
over the continent

Lilian, an ordinary girl who gets fired from her job was lucky enough to get a role in an Asia drama series.will she be able to fit into the world of the Asians. find out on over the continent

Larissa18 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Lilian arrived home and started watching her kdrama series again,but couldn't help but think about her today's interrupted outting.

"He really is a weird person if I must say out loud,who comes to someone from the side and whispers straight into the ears? who does?"she said while rubbing her ears.


ji sung Hoon

"hello....mum I don't want to go on anymore of your ridiculous blind dates.I have a movie to shoot next week and please I beg of you let me have some me time before the shoot."sung Hoon said while on the phone with his mom.

"ohh my baby boy you know how important it is for you to get married,you are the only heir to our family and you are already thirty two for heaven's sake,you are not getting any younger my son. you know what?"his mom said on the other end of the call.

what is it now mom?

if you go for this last blind date and you don't like the girl,I promise i would let you live your life the way you what.how's that for a deal huh.

hahaha hahaha mum,do you know how many times you have said that?it doesn't work on me anymore.but,I would go for this last blind date so don't come to my shoot and create a scene mom.deal?

That's my boy,I promise not to disturb you and your movie.okay byee!! let me inform your blind date.

ji sung Hoon was sitting down on his sofa in his luxury apartment when he heard a ding from the door.

"come in!!!!"he said to the person at the door.

"hey so what's up with you,I heard you are beginning a new movie next week"Devin said.

yeah that's true and I am already exhausted from the topic alone.

Then why bother acting,it's not like you need the money anyway.

That's also true,but I'd like to make a name for myself and not just depend on my family,anyways are you spending the night over here?

Nahhhh,l don't have a rich daddy so I have to work my a** out to provide for myself.and I am going to work.

but it's 11 midnight!!

I got swapped for night duty again.and I couldn't be more upset than I am right now.

ji sung Hoon and his friend Devin where both discussing when a message appeared on sung Hoon's phone.

"ohh sh*t,this is just great."sung Hoon said with a little bit of annoyance.

"what's the problem?"Devin said looking at his friend with a bit of concern.

Nooo it's nothing much,just that I have to pick up my date from Incheon international airport by 3 midnight today, she's from California.

wow, your mum never seize to amaze me .hahahahaha hahahahah!!! so now she's pursing foreign girls for you now.after rejecting all the Korean eonni's.

you know what just get going,I would come see you after picking her and dropping her at her hotel.

"okay bro,see you then"Devin said and left the house.with that sung Hoon took a two hours sleep before heading to the airport.

At the airport,Ji sung Hoon began looking for a red haired lady with a height about 5'7 and slender yet curvy figures, according to the description his mom gave him.He kept the search up until an hour with still no results,he gave up and began exiting the airport with intensions of going to the restaurant Devin's works at.while exiting the airport,his eyes caught unto a lady with almost the same as the one in his mother's description except she seemed more beautiful and had more curves with a very thin waist, light-very bright brown that could almost be mistaken for burnt orange or bronze,a very sharp jaw line and one of the most beautiful set of nose and lips he had ever seen with a moderate amount of hips and b**b and she had this very intimidating aura about her that kept him wondering if she was the one or just another person.He was about to brush of the idea not until he heard her talking to a taxi operator in total English,about going to a hotel that was the same as the one of his blind date and with that information he just heard he agreed she was his blind date.

"I thought she was supposed to wait for me here not haul a taxi?"he said to himself while approaching his supposed blind date.

"you do know you could just use a translator right?"sung Hoon said.

"excuse me!!!who are you please?"his blind date said.

"your friendly neighborhood spiderman"he said jokingly with a smile on his face.