
4. Chapter 4


In the days that followed their improper, but enlightening, tête-à-tête, Elizabeth found herself to be surprisingly comfortable in Mr. Bingley's presence. Despite her initial fears (and subsequent retreat to Jane's room for the remainder of the day), Mr. Bingley's easy manners and warmth of address spoke to his state of mind and allowed her own to be calmed. With the exception of the slightly nervous breakfast the morning after their encounter in the library, their interactions moving forward were characterized by a level of affection and comfort often shared by those with a much longer acquaintance. Indeed, anyone who witnessed them might have thought there was some type of attachment between Elizabeth and Mr. Bingley, based on the obvious ease and familiarity that quickly developed between the two, but both participants knew better. They viewed each other more as siblings than lovers.

For her part, Elizabeth enjoyed Mr. Bingley's company so much that she no longer was quite so irritated by his insufferable sisters nor his haughty friend. Mr. Bingley's amiable nature was pleasant, but there was also a goodness about him that was deeper than mere friendliness. She also quickly began to gather evidence in support of her early suspicion that perhaps Mr. Bingley was more clever than he preferred to display. She would observe conversations among the party and often spot a glimmer to his eye that suggested a deeper understanding than she felt his words conveyed. She wondered about this withheld intellect, but did not comment.

It did, however, allow her to better understand how Mr. Bingley and a man like Mr. Darcy could be friends. After all, for whatever Mr. Darcy was – in her head she ticked off, proud, rude, disagreeable, overly particular – he certainly possessed an intelligent and quick mind and would likely be quickly bored by a friend with a lesser intellect. In actual fact, she respected his intelligence and was beginning to enjoy observing and interacting with Mr. Darcy, not that she would ever admit such a thing, to herself nor anyone else.

Mr. Bingley, however, possessed no such barriers to recognizing the developing mutual intrigue between his good friends, but wisely chose to keep his observations to himself. The first time he noted a marked level of interest by Darcy was during tea the day following his private conversation with Miss Elizabeth.

In an uncharacteristic move, Caroline was not present for tea. Perhaps she actually had other pressing matters requiring her attention or was in yet another fight with Louisa or perhaps she merely did not realize Mr. Darcy would be joining and so did not care to attend (otherwise, Charles knew she would certainly have made a point to be there). For his part, Charles was also surprised that he and Darcy had made it to tea since that morning they had had their first tenant dispute to negotiate. As Charles had never owned land with tenants, he had not had experience with these types of situations and was rather nervous. Darcy, being an excellent friend, kindly agreed to accompany Charles, despite having plenty of his own correspondence and estate business to address. Charles knew that he used Darcy's presence as a crutch at times, but he found that even just knowing he had the support of his friend allowed him to be much more at ease and therefore more effective. Ironically, as Darcy observed to him on the ride back, Charles was apparently a natural at settling disputes. Secretly, each thought that this was likely due to being the only brother of two rather spoiled and vapid sisters that he learnt early on to diffuse problems, but neither would ever say such a thing out loud.

Upon the gentlemen's entrance into the parlour, Elizabeth and Mrs. Hurst were surprised. Mr. Hurst, too, might have been surprised had he not already managed to lull himself into a brandy-induced afternoon nap. Mr. Darcy likewise seemed surprised to see the ladies, perhaps not initially realizing it was tea time, and bowed briefly in greeting with a simple, "Mrs. Hurst, Miss Elizabeth," before striding directly to the picture window to gaze upon the grounds he had only just left. Mr. Bingley's greeting was somewhat warmer than his friend's and he seated himself with the ladies.

This was a relief to Elizabeth as Mrs. Hurst had been deeply passionate in her discussion of the latest fashionable colours for ladies' apparel (apparently "yellows and oranges are currently all the rage, although," Mrs. Hurst had observed with feigned sadness and a small cough, "these are really not colours suited to those with your … complexion..."). Although not strictly a topic of interest to Elizabeth, it clearly made Mrs. Hurst very happy to demonstrate her superior knowledge of and capacity to wear the current preferences of the ton and it seemed preferable to staring idly about the room, so Elizabeth had nodded and queried at the appropriate places. Still, she was relieved by the addition of Mr. Bingley since his presence would necessitate a new subject.

Mrs. Hurst, still freshly excited from her recent discussions of London society, began to press Mr. Bingley for a more definite plan about their stay in Hertfordshire and whether or not they might return to the city for the Christmas holidays and then stay through the Season. Mr. Bingley found himself in a slightly uncomfortable situation as his recent conversation with Miss Elizabeth was still fresh in his mind and he did not wish her to think he was disingenuous in his assurances to her. Indeed, he momentarily allowed his mind to fantasize that by Christmastime, perhaps he may have a new mistress for Netherfield, but these were hardly appropriate thoughts to express. He glanced quickly at Miss Elizabeth and observed her interest in the subject, but saw she did not seem overly concerned. This lightened his discomfort and he opted to play the character of the flighty fellow to further divert the issue:

"Oh Louisa, you well know that whatever I do is done in a hurry," replied he; "and therefore if I should resolve to quit Netherfield, I should probably be off in five minutes. At present, however, I consider myself as quite fixed here."

Elizabeth smiled at his clever deflection: "That is exactly what I should have supposed of you."

"You begin to comprehend me, do you?" cried he, turning towards her, a certain twinkle in his eye the only clue to his game, but he recognized the dual intention of her words. It was clear to both that his sister was clueless as to any deeper meanings on either side.

"Oh! Yes – I understand you perfectly."

"I wish I might take this for a compliment; but to be so easily seen through I am afraid is pitiful." His mock injury painted across his face as he dramatically laid a hand across his heart. Louisa rolled her eyes, apparently abandoning discussions of London, and left in search of a servant to alert them to the party's readiness for the tea service.

Elizabeth chuckled and remembered her prior suspicions that he was more clever than he let on. "I do not believe that to be necessarily the case. It does not follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours." She was quite sure that he understood her meaning.

"I did not know before," continued Bingley immediately, "that you were a studier of character! It must be an amusing study." Unnoticed by Elizabeth due to the current configuration in the room, Charles' attention had been partially drawn by his quiet friend, who happened to be within his view but not Miss Elizabeth's. As much as Darcy claimed disinterest in Miss Elizabeth, Charles could not help but noticed Darcy's head was inclined toward their conversation. Interesting, he observed.

"Yes, but intricate characters are the most amusing. They have at least that advantage."

"The country can in general supply but a few subjects for such a study. In a country neighbourhood you move in a very confined and unvarying society." offered Darcy, quite surprising Lizzy who had not observed his interest in the discussion. Truth be told, Darcy himself was rather surprised at his voluntary participation in idle chat. Bingley was more amused than surprised, but hid this emotion well.

Despite her initial surprise, Elizabeth enjoyed Mr. Darcy's quickness of mind and observation on this matter and was never one to be intimidated from a topic of her own interest, so she nodded her head in agreement with him, but added, "This is quite true sir, but the people themselves alter so much, that there is something new to be observed in them for ever."

"Indeed," Mr. Darcy allowed, "but is that truly then a study of one's character or rather one's manner? Is character not considered to be a fixed feature whereas manners may alter with time or setting, be taught or neglected?"

"Ah, Mr. Darcy, I believe you are correct," Elizabeth acknowledged with a gentle inclination of her head, "so perhaps I should say that I enjoy the studies of both character and manner. Particularly fascinating are the ways in which the two might interact."

Darcy was about to inquire further into her explorations of these when they were interrupted by the entrance of the tea service. They each partook of the tea and cakes but the moment had passed. Very soon after her own tea was finished, Miss Elizabeth indicated a need to bring some refreshment to her sister and so departed the company. Darcy was uncomfortable to observe within himself a disappointment at the loss of her presence. He too retired soon after.

Mr. Bingley had watched it all with amusement and interest. He had never known Darcy to join in the middle of a conversation except with those he shared a long-standing and deep acquaintance. He resolved to monitor this further.

A/N: This is a slightly shorter chapter, but that's why I'm posting earlier than I had intended. I have another coming soon I hope (most likely over the weekend).

As always, reviews – constructive and supportive alike – are SO appreciated! They make me SO happy and really motivate me to keep going, even when I'm struggling :) Also, thank you to all those who added this story or me to alerts and favorites – I'm honored!