
Over comming the cliff

Over comming the is the story of Jair. A boy who faintly rememebers the memory that he has of his father which had caused him to hate him, but little by little he learns what and who his father truly was which turns the simple life of jair upside down.

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Chapter 0 :

I have lived a simple life till now from my days of kindergarten to late high school days. Have to say I am quite the lucky guy not having to worry about anything till now. You know I always used to be the guy who breaks his toys to see how they work.

But the lack of a father figure in my life always made me jealous of the other kids. I used to ask my mother about my dad but she used to just shrug it off making up lies.

As my mom always used to come home late I used to focus on my studies or just play with my phone. But one day I got bored and wonder off to the storage room to look at my old childhood memories but as I looked through them I found an old journal of my dad which contained some things mysterious things about the Sungwo clan? It wrote "Looks like the days of my simple fatherhood days are fading away as my responsibility as the clan head catch up to me. I wish I could spend more time with my son but I guess not."

I wondered day and night what that was all about, The Sungwoo clan? The clan head? I knew that my mom would not tell me about it. So I had to search for my self.