
OUTWORLD: Awakening

“They lurk within the darkness, waiting, ever so patiently. They are in You and I. No matter how much we try, we can’t get rid of them. Or so they thought.” Are humans the only beings occupying the world? What if the world we call home is only a tiny fraction of the what he can see? What lies beyond what we can see? What do we seek in this place that is beyond our reach, and how do we get to this Outworld? Rated R. Be warned. Book 1 of the OUTWORLD series. I don't own the image used for the cover of this novel. Here is a link to the discord serve for the novel https://discord.gg/zUm5yDA

MrDojo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

I Am You

"Uh? Where is this? Didn't I die?"

Adam's words echoed as he lay in crystal-clear, shallow pool which seemed to stretch for an eternity. The shallow waters reflected the image of shooting stars across the star-studded skies above him.

"It seems this is really the afterlife," Adam muttered as he stared at his hands. He could also feel his legs, and every other part of his body. He could no longer feel the hellish pain of having his soul disintegrating.

"I hope that kid ended up in a peaceful place like this," Adam muttered as he lazily assumed an upright, sitting position. His eyes scanned his surroundings; however, nothing stood out of the ordinary. Subconsciously, he lowered his head, his breathing slightly heavy.

"That's all the proof I need. I really died," Adam muttered as he stared at his reflection in the water. Unlike the grotesque hazy figure, he had his normal human appearance. Although he had died, he felt no sorrow or regret. Rather, he felt at ease. He felt he had transcended all human emotions. Adam rose to his feet, walking towards the direction he faced. Without saying a word and devoid of all thoughts, he silently stared at the scenery, and only the splashes caused by his steps echoed in the mysterious space.

Walking for what seemed to be an eternity, Adam came to a sudden stop, his head raised towards the skies.

"What's that?" Adam whispered as he stared at flickering star. Unlike the others which emitted dazzling white light, this star flickered red and blue, and sometimes seemed to lack any light.

Seconds after Adam whispered, two other stars flickered in the same pattern. Like a plague, Adam stared as he saw the former dazzling stars flicker, with darkness gradually covering this mysterious space.

'What's going on?'

With this thought in mind, Adam's body suddenly trembled; however, so did the mysterious space. Staggering to his knees, Adam watched as ripples formed on the surface of the water, and the number of shooting stars steadily increased.

"I thought death was the end. What is it this—?" Before Adam could finish his statement, a thunderous explosion reached him. Within seconds, he lay flat on his stomach with his face submerged into the water. Partial darkness had covered the mysterious space, and a section of the shallow waters bubbled as if being subjected to intense heat. The stars above had segregated into blue, red and those devoid of light.

While Adam contemplated the mystery behind the changes, all the strange phenomena disappeared, and the mysterious space returned to normal.

"What—" Before Adam could finish his statement, the sound of splashes reached him.

'Huh? Is there another person here? Is it time for me to be judged?' Adam mused. Although he was not religious, he'd read several records about judgement after death. With each passing second, the faint splashes grew louder; however, Adam couldn't see anyone or anything approaching.

'Where is it?' Adam thought as he turned his head left and right. Seeing nothing, he turned around, yet nothing greeted his eyes. But he could still hear the splashes, and they were louder than ever.

"Who is there?! Show yourself!"

Silence greeted Adam's roar, however, he could no longer hear the splashes.

"Show your—"

"I'm right here. Why are you shouting?"

Adam's body trembled as he heard the hellish, hoarse voice. Instinctively, he took three steps in retreat while turning his head, yet he saw no one.

"Where are you looking? I'm right here."

Just as Adam heard the declaration, he felt a slight tug on his legs. Lowering his head, a familiar hazy figure greeted Adam's eyes. Before Adam could react, the hazy figure distorted back into his reflection. Albeit, one that looked far sinister and intimidating, emphasized by its horns, black sclera and blue irises.

Adam staggered backwards, surprised by the strange transformation. As he sat, he retreated, and so did his reflection.

"Adam, what's the point in all this? Why are you so surprised? This isn't the first time you have seen me. Or, do you prefer my previous form?"

While the voice echoed, Adam's reflection changed once again. This time, it returned to the hazy, demon-like shadow.

"Who are you? What do you want with me? How are you here?" Adam muttered.

The figure in the water trembled, its laugh reached Adam's ears, "I'm you. What kind of question is that? Have you forgotten what we did together?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? This is—"

"Oh. That's right. I haven't unlocked your memories yet. I'll do that now," the voice interjected.

"What are you—Ah!"

Before Adam could finish his statement, he unleashed sickening bellow while writhing in pain. As his body spasmed, the hundreds of stars shot through the skies while others dimmed.

"It will end soon, just wait a little, it is almost over."

Adam's reflection, now back to resembling Adam, laughed as it watched Adam writhe. It no longer mimicked Adam's actions. At that same moment, a pillar of water rose, and a figure projected itself on it.

A few seconds later, Adam lay listlessly on his back, tears streaking down his cheeks. His mouth opened, and only the words 'I'm sorry' escaped. The sickening laughter of his reflection relegated his whispers to the background.

"You finally remember, right? So, how can you say you don't know me? Especially after all we did together."

Adam, though laying on his back continued to beg for forgiveness, ignoring the words of the laughing projection.

"Does someone like you deserve forgiveness? You murdered your family and your best friends. In their confusion, they pleaded so much, yet you still killed them in cold blood. Do you really think you deserve forgiveness? Someone like you? Hahaha… Don't make me laugh."

As the projection mocked Adam, his body trembled, and the mysterious space slowly fell apart. His whisper grew lighter, and tears poured out from his eyes like a leaking facet. As the space fell apart, other water pillars rose, expanding the size of the projection. Unlike before, it had a height of over twenty feet with three horns decorating its head. Its body was pitch-black while a long serpent-like tail extend from its rear. Its fangs were just as ghastly as its claws. The only feature common from its previous form, was its eyes.

"What's the point of crying? Your family were always holding your back. And, those brothers were also jealous of you. You did nothing wrong in ending their pitiful lives. Just like you're doing nothing wrong in killing these men," the projection said, pointing at a pillar behind Adam. It projected the images of a beastial creature ripping apart some cloaked men. Blood and flesh painted the walls of the room, while sickening screams echoed.

Absentminded, Adam's gaze turned towards the water pillar.

"See? We make such a good team." The projection's words reached Adam, however, he didn't react. Although Adam's gaze lingered on the sickening massacre being projected, other thoughts filled him.

'Mom, Dad, Ellen, please forgive. I'm sorry. Mason, Jimmy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry… Please forgive me. Please…'

"Adam, I can make all that pain go away. I'll erase those unpleasant memories. You'll never have to relive them. You will also have the chance to apologize to everyone you have wronged. They are all waiting for you."

Although Adam heard the declaration, he still lay there, muttering gibberish while begging for forgiveness.

"Adam? Son? Is that you?"

Adam's body trembled as he heard the familiar voice. He assumed a sitting position as he stared at the water pillar just ahead, "M-Mom?" Adam said, his lips trembling. His eyes lingered on a woman who looked middle-aged. Her lab coat covered the blue scrubs she wore underneath. Her brown eyes lingered on Adam with her lips curved into a tender smile.

Tears streaked down Adam's cheeks as he saw his mother, a choking sensation suddenly overwhelmed him.

"Honey, it's me. What happened to you? What are you doing over there? Everyone is waiting for you over here."

As she spoke, Adam could see his father, sister, Mason and Jimmy waving at him to come over. They sat on a grassy field, a picnic blanket lay underneath. Several dishes and drinks separated them, and Adam could hear their cheerful laughter from where he sat.

"Adam, come over here, man. How long will you keep us waiting?" Mason said. "Yo, Adam. The food will get cold," Jimmy added. They each donned a brilliant smile while motioning for Adam to hurry over. Just as the brothers finished, Adam's sister and his father also called out to him.

'They are still alive. Thank God, they are still alive…' Adam thought as he rose to his feet.

While he faced the water pillar projecting his loved one, the other behind him, projected the image of a vile being. It screamed and howled while devouring the flesh and drinking the blood of its slain foes. However, Adam couldn't hear any of it as he inched closer towards his family. With each step, the mysterious space distorted, stars dimmed and others fell. The crystal clear water turned murky, while bubbling as if being heated.

"Honey, just a little closer. You're almost here."

Adam felt reinvigorated as he heard his mother's words. His pace quickened. Adam's human form reverted to the demonic hazy form, from Wrathriver Necropolis.

The image on the other projection changed, it showed the beastial being slowly approaching two children who hugged each other while bawling. Their pleas echoed in the mysterious space, however, Adam continued forward. With barely inches separating him from the projection of his loved ones.

Adam stood before the water pillar, only a step, and it will reunite him with his loved ones.

"Adam, come in. We are waiting for you."

Adam raised his leg, before he could take the last step, a white light shone on his chest. Spreading gradually, it enveloped him, before splinting into the humanoid figure.

"Is this the level of your determination? If I'd not placed this, it would have been the end of you."

The humanoid figure placed its hands on Adam, restricting his movement.

"Mr. Vicar?" Adam muttered.

"Your next decision will determine your fate. If you the answer the call of that demon, you will lose your soul forever and no one will avenge your family."

Adam dropped his leg as he heard Vicar's declaration, a sense of clarity slowly returned to him.

"Adam, don't listen to him. We are here waiting for you. Don't listen to this strange man. Do I look like a Demon? Do your father and sister look like Demons? What about your best friends? Adam, as your mother, I will never lie to you."

"Yes. This has all been a dream. Why would my mother lie to me?" Adam whispered.

"Frankly, I don't care about you. But, the only reason you still have a chance of living is because of the brother of those kids. He begged you to save his siblings, that was the reason your soul didn't disperse. Will you heed the words of the Demon who slaughtered your family, or will you return to save those children? You can hear their cries, do you really think that is a dream? If they die, their blood is on you!"

For the first time, the cries of the scared children reached Adam. His body flinched, and he subconsciously turned his head. The terror-stricken expressions of the children stirred his conscience, and he took three steps backwards.

"Adam, will you abandon them for us? Will you abandon your family for them?" The projection of Adam's mother sobbed.

However, her face changed as she saw Adam walking forward, "Son, thank you. I knew you would never abandon—"

"When I was a Junior, I had an accident in the school bus. It happened right before Madison, where you work, mom. I broke my left arm, but my injury was minuscule compared to the others. I still remember what happened that day, you totally ignored me while rushing towards those who had worse injuries—"

"Honey, I'm sorry about that day. I can make it up to you right now."

Adam stopped in front of the pillar, his eyes filled with tears, "I was so mad. You ignored your kid who had a broken arm while attending to others—"

"Adam, I'll make it—"

"Shut up! Let me finish! Can you remember what you said that day? Tell me what you said that day?" Adam interjected, unable to control his tears.

"Honey, I'll make it up to you. Pl-please, just give me the chance to." She begged, weeping just like Adam.

Suddenly, Adam's tears turned to laughter as he stared at his mother, "I know you are in pain, but I can't comfort you. There are mothers like me, who could never see their children again. I can't abandon them for you. I don't want anyone to go through that," Adam said, his voice heavy.

Tears continued to streak down his cheeks, "You said that to me. And I resented you so much for it." Adam paused as he wiped the tears from his eyes. His mother flinched as she heard his words. "I don't know who you are, but you're definitely not my mother," Adam said.

At that moment, his surroundings distorted. The dimming stars brightened and the murky waters regained its clarity. Adam's demon-like form, slowly returned to his human form, and the water pillars slowly crumbled.

"You think you are clever?! Instead of atoning for the death of your family with your life, you seek—"

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! Don't mention my family with your foul mouth. I don't care what happens to me, but I won't die until the day I make you pay for what you have done! I won't die until I kill you, Korgrath!" Adam interjected.

At that moment, the images of his loved ones disappeared, and the aberration returned. Its bloodshot eyes stared at Adam, with its claws reaching for him.

"No, you don't!"

While Vicar's words echoed, a curtain of light blocked the aberrations claws.

"Adam, return through the other pillar. Hurry, it will soon crumble!"

With Vicar's reminder, Adam sprang towards the crumbling pillar. He could see terrified children who stared at the beastial being, motionlessly, screaming.

"Human, how dare you?! His soul his mine! I won't—"

"His soul is his and his alone! I won't let you devour it! Wait patiently for him to come cut your head," Vicar interjected.

All Adam could hear was the aberrations attacks colliding against the light barrier, and only a few inches separated him from the water pillar. With the pillar on the verge of crumbling, Adam jumped into it. The water absorbed him, and Adam merged with it. Within seconds, he watched as Vicar's barrier crumbled under the aberration's assault.

Escaping it watery confines, it destroyed the humanoid projection with its claws while racing towards Adam.

"Remember, my words. I'm coming for you!"

While Adam's words echoed, the claws of the aberration passed through the crumbled pillar.

"No! I, Korgrath, will—"

Before the aberration could finish its statement, several hands extended from the now deep waters, dragging the aberrations to its depths.

Hi, Mrdojo here.

Thanks for reading everyone. So we are done with the 'Prologue', time for the story to start.

MrDojocreators' thoughts