
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Morpheus146 · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

The Goblin Chieftain's Descent

The Goblin Chieftain, Fangor Brambleskinner, didn't waste time on nonsensical dialogue. Instead, he began the confrontation with a loud, guttural shout, directed at what Vecna perceived as a spectral entity. "Ancestor! Grant me strength for this duel to the death!"

'Ohh, that's a ghost. Similar to when I was in the Forsaken Village. Interesting, let's see if I can find something extra from this event.'

'No need to rush into attacking. It wouldn't make for much of a difference.'

The dimly lit chamber seemed to hold its breath as the Goblin Chieftain, Fangor Brambleskinner, called upon his ancestors for strength. 

The air grew heavy, and a spectral figure materialized in the room. It was the apparition of one of the tribe's ancestors, a venerable goblin spirit with a wisened, ethereal presence.

The ghostly ancestor sighed as it floated around Fangor Brambleskinner, its translucent form swaying gently. 

Its voice, when it spoke, was a mixture of ancient wisdom and deep disappointment, carrying the weight of countless generations. It responded to the Chieftain in their own goblin tongue, a language spoken in the whispers of ages past.

"Fangor... my descendant. What have you done to yourself? Why have you fallen into the abyss of darkness and corruption? This isn't the path our Gods have set for us. We must live together in harmony with the other races of the Serpentspine."

The goblin spectre's eyes, though ethereal, bore into Fangor's with a mixture of sorrow and reproach. It was clear that the ancestor had expected better from the Chieftain, someone meant to lead their tribe with honor and wisdom.

Fangor, his form twisted and mutated by the demonic power coursing through him, scowled at the apparition. 

He scoffed at the elder's words, his arrogance still evident even in the face of ancestral disappointment. "Why should I be fearful of some blood parasite? You're saying this meek Vampire could defeat me in a duel? I have reached the pinnacle of power after consuming the brew of the Dark Mages."

The specter shook its head, its translucent form shimmering. It turned its gaze toward Vecna, who stood there, observing the back and forth, yet ready to engage in the fateful duel when triggered. 

The ancestral spirit spoke, not in common language, but in an older form of the common tongue that maybe the ancient humans spoke around the Western Continent, for this his message was received by Vecna.

"Creature of the Night, be merciful to my people. We, the goblin-kin, are sentient beings and can understand reason. If it wasn't for the Curse of the Dark Gods opposing our Watchers, we wouldn't have degenerated into this form. We used to be proud, Tusoric Goblins, a race not too dissimilar from the humans you draw origins from."

This was an interesting piece of lore for Vecna, the fact this specter didn't look anything like the goblins he knew off from Satisfy, told him that there might be some truth into his words. This old goblinoid wasn't hairy and ugly, he had a sagely humanoid appearance with certain distinct traits of goblins, such as longer nose, ears, and a wider chin.

"Ghost, I have a question for you. The Dark Gods you speak… Are they led by a Woman with Golden Hair who claims Divine Authority over Light and Life?"

"For you to speak around the corners, not invoking her name, it seems they took over this world. The Ancient World has been destroyed and reshaped into their desires."

Fangor yet to receive what he wanted from the specter, charged at Vecna as in to have him back off, but in the process, the agile Vampire slashed five times into a Blade Dance.

"Ancestor, now is the chance. He has been put to distance. GIVE ME THE POWER promised in the prophecy!"

The specter sighed once again, his glance filled with disappointment, but suddenly hearing Fangor speak in the goblin tongue he frowned and shouted back in the native tongue.

"Forgive me, Creature of the Night. My pact with Maglubiyet is still binding me, I will have to impart this foolish son of mine with a small part of my mana. Don't worry it's not something you wouldn't be able to handle."

Vecna, his expression as cold and unforgiving as ever, didn't seem moved by the ancestor's warnings. He responded in a voice devoid of emotion, his crimson eyes locked on his adversary. 

"I'm not interested. Bless him with your powers so I can be done with this fight. Or... I can also do this if it's to your liking."

The room seemed to hold its breath as Vecna's fingers flicked with supernatural precision, invoking the 'Blood Missile' spell.

A crimson orb of condensed blood magic materialized at his fingertips, pulsating with eerie energy. With a swift and practiced motion, he released the spell, and the orb shot through the air with incredible speed.

Fangor Brambleskinner, the Goblin Chieftain, had no time to react as the 'Blood Missile' closed the distance between them. It struck him with pinpoint accuracy, piercing his shoulder with a sickening squelch. 

[You have dealt 5,468 damage.]

The Chieftain's pained growl echoed through the chamber as the projectile tore through flesh and bone.

Blood spurted from the wound, staining his already grotesque form with fresh crimson. The impact forced him to stumble backward, clutching his injured shoulder with a clawed hand. Fangor's eyes, filled with rage and agony, locked onto Vecna, who remained eerily composed.

Vecna's crimson eyes bore into Fangor's, his gaze unwavering as he prepared for the next exchange in their deadly duel. Yet, the corner of his vampiric eyes was the floating specter that had a conflicted look.

"Go ahead, specter," Vecna replied, his voice tinged with an air of indifference. "Give him your Blessing. In the end, he would still be just an rabid creature in my eyes."

Tusor's response was measured, and he seemed to address Vecna with a sense of formality despite the circumstances. "Alright. I've noticed a child with a pure heart. He holds something that belongs to you, so he must have been in your care."

Vecna's interest piqued at the mention of the child, and he couldn't help but probe further. "If you're referring to that child… yeah. I'm in charge of him."

"I see, good. My kin's feature isn't so blank after millenia's of prejudice. Creature of the Night, you might not care, but my name is Tusor, the Archon of Goblins."

The specter introduced himself as Tusor, the Archon of Goblins, and Vecna couldn't resist a touch of sarcasm. "You're sure not Grimbark?"


Tusor seemed momentarily taken aback by the reference to Grimbark, the legendary goblin figure, and Vecna continued, "You know, the first Goblin to unify all the goblin tribes? I thought it was you, since that's the story I told that child."

The goblin specter's response was one of bemusement, and he admitted, "Grimbark? Unifying the Goblins? Heh, this doesn't sound bad at all, young friend. I'll not mind playing along, since those children have lost their ways in communicating with the spirits of their Ancestors."

Vecna's thoughts remained inscrutable as Tusor continued, "I'll take on this name. Let that child spread it far and wide. Let him surpass me and cure the curse of our Kin!"

A notification appeared in Vecna's interface…


[You have gained +10 affinity with NPC 'Tusor the Wise.']


But Vecna's reaction remained unenthusiastic.



The ancestral specter, reluctantly, began chanting an incantation in the ancient goblin tongue. Although Vecna couldn't understand the words, the flow of mana was privy to him. His vampiric senses could keenly perceive the intricate dance of mana within this Throne Room.

Fangor roared as the intense mana was channeled into his body. The transformation was grotesque as the demonic power of whatever the Yatan Servants had him ingested began to take hold. 

The goblin's form began to change in horrifying ways. His stature grew taller, his limbs stretched and twisted, and his once-green skin turned a sickly shade of gray. The lines of his face became more pronounced, his nose elongated, and his eyes glowed with an eerie crimson light that pierced the dimly lit chamber.

As the transformation continued, Fangor's hands and feet elongated into clawed appendages, and his body seemed to bulge and contort in unnatural ways. The once-proud chieftain was now a grotesque fusion of goblin and demonic influences, an abomination that defied the natural order.

The Chieftain's eyes, once filled with arrogance and defiance, now held a feral madness as the demonic power surged within him. He no longer resembled the goblin leader who had once ruled his tribe but had become a nightmarish creature driven by dark desires and insatiable hunger for power.

Vecna watched the transformation with a sense of detached curiosity, his crimson eyes locked on the abomination that Fangor had become. The battle seemed to have taken a darker turn, but he wasn't under stress, in fact he was curious what this monster could do now that he got a Boss Buff.

[Fangor Brambleskinner - LV. 160] (Boss) [259,780/265,000 HP]

With the transformation complete, Fangor let out a final, monstrous roar, his voice echoing through the Throne Room. The goblin chieftain wasted no time in launching his assault, activating his skill 'Goblin Pounce' to close the distance between them rapidly.

'Let the games begin.'

Vecna's vampiric senses were on full alert, and he anticipated the attack with precision. 

'Split Second.'

As Fangor lunged toward him, Vecna executed a swift sidestep, his movements devoid of emotion as he effortlessly evaded the charging abomination.

The distance between them closed in an instant, and Vecna found himself dangerously close to the raging Fangor. He could hear the creature's maddening heartbeat, a relentless drumming of fury and aggression.

Reacting with the grace of a predator, Vecna struck at the opportune moment. Using his 'Swift Strike' skill, he aimed a precise slash at Fangor's exposed stomach. 

With fluid and practiced movements, Vecna's body seemed to blur as he executed the skill. He pivoted on one foot, twisting his body to the side, and brought his short sword, 'Camio's Shadowed Talon,' slashing through the air in a calculated arc.

[You have dealt 6,582 damage.]

However, the goblin's reckless abandon in his attack allowed him to strike back, even as Vecna's blade found its mark.

The blade, oozing with dark and demonic energies, cut through the space where Fangor's exposed stomach would be in mere moments. Vecna's strike was precise, aimed at a vulnerable point, and enhanced by the 'Swift Strike' skill's swiftness.

Time seemed to slow for Vecna as he watched the curved blade of 'Camio's Shadowed Talon' approach its target. The blade's dark energy left a shadowy trail in its wake, a reminder that it used to belong to an Archdemon. 

However, the goblin's reckless abandon in his attack allowed him to strike back, even as Vecna's blade found its mark.

Fangor unleashed a 'Savage Swing,' a wild and powerful swing of his curved blade, aiming to overwhelm Vecna with sheer force and aggression. It was a self-destructive approach, and for a moment, Vecna's body was exposed.

'This bastard is fighting more like a Berserker than a Goblin. Where is your genetic disposition to be a coward?'

'Probably swallowed whole by the demonic power inside of his body.'

'Tsk, this will hurt.'

He quickly activated his 'Blood Shield' and 'Mana Shield,' creating layers of defense against the incoming onslaught. But to his surprise, the sheer bluntness of the Goblin Chieftain's attack shattered his 'Mana Shield,' the first layer of his defense.

As Fangor's 'Savage Swing' descended upon him with ferocious intensity, Vecna's crimson eyes remained cool and composed. The impact of the goblin's blade against his combined defenses was a powerful one, and Vecna could feel the force reverberate through his protective layers.

The first to crumble under the assault was his 'Mana Barrier,' which shattered from the sheer force of the 'Savage Swing.' The barrier dispersed into shimmering particles, dissipating into the air as it absorbed and mitigated a significant portion of the damage.

However, the 'Blood Shield' held strong. It absorbed the remaining force of Fangor's attack, the vampiric blood swirling and churning as it absorbed and dissipated the blunt force trauma. Vecna could feel the strain on his 'Blood Shield' as it absorbed the impact, but it remained intact, proving its resilience.

[You have suffered 18,325 damage]

['Mana Shield' has absorbed the incoming damage, leading to its destruction (15,000/15,000)]

['Blood Shield' has absorbed the damage (3,325/40,000)]

Vecna's crimson eyes remained unflinching as he assessed the damage he had sustained. But this wasn't all, and decided to respond to Fangor's assault.

'Golden Flash'

Without hesitation, Vecna moved with incredible speed, his agile form gracefully dancing amidst the chaos of the battle.

'Blade Dance.' Then as if to put salt on the injury, Vecna activated an ability that chained well with his swordplay.

'Lighting Strikes.'

He initiated his Blade Dance, a rapid series of slashes that allowed him to deliver precise and devastating strikes. The Goblin Monstrosity known as Fangor found himself unable to effectively counter or evade Vecna's onslaught. 

Each slash was like a phantom movement, too swift for the transformed Chieftain to follow.

Vecna's attacks continued relentlessly, slashing five times at Fangor in quick succession. The Goblin Chieftain's attempts to fight back or evade were nullified by the Vampire's impeccable technique. 

The combination of his Blade Dance and the activation of his 'Lighting Strike' skill heightened his speed and precision, making him a formidable force on the battlefield, on par with a Dungeon Boss that might require a whole Group of 10 to face it down.

"I bet it hurts, you dumb fuck. Haven't you thought again when choosing to get so large?"

"Leaving your body so exposed to me, it's akin as begging to die."

"Damned INSECT!"  "You make fun of Great FANGOR!"

"I'll crush you into a pile of mush and feed it to dogs!"

Yet, at the 20-second mark of 'Lighting Strike,' Fangor's frustration and desperation reached a breaking point. He bellowed with his entire might, unleashing the 'Goblin Warcry'. It was a ferocious and intimidating warcry meant to disrupt Vecna's concentration and strike fear into his heart.

[User is about to suffer from the Debuff 'Fear'. 'Cursed Immunity' has triggered.]

[User has immunity to Fears.]

"This. How can it be?"

However, Fangor's efforts were in vain. Vecna's Abyssal Ring, a powerful artifact he possessed, warded off Mental Attacks and Fear Skills. He remained resolute, his focus unwavering as he continued his relentless assault.

Fangor, realizing that intimidation wouldn't work, shifted his tactics. Noticing how Vecna continued moving, that's when he used his Magic Spell, 'Earthquake Tremor'.

Fangor caused the ground beneath Vecna to shake violently, knocking him off balance and creating an opportunity for an attack.

[You have been 'Knocked-Down', suffering 248 damage.]

With his staff held in his left hand, he began channeling mana at an astonishing rate, causing the gem on the staff to shine brightly with fiery energy. Before Vecna could react or counter-attack, Fangor released a Fireball, conjuring a decent-sized orb of flames and hurling it with precision.

The Fireball hurtled through the air, heading straight for Vecna with explosive intent.

Upon contact, it erupted in a fiery explosion, creating a blazing inferno that engulfed the battle area, which was the Chieftain's Hut. The flames roared and crackled, casting flickering shadows across the chamber and scorching everything in its path.

Vecna, caught off guard by the sudden fireball attack, was engulfed by the explosion. His vampiric form was momentarily concealed by the flames and smoke as the intense heat surrounded him. However, he was not defenseless.


With a surge of willpower, Vecna activated his unique ability, 'Traversal.' 

This ability allowed him to move even when his balance was impaired, a trait he had gained as a Vampire. As the ground beneath him shook violently from Fangor's earlier 'Earthquake Tremor,' Vecna used 'Traversal' to maintain his footing and move within the fiery chaos.

Emerging from the flames, Vecna's crimson eyes gleamed with determination. The fire had singed his attire and left smoldering embers on his skin, but he remained unscathed. His cool, unflinching demeanor contrasted sharply with the chaotic inferno that raged around them.

Fangor, now realizing that his fiery assault had failed to catch Vecna off guard, couldn't help but grit his teeth in frustration. He growled at the Vampire's taunting words, his eyes filled with a feral madness brought on by his demonic transformation.

"Bastard, you almost got me there," Vecna remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If only you were seconds faster in casting your Fireball."

"Too bad, I'm not a sitting target and let myself get hit for fun. Unlike you." continued Vecna, stabbing the invisible knife deeper into Fangor's chest.

Fangor seethed with anger, his monstrous form twitching in irritation

But there was no time for further banter. Vecna swiftly took action, his crimson eyes narrowing as he channeled his vampiric magic. 

Without even needing a magical incantation as other Mages had to do, he launched three Blood Shards simultaneously at Fangor. The razor-sharp shards cut through the air with deadly precision, homing in on their target.

Fangor, momentarily distracted by Vecna's emergence from the hellish fire he had created, had no time to react. The Blood Shards struck the Goblin Chieftain with unerring accuracy, tearing through his grotesque form and inflicting painful wounds.

[You have dealt 4,201 damage.]


[You have dealt 8,203 damage.]

[You have dealt 4164 damage.]

[Fangor Brambleskinner - LV. 160] (Boss) [192,255/265,000 HP]

'This is only the appetizer. Should I try to farm my stacks for Bloodlust? 'Blood Shield' isn't affected by sacrificing my HP for the Blood Spells.'