
over the continent

Lilian, an ordinary girl who gets fired from her job was lucky enough to get a role in an Asia drama series.will she be able to fit into the world of the Asians. find out on over the continent

Larissa18 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Lilian came straight to the hotel and slept right away and didn't wake up not until she had regain 10 hours of beauty sleep.

"oh my God!!men I've had some crazy sleep today"Lilian said as she stretches to relax her muscles.then she heard a knock on her door.

knock knock!!

"who in heaven's glory is disturbing my morning sleep"she shouted.

"come open the damn door liliy"Chris said angrily.

ohh good morning Chris,So...did you get to find out my schedule?

yeah, you are to start shooting from next week.i already sent you an email yesterday so why are you still asking me woman?

ohh,you did? sorry I slept immediately I got here,after my experience with a total creep.

"Really!!you spoke Korean?"Chris said while he gave her the side eyes.

hahaha!! are you kidding me? I couldn't even get a cab without the help of that creep

so you've started making friends already huh? anyway that's good cause am gonna be busy through out the week babe.

"really!! okay then,if you'd excuse me I would love to start watching my kdrama.so... byeeee!!"she said as she dragged her agent out of her house.

"well.... some me time finally." she sighed and she started watching her favorite kdrama with a cup of coffee.she kept the game up until her tummy grumbled.

gbrrrhhhhh!!!!.holy Mary Jesus,i haven't eaten for almost a whole day.now let's get dressed go eat a nice meal and do some sight seeing in my most dreamed country.

Lilian got dressed and decided to try the restaurant the man from yesterday had told her about.on her way out she met a few hotel workers who spoke English and they where very helpful,she boarded a taxi with the help of her phone's translator,and began regretting why she had not just done this yesterday instead of putting up with that creep of a man.she came out of the taxi and was at awe of how elegant the restaurant was,she admired the building for a few more minutes before walking inside and was excorted by a very tall and handsome Korean man to her sit.

"dangsin- eun mueos-eul wonhansibnikka?"the waiter said.

"sorry I don't speak Korean"Lilian said as she was trying to interpret it with her translator.

"what would you like to have" the waiter said.would you like to have the western, Korean, japanese or Chinese cuisine miss.

Lilian still been a bit shocked at how he swapped from Korean to English with so much flow finally said " western cuisine please".

"okay then miss."The waiter said before handing her the western menu booklet.when she was done giving her order and the waiter was excused,she sat quietly as she took in the grand interior of the building.

"Are you that hungry that you left your mouth that wide open?"a voice asked from Lilian's ear.lilian been shocked by the sudden sound she heard fell down from her seat.

"YOU AGAIN?!!!"Lilian said as she stood up from the floor and sat down.

don't tell me you followed me here or am calling the cops on you.she said again.

I thought you were like that because of your long journey yesterday.but,I now realize you are normally like this.

Lilian been curious ask "normally like what?"

full of yourself and always thinking guys are after you.

WOW that was harsh!! especially from a guy I only met yesterday,and is sitting at my table without my permission.

well.....you can only know yourself from someone you met not quite long.

"And why is that so?"lily asked.

well..because they won't sugar coat their words or hate slam them.

"That makes a lot of sense".lilian said while chewing on her food.

hold on a minute.why are you eating at the same table as me and holding a conversation?

cause your the only one I know in this place, won't it be rude if I didn't eat with you?

No,it won't and we don't even know our names so how can we in fucks sake be close?

language missy.ohh about the name I am ji sung Hoon.and you are?

I am not telling my name to you man.lilian said as she walked towards the cashier to pay her bills.

here's my card miss.she said to the cash lady.

I can't let you pay for your meal while I ate with you, haven't you heard of gentleman etiquette?.he said as he paid for both their meals.

hahahaha hahahaha!! you a gentleman? hahaha.you?you are everything far from a gentleman mister man.

ohh really!!!.he said as they both walked out of the restaurant.