
Outside the Box

Anya Shimizu is the daughter of one of the richest households in South Korea so its pretty obvious which highschool she would attend:The Shinhwa Highschool. The most prestigious highschool in South Korea which only had the sons and daughters of rich households but also had some "not so rich" students who had amazing grades or achievements. Anya had always loved k-dramas but when she enters the highschool she is surprised to see that this highschool had "three aces" Keita Ha, Park Suho and Kim Minho and there is also a poor girl, Yoo Hyena who had been admitted on a scholarship. She looked at these people and can't help but compare their settings to those of a Romantic Highschool K-drama. She was an outsider but so what at least she can grab a popcorn and watch them as the play starts : a play that involves these three aces and this poor but kind girl. I DO NOT OWN THE PHOTO CREDIT TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS THE PHOTO IS EDITED BY ME

tenwang · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Classic Bully Scene

The crowd slowly dissipated after the three boys had left but a gang of girls in miniskirts now surrounded Hyuna as she tried to leave.

Anya quietly looked from the other side of the room, her heart thumping loudly at the scene unfolding before her eyes.She was trying to listen to their conversation when Soyoon and Yuna told her to come with them to see which class they had been appointed in.

Anya quickly followed them to the main hall to see which class she would be assigned to.She secretly hoped she would be in the same class with that poor girl.

When Anya saw the class she had been assigned to she was overjoyed.Not only was she with the poor girl but also with Soyoon, Yuna and the three aces.Anya had a feeling that this year would be a fun year.

Yuna started doing a little dance in celebration of the fact that she was in the same class as the three aces.She said, 'I knew it.My hard work has paid off.Do you guys know that during the summer vacation when I was at granny's house she would make me pray every night.She told me that the gods would listen to one of my wishes if I prayed everyday.Who would have known that granny's words would have come true.Now I will pray every night from now on.I can't believe my luck.'

Soyoon just laughed at Yuna and said, "I'm happy that this year all three of us are together.Last year all three of us were in different classes."

Then they all quickly scurried to other assigned classroom.Getting inside their classroom was a big struggle for them as hordes of girls surrounded their class door.

Then one girl who had wavy brown hair pushed to the crowds and entered the class with a smile on her face. Jiyoo smirked at the girls outside the class room and walked towards the three aces who were sitting near the window.

"Keita are you coming to the dinner tonight.Your father told my father that he would come along with you and your sister." Jiyoo said.

Keita looked at her and replied, "I'm not." He then turned his back towards her and put his earphones on.

Jiyoo face turned bright red as she quickly sat on an empty seat.Anya looked at this exchange and smiled when she saw that Jiyoo was not the only one disappointed but another guy minho who was standing beside Keita looked hurt as he saw Jiyoo's embarrassed face.

Anya had always been observant especially when there was something that piqued her interest.She quickly scanned the room and saw Hyuna sitting alone in the front row. Even though she was just lost in her thoughts Anya could feel the aura of a female lead character from her.Anya wondered how was it that no one else was noticing this except her?

She sat down beside Soyoon as Yuna took the closest vacant spot she could find near the three aces.

The girls outside scrambled away as a woman who was in her late thirties entered the class room with a paper in her hand.

All of them got up and greeted their new class teacher.She told them to sit down and then announced that everyone would sit according to their roll no.

She started announcing the order in which they would be seated.By the end of the seat arrangement Anya realized that Keita and Hyuna had been placed next to each other.Not only that they were just two seats in front of her.

Anya and Suho had become become desk mates and Yuna and Soyoon had also been separated. Yuna was seat mates with a tall guy while Soyoon ended up becoming seat mates with Jiyoo.

Yuna quickly made pouted at Anya when she saw that Anya was seat mates with Suho. Both of them quickly looked at Soyoon whose face looked so sour that both Anya and Yuna started giggling.

Anya was still giggling when a voice beside her said, 'You seem to be really happy to become my seatmate.'

Anya replied, 'No its not that I was just laughing at my friend.'Suho replied with a hurt look on his face, 'Are you unhappy with me becoming your desk mate?'

Anya quickly replied , 'No thats not it I....'

Her words were cut off by Suho's chuckle his brown eyes under his steel rimmed spectacles twinkling in the sunlight as he said, 'I was just joking.By the way I'm Park Suho.'

Anya smiled lightly as she replied, 'Nice to meet you.I'm Anya Shimizu.'

After this short conversation both of them sat down at their respective seats and started doing their own tasks.

Two desks in front of them sat Keita and Hyuna. Both of them not happy with their assigned seat mate.After some time the bell rang and it was time for classes to begin.

After two back to back classes the bell rang for their lunch break.Anya quickly got up to join Yuna and Soyoon who were closer to the door when she saw Yuna racing from her seat towards Anya's desk.

Yuna reached Anya's desk and quickly introduced herself to Suho. He greeted her back then walked towards Minho and Keita who were waiting for him near the door. As soon as he left Yuna looked enviously at Anya, "You lucky brat.Did you save a country in your last life or what?I'm so jealous of you."

Before Anya could reply a dazed Soyoon replied, "Guys is it lunch already?"Yuna hugged Soyoon and faked a sob while saying, "You are my true friend Soyoon~ah.I can't believe you ended up with Jiyoo out of all the people."

Soyoon then replied, "That wretch, she woke me up two times during the lessons asking me to check if her bloody eye liner was crooked or not.One day I'll strangle her I'm telling you."

All of them started laughing one after the other after listening to Soyoon's voice and then they sauntered to the cafeteria.

When they reached the cafetaria they saw that it was bustling with students.

This was the only time the three aces were not given at much attention as they were usually given.The reason being that since everyone from all classes was here so thats why everyone was busy talking with each other.

Soyoon, Yuna and Anya went to get their food trays.After getting what they wanted they looked around for empty seats.

Anya noticed that Hyuna was sitting alone on the table.She decided to sit at Hyuna's table since it was empty.Before Anya could even tell Yuna and Soyoon about going there, Jiyoo and two of her friends sat on Hyuna's table poking her with their chopsticks.

Anya realized that it was just the start right now.Anya knew poor Hyuna would have a tough life but at the end of the day she would be the one who would manage to capture the hearts of the three aces so it was not such a bad thing was it?

The three of them found an empty table and quickly sat down.Before they could even begin eating, a loud thud echoed through the cafeteria.Everyone looked to see what was the cause of this loud noise.

A curry covered Hyuna lay on the floor with a smirking Jiyoo looking at her.

"Ahhh" thought Anya.This scene in front of her was familiar to her.It was the classic bully scene a female lead faced.