
Chapter 3: Rough Start

Levi and his team were called to a robbery at the local bank. A group of masked men stormed the bank and made off with a large amount of money. The robbers were still on the loose, and the town was on edge.

Levi and his team arrived at the bank, which was in complete disarray. The robbers had left a mess behind, and the terrified bank employees were huddled in a corner. Levi reassured them that they were safe and ordered his team to search the area.

"Looks like we're too late." Levi said to Lily.

After examining the scene, Levi noticed that the robbers had left behind some evidence. He collected the evidence and took it back to the station for analysis.

As they analyzed the evidence, Levi's team began to piece together the details of the robbery. They discovered that the robbers had used explosives to blow open the safe, explosives specifically used at the local mines.

Levi deduced that they must be hiding out near the mines north of the town.

Days turned into weeks as they searched the many caverns but eventually, they discovered the hideout used by the bandits. Levi and his team moved in, And a gunfight broke out but the bandits were no match for Levi's team and they were quickly apprehended.

"Man these small-time criminals hardly make me break a sweat what's the point of giving me these powers if I never get to use them"

Lily looked on in disapproval.

"Don't give me that face I'm not some trigger-happy guy I just imagined a little more action and less paperwork when I took this position is all."

"Being able to have a peaceful town isn't a bad thing sir."

"You can quit with the sir stuff it's too formal just call me Levi."

"Yes sir, I mean... Levi."

"That's better..... you know the town wasn't always like this."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you honestly know nothing about the town you're assigned to?"

Lily stared at him with a blank expression.

" I was assigned to this position from the capital they said you needed a lieutenant so I came."

"Not exactly you see we never needed one before the day he arrived."


"The man in black, 6 years ago a drifter came to town the guy was on edge spouting nonsense about the darkness coming, the townsfolk tried to calm him down but the second they laid a finger on him he snapped killed a man sucking him to this black void we tried putting him down but bullets went right through the bastard"

"I've heard a story like this before, they called him."

(Levi and Lily speak in unison)

"The phantom."

"So what happened next?"

"The captain went into action, you've heard the stories of the war before 5-points established order well as it turns out they weren't just stories you see our captain.... was the living lightning."

Lily's eyes widened.

"The war hero!"

"Hero no the man was war itself cloaked in lightning I'd never seen anything like it, but it wasn't enough the captain was fast but every hit took more out of him, in the end, he was left with one choice."

Levi's head dropped

"Stone saved a lot of people that day but it cost him his life, ever since we've had more and more thugs come through town it was that day that I realized that without a strong leader, This town would crumble so I worked my ass off for 6 years just waiting for my chance to live up to his legacy."

Lily put her hand on Levi's shoulder

"Let's get back to the station."

With the bandits in custody, Levi was praised for his swift action and leadership. He had successfully solved his first major case as captain, and the town was grateful.

However, Levi knew that there would always be more challenges to face in his line of work. He was proud of his team and knew that they would continue to work hard to keep the town safe. As they made their way back to the station, Lily cleared her throat and spoke up.

"Levi, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?" Levi asked, curious.

"I noticed that you tend to be a bit...unconventional in your methods. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but you know we have to follow the protocols and procedures set by the capital. And, I've noticed that you've been slacking off on your paperwork lately."

Levi groaned. "I know, I know, paperwork is not my forte. But we can't always do things by the book, Lily. Sometimes, you have to think outside the box to get things done."

"I understand that, but we can't just disregard the rules altogether. We need to find a balance," Lily said, her tone firm but gentle.

Levi sighed. "You're right. I guess I just get so caught up in the action and the thrill of the chase that I forget about the administrative side of things."

"I get it, believe me. But, we're a team, and we need to work together to keep this town safe and running smoothly."

Levi nodded. "I hear you, Lily. Thanks for keeping me in line. I'll do my best to stay on top of my paperwork from now on but no promises."

The two fell silent for a moment before Lily spoke up again.

"You know, Levi, I've been thinking. You may be unconventional, but you're also a great leader. I've learned a lot from you since I arrived here, and I feel like we make a good team."

Levi smiled. "Thanks, Lily. I think we make a good team too. It's important to have someone who keeps me grounded and reminds me of my responsibilities."

Lily smiled back. "Anytime, boss."

As they entered the station, Levi couldn't help but feel grateful for his team and the relationships he had built with them. He knew that his rough start as captain was just that a rough start. But, with his team's support and his determination, he was confident that he could lead this town and honor the legacy of Captain Stone.