and addressed the crowd.

-I'll explain what we know quickly. ARASHI movement was detected a few minutes ago and we are the squadron that is closest to the situation, we have confirmed 16 ARASHI assets, we do not know if there are more or what rank they are. The strategy will be as follows, the three supreme masters will be divided as follows, One of them will stay to take care of the team of great masters in charge of maintaining the ecstasy field, while the other two will each lead a squad of 5 masters and they will neutralize minor targets, that is, any enemy that is not a Ringu unless it is an emergency. Kazumi, Armando and I will take care of neutralizing Ringus in case of his appearance, if there are free moments we will go to support some of the squads led by the supreme masters, understood?

A unison voice responded to Fernando's last exclamation and they withdrew to divide into the requested squadrons. In turn, Kazumi and Armando approached Fernando to talk to him.

-Definitely… serious speech… doesn't fit you at all Suibun-sama.

-Don't tell me Kazumi….

-Well, at least there was enough explanation.

-Do you have any doubts about the operation?


-Okay, we leave in 30 seconds.

A circular hatch opened in the hangar floor, releasing the wind force below.

-The target is 40 kilometers northeast of here, jump!

All the squadrons jumped into the void and started the holographic communicator while it dictated the instructions: "False perspective on. Navigation system on. Voice channel on. All systems Green" All the units that were in free fall released a small explosion before falling on the surface of a building and after that they broke the sound barrier heading north. After a few seconds, it was possible to see a group of armed people moving certain objects.

-Disciple of the hado of water establishing visual contact with the enemy. Entering combat mode, Deploy the stasis field now!

The squad made up of the 4 great masters first went down to the ground and after a movement of their hands by themselves, they generated 4 elemental particles, each one of which they crushed with a clap and after opening them by stretching what seemed to be a network of each element, they directed a hand up and left the other with the palm up stretched out in front, after stretching the hand up a field began to form around where the fight was taking place which covered the area almost immediately and immediately afterwards the 4 people generating the field in ecstasy they slammed the fist in the palm of the other hand as they sat down together. An armed figure in a gray battle suit resembling that of a ninja pounced on the stasis field makers with his spear as he was intercepted by the katana of the supreme master in charge of the field squad.

-Focus on the stasis field, I'm in charge of protecting you.

- Understood!

The attacker launched several attacks that were easily blocked by the defender. The spear pointed at his feet with a horizontal slash and in response his opponent jumped with a twist, delivering an upward diagonal cut while the attacker was covered by the spear, but causing him to move back, both opponents resumed a battle-ready stance and resumed their fight. The supreme master launched himself first with a stinging attack that was deflected by his opponent's spear and immediately afterwards two sound barriers broke at once, letting out a metallic rumble of constant impacts at mach speed, a few seconds later both fighters showed themselves at once and backed away, the spear user approaching again as the katana user smiled.


A light began to emit from the blade of his katana causing a flash of light that blinded the attacker's sight for just 1 second, giving him enough time to get behind him and hit his neck with the back of the katana, leaving him completely out of range. combat.

-Okay, one less. The rest of the squads seem to be doing well but I don't know anything about Suibun or the apprentices… Ringus has probably already appeared.

"Enemy reinforcements detected, stay tuned. Currently we detect 2 Ringus, Purity and Earth are facing one each, 2 more are approaching which I will handle. Which means that we will not be able to support them"


I hope you don't have too many problems.


The clash of a pair of metal fans and tonfas resounded in one part of the battlefield. Both opponents did not give in to any of their flashing and very accurate attacks, the user of the fans was Kazumi, who had a fairly equal hand-to-hand combat against an opponent with a very serious and intimidating appearance who handled his weapons very skillfully, in his right hand highlighted a ring with a purple stone, which indicated that he was one of the 12 rulers of the ARASHI terrorist complex, the Ringu. After a quick and short exchange, both opponents step back while bearing the impact of the kick with one hand to the ground.

-You're quite skilled for a girl.

-I don't want your flattery, old man.

-Oh come on I'm only 25.

-This information is not my concern.

- Why are you so cold? I would like to have a warm conversation with a person before killing them, I know... if you give up I can forgive you and make you my special subordinate...

-Ara... that sounds great, unfortunately I feel the need to reject the offer.

-Why not? Can't you see that you are facing the Ringu of darkness, one of the leaders of ARASHI, can't you see that you don't have a chance?

-I could say that you are the one who does not have it.

-Do not make me laugh.

-If you consider it a joke, it's not my problem.

-You will face Dark Ringu. You better start praying for your life!

-You can call me Purity.

-... Wait a minute... Puri...?

After that exchange of words, Kazumi launched towards his opponent with a double slash with his fans which is covered with his opponent's tonfas, but fails to cover the subsequent kick which throws his opponent into the sky, exposing him. From the ground, Kazumi generates 5 purity particles at the tip of each fan, firing two bursts of pure energy that directly impact his opponent without giving him a chance to cover himself, immediately after, Kazumi enters at mach speed, positioning himself where his enemy is and kicking him. air ax slamming him to the ground.

-Ngh… Gah!

- What's wrong?... Where did all that confident Ringu-san go?

-Gghhhh… Damn!

Dark Ringu got up and arranged his tonfas ready to charge the attack, he spun his tonfas and charged them with darkness powering them, then charged against Kazumi, who with an elegant and subtle movement avoids the attack and counter attacks while whispering lightly: "Bakuhatsu", after saying the activation three unstable particles of purity are generated in his hand which explode towards the Ringu, impacting again.

-Gah!... Grrr... That way of fighting... That appearance... and that pair of fans...

- Did Ringu-san lose confidence?

-The name of those fans is Pacemakers right?

-Hmmm... that's right... He he.

-Tch! And to think that I would have to face the famous Tenshi.

-I don't know the reason why my nickname is that... but after all it's not a topic of discussion now.

-I should have reacted when you said to call you Purity… Your appearance is unmistakable, there are very few people with total albinism in the world.

- Should I take that as a compliment?

-Take it how you want, I can't take you lightly. Now I'll get serious, you'll be sorry you made me angry!

-Well… Show me what you can do.

The sonic explosion of two figures was unleashed while the sound of barely distinguishable silhouettes of both figures colliding could be seen through the curtain of blows that could be heard, Dark Ringu stepped back and launched a series of lethals that was blocked by Kazumi's fans immediately. She responds with a curtain of his own lethal shurikens that are easily dodged by his opponent.

-Your lethals are curious, it's been a long time since I fought with someone who uses shurikens.

-Yours are just sharp disks, nothing special about them.

-Of course not, why would a throwable and disposable weapon have something extremely special? Yours don't either

Kazumi let out a small smile and closed the fans he had in his hands while whispering lightly: "Hageshi ame", Ringu's instincts made him turn immediately as he watched all the shurikens that Kazumi had thrown heading towards him, he quickly raised his tonfas. and tried to block as many as he could by taking damage from the huge amount coming his way. As he could barely block the lethal rain he heard a voice whisper in his ear.

- Why do you look away from your opponent?

A clean cut avoiding the ribs pierced both of the Ringu's lungs causing it to neglect the defense of the rain and it caused even more damage based on constant cuts, somehow the Ringu manages to move back and leans on one hand while coughing up blood in large amounts.

-Cough… cough… Nghaaaa!

It looks like you can't even talk anymore.

-Ngh… what the hell was that?



-That's my hado ability.

-To think that this girl would be my opponent…

-Hey… I'm not a girl, I'm 17.

-Grrr… I don't care!

-Besides, of course, my objective was for you to use the black box, otherwise it would be very stupid in these fights for us to try to deal vital points, there is no one who does not know the black box.

-I'll have to get my best cards...

The Ringu stood up as if nothing had happened even with its lungs punctured, retracted its tonfas and spawned various particles of darkness as he yelled: "Explosive streak!" and he began to constantly hit all the particles with his tonfas to throw them forwards which exploded a while later causing Kazumi to start evading. While he evaded the particles, Kazumi began to analyze them discovering their formula and function,

-(They don't explode on contact, they explode 0.75 seconds after being thrown and travel a maximum of 12 meters before exploding, so you should have a margin to deflect them.)

Kazumi launched himself towards a particle, closed one of his fans and hit the particle back propelling it with a light explosion of air, The Ringu seeing this jumped to the side to avoid it.


-hehe… I was right.

The pattern was repeated several times until Kazumi managed to close the distance and launched to make another attack, but is interrupted by a smile from the Ringu and notices a group of dark particles that were below her. Kazumi closes one of her fans and throws it towards the Ringu, but it is dodged by her opponent, at the same time she holds her other fan tightly and blocks as much of the energy beam that is shot at her from the ground as possible, failing to cover it completely. causing her to be thrown backwards, an opportunity that the Ringu takes advantage of to attack her with another couple of blows with his tonfas and whipping her against a nearby wall.


-I think you underestimated me...

Kazumi stands up reeling a bit from the pain and regains her stance as she glances at her opponent and smiles.

-I never underestimated you… I just couldn't get closer any other way.

-Hmm? Gahh!

The fan that Kazumi had thrown came back and stuck quite deep into one of Ringu's lungs, almost reaching the heart. The blow makes Ringu resentful and tries to counterattack but is distracted by it, which gives Kazumi enough time to come closer, pick up her fan and reopen both while creating two particles in the middle of her pair of fans which start to rotate around each other as Kazumi says lightly: "White canyon", A huge ace of white light came out of the pair. of fans and completely impacted his opponent, throwing him several meters backwards in which the effect of the ace of light ended. The Ringu can barely stay conscious after receiving the ability, but manages to stand up.

-Not for nothing are you one of the leaders of ARASHI, right?

-Ah… fff… ahhhh…. fff… No…. I'm still standing!

An aura of darkness was generated around her enemy while she was thinking of a strategy.

-(Activating 110% against her is absurd right now, I'm not in a favorable situation so I absolutely need to defeat her without her Overload activating).

The Ringu generated 7 particles of darkness in each hand and shouted into the air: "Unleash your gluttony, Dark Eater!" A bizarre creature began to form in front of him as it consumed the particles from the Ringu's hands and channeled shock waves before unleashing the attack.

Kazumi reacts quickly and generates 8 particles in her hands which she plants on the ground and a white circle is generated under her feet as she says a trigger in Japanese: "Winged steed soaring through the skies, answer me!", a silhouette of a steed begins to come out of the circle and the back of the circle begins to lift Kazumi's body which takes the position to mount it. After about 4 seconds of channeling the 2 opponents release their attack.

-Devour, my servant!

-Dazzle, Pegasus!

The bizarre creature jumped at its opponent's attack raising its limbs and Kazumi's Pegasus shot forward causing a shock wave between that creature and its steed that after a short time exploded destroying the creature and continuing on its way to the Ringu who can't cover the attack and receives it squarely. After finishing its displacement the pegasus disappears and Kazumi lands on her feet on the ground in front of the Ringu.


-He's unconscious… After all I had to use my strongest technique to defeat him. I guess it's over. Since I hit my magnetism, it already began to have a disadvantage...

Kazumi closes hes fans and opens a circle of white hado through which all the lethals that she had thrown onto the battlefield enter, after a moment she closes it and turns to see her opponent on the ground. She generates two particles of hado that she imbues in her fans with which he opens and closes generating white chains that she launches towards her opponent smashing them to the ground. She begins to remember the time of the shurikens and analyzes the situation.

-(Magnetism... a hado ability that allows its user to make objects imbued with his fate return to himself whenever he wishes... it seems that this opponent did not know that ability).

"Here Purity, I neutralize one of the Ringu"

"Head to support the Earth."


-It seems that he finished before Armando, I wonder how is he doing.

Kazumi detects a detonation that raises dust in the field causing Kazumi to look in that direction, when the dust clears he lets himself see Armando carrying his characteristic "Devastating" mace with an enemy lying on the ground.

-It seems that he's done too, then all that's left is for Suibun-sama to finish

"Earth here, we have misinformation, my opponent was not a Ringu. He was a high-rank user mod"

"This is Purity, so we identify something that wasn't as a Ringu?"

"It seems"

"Suibun here, this is not the time to think about it, go to support the squads if you finished"


-Then Kazumi neutralized his opponent and Armando too….

Two figures entered the stasis field and stopped upon witnessing Fernando immediately going on guard.

-Looks like you know me.

-There is not a person who knows about fate and cannot recognize one of the disciples of hado...

-I see... But let me introduce myself, my name is Fernando Ramírez del Rio, I am his opponent this time.

-We are not interested in your name, Sovereign of the water.

-Okay… in that case let's not waste time.

Fernando quickly unsheathed two medium-range blades and launched himself at mach speed to attack, kneeling one of them in the stomach, throwing him back several meters and causing an exchange of attacks with his other opponent's katana. Fernando imbues his fairy blades with water and launches an X-shaped slash that his opponent fails to fully cover and shoots backwards, Fernando taking advantage of this, concentrates on his other opponent who was charging towards him with a spear . The spear user generates three air particles that he channels and converts into three air blades that he throws towards Fernando, which he dodges with great ease and takes advantage of the inertia of the evasive movement to get closer and perform a sweep that causes his opponent to fall and before Before he touches the ground, he hits him with an upward roundhouse kick that launches him into the air, then launches 6 lethals at him. His opponent manages to regain her composure and blocks the lethals with her spear, but upon blocking them by hitting them with her spear, the lethals explode, scattering water around him. The water blast hits his opponent squarely, who falls hard to the ground and regroups with his ally.

-Cough… cough… what was that?

-I don't know, you hit the lethals and then they exploded in water.

-It shouldn't be possible, I don't channel anything into them.

-We don't have time for that, for now fight avoiding the le-

A flying kick from Fernando sends the katana user flying, which gives Fernando time to generate two water particles with which he generates two projectiles with each one and launches them towards the distant opponent with a clean impact. The spear user steps back from attacking his partner and returns to a defensive stance.

- What the hell was that lethal?!

- Hmm?... I understand that you are a Ringu, right? You must be very new to not know my ability.


-Well, that makes me understand that you don't know it, in that case let me enlighten you. My ability is called "Allergy" and it causes objects that I imbue with an elemental particle to explode materializing hado according to my affinity upon contact with the hado of another person


-Looks like you're smart enough to understand what that means.

-Even so, we are Ringus, we will not fall easily!

-We'll see.

A slash of light went towards Fernando who raised a wall of water with which he covered the attack, it came from the katana user that he had thrown back a few moments ago and he looked quite injured since he could barely stand.

-Ahh… fff… ahhgggg… Don't forget about me!

Fernando launched towards him, but was intercepted by his other opponent's spear, being repelled back, after being repelled, Fernando, was surrounded by a series of wind particles that responded to the activation of the spear user: "Wind prison " enclosing it between constant air currents. Taking advantage of the situation, the two Ringu met.

-Charge the Overload.

- You're sure?

-I won't be able to support you much more, I'm very hurt and maybe the only thing I can give you is time to load it.

-Okay, I'll lend it to you.

Fernando freed himself from the air prison and charged forward, clashing weapons with the katana user who was trying to entertain Fernando as much as possible, but with few results, an exchange of blows at mach speed revealed that Fernando had complete control of the confrontation. . A reverse stabbing attack by Fernando caused one of his blades to impact a kidney and lung of his enemy, stunning him for a few seconds and giving him enough time to finish him off with a blow to the neck with the handle of his blades, throwing his opponent back against a wall, smashing it and putting him completely out of action.

Fernando turned to see the other enemy of his to realize what he was doing and immediately identifying the Overload charge.

- Here you will fall Sovereign of the Ocean! Devastating wind that generates unstoppable blizzards and hurricanes, grant me your strength and cause my power to multiply, Wind Overload!

An explosion of wind pressure shook the field and the Ringu's appearance also changed. His hair turned light green with an intangible appearance that blew in time with the wind, his pupils took on a different design with lines marked with a figure similar to a air current that replaced the central part of his pupil, his body now emitted a much more powerful aura as he took steady steps towards his opponent.

- Is it 110% true?

- What's with that?

-It's nothing... just... I find such a long activator for that curious.

-No matter what you say you lost, I won't let you activate yours.

The Ringu entered at mach speed and launched completely into Fernando's attack, who dodged everything he could, but this time the difference in power was visible and he couldn't cover absolutely everything. The Ringu generated five wind particles in each hand and made them spin as much as he could generating a couple of tornadoes that hit the battlefield and blocking any escape, after cornering Fernando, he brought the tornadoes together and clenched his fists making them explode and releasing all the wind pressure that the attack had causing his opponent to come out shot back but managed to recover quickly.

-What do you think now? This is your downfall.

-It's certainly a fair amount of power and technique... but your plan is flawed.

-Of course it isn't, if it was, you would win.

-That's why it has flaws. I will win.

-That's impossible. You would have to activate your Overload and I won't let you channel it.

-That's correct, but it would be doable if I needed to channel to activate 110%…


-hehe… Water apocalypse!

An explosion of water was generated around Fernando's body changing the shape of his classic long black hair as if it were made of water, semi-crystalline bluish and with the inconsistent movement of the same substance, the pupil of his eyes turned blue. light generating the figure of a drop in the center of it.

-It just can't be…

-The activation phrase of an Overload can be reduced as much as you can understand the activation according to its power level. Now… what will you do? I still have 3 minutes of my Overload, but you have 2:40, do you give up?

-Grrrgggg aaaAAAA!

The Ringu charged with all its power towards Fernando while generating several particles of wind and coupled them to his charge creating an extremely powerful run, in response, Fernando raised his hands and generated 4 water particles in each hand and exploded them on the ground while saying the activation: "Water Vortex". Immediately a huge whirlpool of water was generated on the battlefield and dragged Ringu towards him who tried to resist in vain and quickly the vortex swallowed him becoming smaller and smaller and exploding a little later. After the disappearance of the technique, El Ringu, was still standing in the center of it with barely the strength to stay upright.

-It's over.


Fernando got behind him and with the handle of one of his blades hit his opponent's neck, knocking him out and canceling his Overload.

"Suibun here, neutralize the remaining Ringus. Situation report"

"Attack successfully repelled. We started cleanup recently"

"Copied I go to help"

-Now the problem is going to be Armando's enemy… I'll have to report this to the legion headquarters when I get to Ruby.

Fernando encapsulated the two enemies he neutralized and met with the rest of his companions, seeing him arrive, Kazumi quickly approached him to help him with one of the encapsulated ones.

When protecting them correctly Fernando went to Armando.

-Explain your enemy.

-Yes, I reached the interception point, but upon arrival he ignored me and began to hit everything in his path, I set out to chase him and I generated several particles, as well as lethal ones to delay his movements, but he didn't even try to dodge them and he received them from full causing the reduction of his movement, but he quickly withdrew the lethal spikes and continued on his way now on all 4 legs. It was a pain in the ass to catch him and I used a rumble to stop him completely.

-So he's unconscious, right?

-He should be…

-What do you mean?

-See for yourself.

Armando led Fernando to where that enemy had been suppressed, he had the appearance of a normal human but did not behave in any way like one, he was constantly trying to break free of the shackles of earth fate that he had placed, at his side there were four teachers who watched him for anything.

-Okay, let me take a look.

Fernando generated a particle of water on his finger and drew a circle with it which he threw towards the subject's neck, causing the total restriction of his movement. Fernando touched his neck and identified that his vital signs were still stable so he proceeded to reflex tests which he passed without problems.

- Why does he seem to be unconscious?

-Don't know…

-Anyway, we take it with us.

- Yeah!

The entire squad prepared to leave and when they were ready, they began to generate a symbol on their chest that when it finished filling up they disappeared along with everything they had collected. Immediately afterwards they appeared in Ruby's hangar where they were received by support teams for the wounded commanded by Emiliano, the disciple of hado of earth.

It seems that there were no major complications.

-The only latent problem is that guy over there.

Fernando pointed to the capsule in which the opponent Armando fought against was suppressed, which was guarded by the same team that was in charge of maintaining the ecstasy field.

-I can't imagine what happened to him.

-Neither do we. Call Vesta, probably he will know what to do.


Everyone withdrew from the hangar to a specific location while the pods were taken to a containment area.