
over the continent

Lilian, an ordinary girl who gets fired from her job was lucky enough to get a role in an Asia drama series.will she be able to fit into the world of the Asians. find out on over the continent

Larissa18 · Urban
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11 Chs


" Could this day get any worse"lilian said as she lazily walks into her room.

lilian is a simple,single,struggling actress,working for M entertainment industry,she got fired form her work because of her very hot temper and her inability to tell a white lie.

she lay on her bed tiredly after the argument she had with her ex co star bianca, slowly drifting into sleep,a loud music came from her phone which happens to be her ringtone, Lilian with still enough sleep in her eyes answered the call.


good afternoon please am I speaking with miss Lilian brown?

yes,and who may this be?

ahhh!! where are my manners,I am calling from BK entertainment industry,south korea.you applied for the role Catherine park right?

yes!! Lilian said with every single sleep in her completely gone.

well...you have been given the role and your flight is scheduled to leave tomorrow afternoon according to California's time.

WHAT!!!! you mean I have been the role?

yes,any problem?the caller said.

of course not,thank you very much sir and have a blessed day.

"okay bye".the caller said before ending the call.

Lilian was out of the world,jumping and singing all manner of joyful songs for she did not expect her, a small actress to win such a big contract.she quickly called her agent and told him about the good news and then quickly went to the mall to get herself a few necessities as a lady.when she got home she began packing her luggages as she needed to go meet her agent as early as eight in the morning, so as not to miss her flight scheduled for 4PM.after she finished her packing,she comfortably sat on her sofa with her barbie pajamas and began pressing her laptop and phone.

hmmm,south Korea-Seoul.she said,

As she busily pressed her laptop, after surfing the net for almost an hour she decided to learn some basic Korean words which at the end made her tensed up and angry.

why is their language so hard to learn,what in heaven's glory is Gan-sa-mi-da, would it had killed their ancestors to have just spoken English,Lilian said with frustration as she kept on reading more Korean words like Mi-anh-neyo,Hwan-yon-gada.