
Chapter 1: Hometown Hero

Levi looked out over the bustling town square, a proud smile on his face. He had worked his way up from a lowly lawman to the captain of the town's law enforcement division at a young age. It was no small feat, especially for someone who had come from the streets.

Growing up, Levi had never imagined himself as a lawman. He had lived most of his life struggling to survive after losing his parents due to a cave-in working in the town's ore mine even though the street life was tough he did what he could to feed his little sister and help the towns folk, but he never thought his acts of kindness would lead him to a life of law enforcement.

It wasn't until a fateful day when Levi witnessed and helped stop a robbery at the local store that he realized his true calling. He had been in the right place at the right time, and his quick thinking and bravery had impressed the town's captain. From then on, Levi had been on a path to becoming a lawman, Captain Stone arranged for his sister to live with his relatives in the capital under the condition that he be trained by the captain himself in the art of combat.

Now, years later, Levi stood tall and proud as the captain of the town's law enforcement division. He had a team of skilled soldiers and a new second-in-command coming straight from the capital. The town respected him, and he had earned their trust with his dedication to justice and his unwavering commitment to protecting the people he served.

As he stood there, lost in thought, a voice interrupted his reverie.

"Captain Levi? Excuse me, Captain?"

Levi turned to see a young woman approaching him. She was dressed in a crisp uniform, the badge on her waist marking her as a new lieutenant. Levi smiled, recognizing her from the interview process.

"Lieutenant Lily, I presume?" he said, extending a hand. "Welcome to the team."

Lily shook his hand, a small smile on her face. "Thank you, sir. It's an honor to be here."

Levi could see the determination in her eyes, the same fire that had burned in his own when he had started on this path. He felt a swell of pride, knowing that he was responsible for shaping the next generation of lawmen.

"Let's get started, Lieutenant," he said, leading her from the train station toward the command post. "We've got work to do."

Levi and lily enter the station passing a stone tablet on the wall reading " To the stone wall that protected us may he live on in our hearts" on the way to his office.

" I cleared out some space for you from this day on this will be your office too, orientation will take place at 0700 hours bright and early we share living quarters here although we've never had a lieutenant until now so you will be rooming with me, I will also see to your training I want to see how much an officer like you from the big city can handle, any complaints you can file it to our complaint department."

Levi points over to a plaque hovering over a trashcan to Lily's dismay

"lighten up newbie or you won't last long out here.

Despite his position, Levi has a very laid-back personality,Lily on the other hand has a more strict personality which balances him out.

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