
Outer World Vision

A young man's life as he grows up living, simultaneously, in two entirely different worlds.

rebarbarber24 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The day I went crazy

Imagine this, your five years old and your playing in your neighborhood street like all the other kids when you get knocked out by a baseball hit by a teenager. Well waking up your usually groggy and dizzy with a splitting headache, Right? Well my story has a little twist. My names Machiino, Machiino arber. It's pronounced mack-ino (my parents are weird I know this very well) and this is how I came to safeguard not just this world but one only I can see.

I woke up in the hospital looking at a bright white ring. I was born with poor vision so the fact I couldn't see after waking up didn't bother me, the fact that what I thought was my room smelt more like a germa-hex bottle... definitely did. It wasn't my first time in a hospital, before this was a broken arm. Then time before that, the other arm. I considered myself to be THE daredevil kid. So when I woke up in the hospital the first thing I thought was "What's broke now?". By this time my Mom and sister Kay who'd been sitting next to my bed realised I was awake and proceeded to inform me of the situation. Of course Mom cried and lectured first, but that's all mothers isn't it? My mom chewed my butt like it tasted good saying "If you hadn't been unconscious for two damn days I would be still whooping your butt!! You know better than to blah. blah. blah blah" I don't remember the rest of that lecture. I didn't care, what caught my attention was that Mom just said I was out for two WHOLE days. That meant I got to skip school! How lucky was that!? Then I realised that I didn't get to do anything on that day and it upset me. Mom saw this as me realizing I'd done wrong and finally letting up.

We talked for a bit longer waiting for the doctor to arrive. I asked for Mom for my glasses but she said they broke and I'd have to get new ones when I was released. This stunk because the lights hurt my eyes and not seeing meant I had to rely on my hands, ears, and nose to get around again. This also wasn't a first for me... more like my tenth. Glasses for me were pretty much disposable, so I'd gotten pretty adept at traversing with my other senses; but it didn't mean I liked it. To me, nothing looked more uncool than a kid walking down a school hallway with both hands on the wall turning his head in crazy directions trying to smell where the bathroom was. Plus who would want to smell that anyway, blech.

Finally I was released with a mild concussion. I was angry because Mom said that meant I didn't have to have a cast. This whole trip was a bust first I cant see and now I've been to the hospital with no cast for my class to sign. What a buzz kill, that was like going to the ice cream truck to watch other kids get ice cream!! Anyway we go to the eye doctor after. He knew me well he called me Mack and I called him Doc. He was cool he made the whole time I was there feel like I was watching a magic show. Pulling pairs glasses from seemingly nowhere and so on asking which pair I liked.... not that I could see them at the time. Doc got my prescription done and handed me a pair of big oval glasses. I asked them what they were and Doc said with a big grin "There your temporary glasses until you get your new ones. Since you come in so much I decided to get you a spare." I put them on and suddenly my world of colorful fuzz balls became crystal clear. Doc handed me a mirror so I could see how I looked. I gazed into the mirror and became ecstatic "I look like Tarry Copper!!!" I was jumping up and down thinking of my resemblance to the book of wizards and magic and how it was even cooler that I could see what seemed to be a small glowing girl sitting on my shoulder looking in the mirror back at me. I thought it was just one of Docs magic tricks since he was laughing and mom was smiling and nodding. I handed Doc back the mirror and we left for home my sister and I pretending to cast magic spells the whole way.