
Overgeared: Emperor of Midnight

Such is the story of a man, who perseveres through the hardships and challenges thrown at him to hold tight over the fate of his life. Even if this fate might be embracing the night and becoming a monster of the umbra, transformed by blood into a Vampire. To tie the fate of the Satisfy World forever into the night, Vecna must have power beyond that of any mortal. An eternal monarch for an eternal Kingdom. The Night has come, and the end is near for the foolish heroes and adventurers brave enough to challenge the Umbral Lord, the Emperor of Midnight. Soon, the Gods who oppose him will shake in fear under his might. Watch him and praise him, the Umbral Lord, from a blood-drinker transcending to become the Emperor of Midnight. [Disclaimers] The story consists of the novel 'Overgeared' and some other stories, having varied influences of different RPGs and MMOs. Main influences D&D and World of Warcraft. [Socials] If you want to stay in touch with the author. You can in discord. — Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

Vostarian · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Davian Vinespine

As he phased into the dimly lit office within the mansion, Vecna's tall, imposing figure appeared like a specter, causing Davian Vinespine to startle and almost drop the parchment he had been scribbling on.

His crimson eyes had a menacing glare about them as they eyed the middle-aged man with indifference. This made Davian feel that someone was holding a knife at his neck, while the intruder wasn't striding to attack.

'As I thought. This one is also a semi-named NPC, they key actors for this Quest Chain to be completed smoothly.'

[Davian Vinespine - LV. 180](Silver-Gold)

"Do I take you weren't prepared for any visits? Then, here you have my apology for intruding, sir Davian Vinespine."

Davian leaned back in his plush chair, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the unexpected intruder. "Who are you, and what is the meaning of this intrusion?"

'Should I call Artur to jump on this man? I have a bad feeling about him, so I think it is better if I don't drag Artur into my mess.' 

Vecna, with his crimson eyes shining like predatory beacons in the dim light, offered a sardonic smile. "I am Vecna, the leader of the adventuring group that recently arrived in Summit's Crest. I've heard you were interested in acquiring my services."

'I'm wondering how he bypassed the Magical Arrays that would be sent off once an intruder steps in my Mansion.'

'Was I scammed by those Tower of Eternity Magicians?'

'Must be the case. Let's continue this conversation carefully. So far there's no hostility from him. Meaning, he is interested in my offer and decided to give me face and meet me directly.'

Davian's expression shifted from one of suspicion to realization. "Ah, Vecna, the leader of the newcomers. You've piqued my interest. Please, take a seat."

As they settled into a tense negotiation, Davian wasted no time expressing his desires and expectations. "I've heard of your capabilities, taking down a Group of Goblin Elites with ease, and I'm willing to offer a substantial sum for your services. But first, I need assurance that you're committed to my cause."

Vecna, his gaze unwavering, responded, "Before we discuss your request, you should know that I've already accepted a commission from the Guild Hall to assist Summit Crest in dealing with the Orcs."

"It's a matter of honor for the guild, and I cannot shift my focus until that duty is fulfilled."

Davian's brows furrowed, disappointment evident in his eyes. "I see. That's truly unfortunate. However, I am not one to turn away talent. Tell me, Vecna, what would it take for you to consider aiding me once your commitment to the guild is fulfilled?"

Vecna leaned forward, his crimson eyes locked onto Davian's. "I will listen to your terms, but let's make one thing clear: your request won't take precedence over the Orc issue. However, if you require my assistance after the Orcs are dealt with, I will consider it."

Davian leaned back, his fingers steepled in contemplation. "Very well. Once you are free to lend your services, I need someone to handle a rather delicate matter. I want you to assassinate Captain Eldric Thornfield."

Vecna didn't immediately respond. Instead, he countered with a question of his own. "Why this obsession with the Thornfields? Is a provincial town like Summit's Crest worth such a risk?"

Davian's voice remained calm but carried an undercurrent of cold determination. "You may not understand, Vecna, but if I become the Mayor of Summit's Crest, it will open doors for me. I will gain the favor of Duchess Basara Ella von Saharan."

"Do you even know who Her Grace is?"

Vecna nodded, acknowledging the importance of the name. "I know who Duchess Basara is. She's the niece of the current Emperor. But what makes you think you'll earn her favor?"

Davian leaned forward, his eyes filled with intensity. "I have wealth, and I am willing to offer my full support to her cause. Once I penetrate the circles of Valoria, escape from this provincial backwater, my influence will expand, much like the wings of a Gryphon. That's why I'm willing to take such risks to remove Reginald Thornfield from power."

A flicker of understanding crossed Vecna's eyes as he listened to Davian's story. "You offered him your support, and he refused it?"

Davian's lips curled into a bitter smile. "He's a fool. He hails from a noble family but doesn't understand the value of my friendship. I was willing to help him elevate Summit's Crest from a mere village, but he couldn't see the opportunity."

"He only had to let me become Mayor, and everything would have turned just fine. With my financial backing, we could hire the services of the Red Knights into taking the head of that so-called Warchief."

'This man is also a maniac, willing to go even into Hell for what he made-up his mind to achieve.'

Vecna listens to this late-middle-aged man, silent, but impressed at how far he was willing to go for the future of his family. He was reminded of the path he chose to take for the betterment of his family. 

After a long consideration, he calmly states to Davian "It wouldn't work. Reginald Thornfield has a connection with Duchess Basara. If you, let's say, oust him from power, news will reach her ears, and that means disaster for you."

His gaze bore into Davian's as he reminded him in his detached, monotonous tone. "Don't think that your money would buy a woman like her, who was golden-spooned her whole life."

"Besides, Assassinating Captain Eldric Thornfield won't be an easy task. There will be consequences. You'll be the first suspect on their list once I act."

Davian shrugged nonchalantly. "I am prepared for that. I'm willing to take the risks to secure my family's future."

Vecna, his gaze unyielding, finally spoke. "Don't underestimate the nobility's network. They had hundreds of years of forming those bounds, by marriages and knighthood."

Davian clenched his fists, his frustration evident. "You speak as if you know them well. Tell me, Vecna, do you have a plan to become a noble?"

Vecna's eyes held a hint of reminiscence as he replied, "No. At least not for now. My position is different from yours, but we're similar. We want to reach greater status in life."

"Those nobles aren't like us commoners. They don't know how harsh the world is. I will only say my opinion, but you don't have a considerable chance at becoming the Mayor of this town. And less of a chance of becoming a Noble."

Davian couldn't hold his remark, bursting out of his pent-up hatred over this "friend" of his. "Don't speak nonsense, sir Vecna. Do you know how much I've spent on this plan of mine?"

"I can imagine the endless hours. This is why I feel for you. You don't seem to be a dumb person like the villain I imagined I would encounter. Instead, I feel I'm looking at a kindling spirit."

Davian couldn't help but fall silent as he stared at the monstrous eyes of this aristocrat-looking man, they weren't human, and with a tact for details, he couldn't help but remark. "You're not a human, correct?"

"That's right, I'm not a human. Is there any moral problems on your mind, in negotiating with a Vampire?"

"A Vampire? The Night Creature prowling the nights of Saharan. Folklore spinned around by older generations.  Prove it to me."

Vecna's sardonic smile deepened as he revealed his true nature. "As you wish."

With a swift and fluid motion, he extended his hand towards Davian, palm up. As Davian watched in a mix of fascination and trepidation, his eyes widened as Vecna's fingers elongated into razor-sharp claws, the nails gleaming like polished obsidian in the dim light. 

'No way. This man is actually one of those Legendary Creatures of Night.'

Without hesitation, Vecna made a small, precise cut on his own palm, and deep red blood welled up.

[You have lost 246 HP]

"There, Mr. Vinespine," Vecna said calmly, "is that proof enough for you?" He held his bleeding hand towards Davian, offering the evidence of his vampiric nature, the drips of blood started to levitate around Vecna forming in the shape of a shard.

Davian's eyes remained fixed on Vecna's hand, his initial shock giving way to a mixture of awe and fear. This was no ordinary man; this was a being of the night, a creature from the folklore of Saharan said to have gone extinct after Pope Chreshler managed to defeat the Blood Queen Beriache.

Vecna's actions had dispelled any doubts about his true nature.

Vecna chuckled softly, the sound sending shivers down Davian's spine. "Appearances can be deceiving, Mr. Vinespine. Now that you know what I am, do you have any reservations about continuing our discussion?"

Davian, his earlier confidence shaken by the revelation, hesitated for a moment before regaining his composure. "No, sir Vecna. If you are willing to aid me in my quest, your true nature matters little. In fact, it might be an advantage."

Vecna nodded in agreement. "Mr. Vinespine, honest with you, I'm confident that I can remove Captain Eldric Thornfield, but I don't see the benefits in this. Weaken Reginald Thornfield that opens up a chance for you to strike."

"But you gain less than you are investing, short term and long term."

Davian couldn't help but clench his fists. "Then what should I do? You must not be suggesting that I discard all my plans against Thornfield's."

An enigmatic smile crossed his lips as he replied. "I have another proposition for you Mr. Vinespine, and the gains will be bountiful for you."

Seeing Davian's confused expression, he began to tell him about his intent at working along with him in order to bolster his strength and influence.

"What I tell you might be akin to getting slapped in the face, but if you are willing to invest and work with me, I promise you that in a decade, you'll become a figure akin to a Marquis or Count, but not in this Empire."

"I intend to build a Kingdom for all the Creatures of Darkness, and to rule over them as King, and down the line to be equal if not higher in status than the depraved Emperor of Saharan."

This time it was Davian's turn to be silent and listen to the insanity this Vampire was speaking about, but the prospects he was given if he was to invest into Vecna, wasn't something to scoff about. A Marquis, a Count? Only he knew what power and influence they held in the Empire.

"If I join hands with you… what will become of me? Will you grant me more power that would rival a Red Knight?"

"Hoh, are you looking to be Embraced by Darkness?"


"So, are you interested in my proposition?"

Vecna's proposal hung in the air, heavy with implications and the allure of power. Davian, though initially shocked and hesitant, found himself drawn to the tantalizing vision that Vecna painted. 

The opportunity to rise above the Thornfields and secure a position of influence not just in Summit's Crest but beyond its borders was a temptation he couldn't easily dismiss.

As he pondered Vecna's words, his mind raced with possibilities. The vampire spoke of a future kingdom for creatures of darkness, of becoming a figure of immense authority. Such dreams were audacious, almost bordering on madness, but Davian couldn't deny the charisma and confidence with which Vecna presented his vision.

Davian finally spoke, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and ambition. "A kingdom for creatures of darkness... You intend to build this kingdom, and you want me to be a part of it?"

Vecna nodded, his crimson eyes fixed on Davian, assessing his reactions carefully. "Indeed, Mr. Vinespine. I see potential in you. Together, we can achieve greatness, the likes of which this world has never seen. And as for the power you seek, it will come, but it must be earned."

"One question. Satisfy this curiosity of mine, Sir Vecna."

"Go ahead."

"Are Vampires, Immortal? Do people of your kind, age like humans? Or are the stories those old folks used to tell true in their core?"

"We're not Immortal in the sense that we don't experience death. The body of a Vampire instead is ageless, the passage of time has no effect on our body."

"Does this mean, that if a human in their old age is turned into a Vampire, their time will stop at the point of their transformation?"

"Hmmm, good question. I haven't thought about this that deep since I haven't set in motion my plans. No human has been turned by me. There might be a chance your question is true, and another possibility where your body turns into its prime state."

Davian's gaze hardened as he considered the path laid out before him. The prospect of becoming something more than a mere nobleman, of transcending the limitations of his current station, was undeniably tempting. But he also understood that such ambitions came at a cost.

"What must I do, Lord Vecna?" Davian asked, his voice resolute. "What are the first steps on this journey you propose?"

Vecna's enigmatic smile widened, revealing his fangs once more. "First, you must pledge your loyalty to our cause, to the Kingdom that we shall build. Swear your commitment to me, and I will begin to instruct you in the ways of power, politics, and influence."

Saying that Vecna took out his Divine Artifact that already understood everything that happened in the office, and as if anticipating for an answer, responding to its Master's will, it began shining with a menacing crimson blood mana.

While Davian was thinking about his decision, being placed in the crossroads of his fate, he noticed the crimson-blood mana being dispersed by the Artifact in Vecna's hand, with some enveloping around him.

Davian nodded, his decision made. "I will not mind following you, Vecna, if I feel that my interests aren't met, our partnership will stray away."

['Davian Vinespine' is willing to become your Blood Servant.]

[Will you accept his allegiance?]

Once the notification appeared into his peripheral view, he smirked inwardly, finding it satisfying that his vision could be shared with other like-minded people. However, there was a strand of worry into his mind as he checked the Blood Servant System Interface.

'Does this consume my unique perk of binding useful people under me?'

From what he could observe, the conditions were met by Davian who was willingly descending into Darkness.

'So, the perk of Enslaving Forcefully is still there, I have two more slots for now. Those who are willing to serve, will obviously be welcomed under my shadow.'

Vecna extended his hand once more, but this time it was not to offer proof of his vampiric nature; it was a gesture of alliance. Davian reached out and clasped Vecna's hand firmly, sealing their pact.

[You have accepted the request.]

"Very well, Mr. Vinespine," Vecna said, his tone carrying a note of satisfaction. "Our journey begins now. Together, we shall rise to heights undreamt of by mortal men."

A profound transformation began to take place  when both men sealed their pact. The power of the Book of Night, held by Vecna, flowed through their linked hands and into Davian's being.

At first, Davian felt a surge of energy coursing through him, a revitalizing force that seemed to wash away the weariness of his years. 

"What is happening to me? Lord Vecna? You said you'll not turn me into a Vampire."

"Relax, this is just a taste of my power."

His body, once showing signs of age with streaks of gray and black in his hair, underwent a remarkable change. The strands of hair that had lost their color regained their onyx-black hue, and his skin appeared smoother and more vibrant.

'This Book is actually capable of reversing the aging process of human beings.'

'Gosh, if this is how certain gifts are to be bestowed, then I should hurry into finding old relics that are about to succumb to time, and get them under my wings.' 

Observing quietly the changes happening at a molecular level inside Davian Vinespine's body, he couldn't help but admire the versatility of his Divine Artifact.

It was as if the very essence of youth and vitality had been bestowed upon him, a gift from the darkness that now claimed him as its own. The transformation was subtle but undeniable, and Davian marveled at the newfound strength and vigor that surged within him.

"I can feel my power getting stronger. Unbelievable."

Vecna watched the transformation with a satisfied gleam in his crimson eyes. 

This was the beginning of their partnership, and Davian's willingness to embrace the darkness had not gone unnoticed. With each passing moment that Davian was tasting the sweet fruits of a Vampire's power, the bond between them grew stronger, and the path to their shared ambitions became clearer.

As the radiant crimson blood mana from the Divine Artifact enveloped Davian, he couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration. He was no longer a mere merchant with dreams of reaching nobility; he was now a part of something greater, something that transcended the mortal realm.

With their alliance forged in blood and sealed by the Book of Night, Vecna let Davian overreact as he shot flying one of his quill pens that acted like a missile, passing past the solid walls. 

"This is the power I had in my youth, when I was a foolish lad thinking I could become a Red Knight."

"Ohh, so much I wished that I could always be young. There wouldn't be any need to scheming against my enemies to get one over them."

"Lord Vecna, such a gift is unpriceable. Nothing that I do from now would return this favor."

"Relax, Davian. Focus on feeling the changes that wrapped around your body. Never lose this sensation."


'Inspect Servant 'Davian Vinespine'.'

[Name: Davian Vinespine

Age: 46 | Gender: Male | Race: Human (+)

Occupation: Merchant/Rogue Knight


Title: The Prosperous Merchant

* Even in hard times, where wars knock on your door, you craft Value from the Ordinary. 


Level: 205

Strength: 1,825  |  Stamina: 1,280

Agility: 850  |  Intelligence: 1,241

Political Power: 405 |  Insight: 833

Leadership: 412  |  Charm: 210

Skills: Imperial Swordsmanship (B), Strategic Planning (A+), Composure (A+), Detection (A+), Resource Management (S), Information Brokerage (S), Administration (S+), Business Acumen (S+), Market Analysis (S+), Finding Gold in Piles of Dirt(SS).


Born in Como, in the eastern province of the Empire. He was born a commoner, but he devoted himself to exceed his commoner status. First he strived to reach higher power by becoming a Knight, but because of his birth, the Baron forsake him.

His youthfulness vanished slowly along with his dreams, but at the invitation of his former friend, he found talent in another domain. His aspirations were ignited when he found the power money it had over people. 

Since then, he provided his ability in building Summit's Crest into a regional town that could put to shame even the regional capital of Como. Money continued to flow into his pockets, and his influence and taste of power kept on growing, but his childhood dream was yet to be achieved.

He wanted to become a noble, but for a commoner like him it was a far cry dream. All, until he met a mysterious Vampire disguising himself for an Adventurer. A being that had greater goals which had spare room for him to join along.

Due to his poor childhood, he has a tendency to cling to money.


'He's an all-rounder. I'm sure he will grow along with me, and build up my riches.'

'For now, let's sort him out and assign him some tasks to complete while I'm away. And make sure he doesn't rush to kill Reginald now that he is freshened up.'