
Destruction and Realization

The wind whipped through his hair, the lashings of the cold gusts causing his pale skin to redden from the bite. The wind crashed past him without a care in the world, free, unconstrained. Unstoppable.

Looking down at the nightlife of the city Nick watched as countless people walked around, the lights moving in a hypnotically smooth pattern. Countless lives were unaware of what was going to happen tonight, unaware that one of the most, if not THE most dangerous man in the world was going to be taken out.

Stepping closer to the edge he felt the wind that blasted up the side of the building crash past his face making his eyes tear as he created clear second eyelids to protect his eyes from the frosty blasts.

Toes hanging over the edge of the building he let out a small sigh, the sun was just rising, he had been in a rush. He had decided he would just be late to school, after all, what did it matter anymore. He was making waves… could he really truly be a hero anymore?

His soul flared in response, the golden flames licking out of the corners of his mouth, the power he felt was untapped and wild. It wanted to be free, and he would let it.

Stepping over the edge he felt himself start to plummet. Releasing a breath as he overhauled the air around him, removing friction and drag as he funnelled the air behind him forcing him down faster. Plummeting towards the roof of the hospital.

It hadn't been hard to find where Kyudai worked in secret, all it took was looking for Doctor Tsubasa and with that, he had found where he worked. With some long nerves from where he was standing to under the hospital, he had found the secret lab. Well hidden, but not hidden enough.

Unseen to all a slight golden blur crashed towards the roof of a hospital, although it never made any impact. As fast as it fell it opened a path before it, cleaning disassembling and reassembling everything in its wake.



Even patients.

Anything that was in his path was taken apart and put back together as he passed, without a single person being wiser than the comet that flew through the core of the building unhindered by even the air before it.

As if flying through the ground it suddenly emerged into a wide open lab. Purple lines of power ran around the room. Large monitors started to warp and shrivel. A sudden wave of golden fire erupts from a ground-splitting impact.


Kyudai sat in his lab, tapping away on his keyboard. His favorite pets Johnny and Mocha sitting by his feet as he looked at the screen that ran with numbers and calculations. Because of that bastard Nicklaus Hendrix, he had been forced to speed up his plans, luckily they had been sped up drastically with the help of Eira.

She had given him something almost invaluable, the only thing he was able to get out of it however was how to spread a quirk factor.

He had managed to apply it to Shigaraki, but apart from that everything had been going wrong. The Doctor whoever that bastard was had taken Twice and Toga from the league and Nick had caused Shigaraki to lose both his arms and then killed Dabi, one of their strongest members. And recently a bastard named Andrew who he could barely find anything on apart from him working for The Doctor, had taken out Gigantomachia.

It wasn't fair, everything he and All for One had built up over the years was being disassembled by this trio… they must be connected somehow, he would figure it out… he would, it would just take him a bit.

Eyes widening he felt like it finally clicked… it… finally.

As he was about to celebrate he noticed a sudden explosion ripped through the lab. Golden fire washed over his equipment incinerating his screens and keyboard. Johnny and Mocha were instantly turned to little more than ash.

Looking behind him at where the impact happened he felt the blast knock him off his seat as he was thrown against a wall, the fire coiling around his skin but it was only unpleasantly hot, it never burnt him.

It had only taken a moment, and now his lab was up in flames. The golden wisps of ethereal licking at the air.

Standing up from the crater was something he could only describe as a scene from a nightmare. Charred and burnt skin fell off the body in embers and ash as body parts slowly started to grow out of the standing torso.

A head forming with golden hair flowing from a forming scalp. The light was a brilliant mesmerizing gold that would have been beautiful if not for the terror that it emitted.

The smile that cracked the burnt face sickened with glee as a horrid deep voice croaked from the destroyed body.

"I finally get to meet you Doctor Tsubasa, can I just say I am a huge fan?" His voice was as horrid and burnt as his appearance.

As the figures back straightened a bright smile was on the face that healed. The carbon black skin webbed in golden cracks that the brilliant radiant flames poured from, flowing into the lab around him.

Nicklaus Hendrix.

"WHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!" Was all Kyudai could scream as he scrambled away on his back ignoring the metal that scorched the skin of his palms.


As the wave of fire passed through the lab annihilating everything that Nick deemed unimportant metal and glass were incinerated. Cables and air evaporated.

The hidden lab turned into a molten waste zone in a single moment. The golden fire clinging to the burning remains of various objects.

Hearing Kyudai's scream he cooled the metal under the man to stop him from getting burnt further as he walked forward saying slowly. "Because you get in the way of the peace that I want to create," Nick said as a spike shot from the floor impaling the man's back.

The two High-End Nomu in the room suddenly blasted into little more than gore as their flesh was then turned to ash by his radiant flames. Of course, Nick had made sure to take a sample of every stored quirk in the secret lab.

Walking towards Kyudai who was bent backwards. Blood ran down his face and over his bald head before dripping to the floor beneath him where it sizzled against the floor.

Putting a hand on the man's head he absorbed all the knowledge from the man's mind before creating a copy of his brain with all his memories and thoughts intact before isolating it in his body and putting it in stasis. He was as useful as he was evil. Nick wouldn't give up on such free knowledge and thoughts.

Burning the rest of the body Nick walked towards a vial that the fire coiled away from. The only un-burnt part of the lab. However, the walls that had been hiding it had melted into little more than slag.

Picking up the vial he held it in front of him.

All for One… finally.

The final piece.

He had it in his hands.

Something was wrong though, another thing was in the stand. Something that confused him. Picking it up he held the frozen finger in his hand…

it was…

it was his.

Eyes suddenly going from joyful to cold he held the dismembered part of him in his hand as he looked over it. Okay, it wasn't the worst case… his quirk factor was untouched because it was so woven and complicated, clearly, Kyudai had tried to find out how it was working but had given up for another thing.

The way that Nick's quirk factor permeated his skin.

This could be bad.

Turning the finger to ash Nick looked towards the computer that he had also left untouched. As well as the countless filing cabinets filled with physical papers that he had stopped bombs going off in that Kyudai had tried to activate with a switch in one of his teeth.

He didn't want these papers to be read.

That much was clear.

Opening the cabinets he took all the papers out, there weren't hundreds but there were quite a few. Creating eyes that floated in the air on a web of nerves he dedicated a brain to going over the papers and reading all about them before storing them in a cabinet again. Nezu would be interested in them.

Going over the information in a drive-by creating a monitor he read every piece of information that Kyudai had saved through his eyes and multiple monitors. It was shocking how much information Kyudai had gathered even in the period he had been alive, it was still a ridiculous amount.


He found what he was looking for.

Eira, so that was her name.


Nezu walked into the burnt remains of the laboratory, the ash still drifting in the air that shifted and swirled. Catching the light of the golden fires that flickered in the corners and across the vats of strange purple stasis fluid. The shadows danced against the walls to the same flicker of the flares.

The entire place was filled with an eerie almost depressing aura. Like ghosts lingered in the corners and your sweat was a bit too cold against your skin…

Nezu was honestly getting concerned with the actions of Nicklaus, when he had shown up to school this morning it had been with fresh ash still lingering in his hair.

Sure he had asked Nezu if he could take Kyudai out, and thinking the boy was perfectly capable, more so than an entire team of Hero Nezu had allowed it… but this… he never thought it would be like this.

The lab was decimated. Everything of importance was gathered in the protected area.

Nick was getting out of hand, the boy was powerful, but he was now starting to abuse that power.

He was growing wild. Ever since the battle at Kamino, he had started to act more… highly strung. Agitated at slight movements. His shoulders had never quite relaxed the same way.

His actions were becoming wild, filled with hidden and suppressed anger. Something that was not like Nick, not the Nick he knew…

However, it was like that villain Dabi… the one person Nick had absorbed.

He must be influencing the teen's behaviour.

Something had to be done… because of this. Nezu thought as he looked around the ruins of the lab. Was not okay.


Communities. They were places where people stayed, small groups that had formed alongside the rise of All for One, people that wanted to stay out of his grasp but feared that he might come for them because of their quirks. They had stayed around even today mostly in small remote areas. Surprisingly Australia seemed to be a hot spot for them.

Communities as they were being called, were a group of people that had quirks All for One might find useful so they banded together to stay hidden and out of his sight. Normally strong combatants came with them to help protect them and live a peaceful life away from the wars that could be had in a small community.

Some of them had been found and destroyed, one however. Had bargained for its own existence.

The one that Eira managed in the northern tip of Norway.

Someone that had the base warping quirk for Kurogiri lived there and had his quirk taken as a sample by Kyudai. As well as the man that provided the bases for super regeneration. A man called Amar had a near-immortality granting quirk that couldn't be fully handled by most bodies apart from his own a High-End Nomu's. People that had been enhanced.

It was interesting, Nick had never considered this, people resisted All for One, but then some hid and stayed hidden even until today.

But at least he knew where to find Eira now.

Looking up from where he was leaning against the hall wall he saw that Nezu was slowly approaching him, it was late in the afternoon as Nick had spent most of the day going over the information that he had gathered.

Seeing Nezu's cold expression Nick knew something was off…

As Nezu pushed the door of the office open, motioning for Nick to go inside. All Might and Aizawa as well as Oboro were following behind the mouse. All he said as he waited for Nick to sit down was,

"Nicklaus, we need to talk."


Thanks for the all the support that this book had received! Feeling really weird about this chapter to be honest... I don't know why may just be tired. I may overhaul it depending on the response that it gets.

Reviews and comments are always welcome! help me grow as an author!