
Outcast Hunter

Ever since gates and monsters appeared on Earth so is the people who can fight against them. Leo, a high school graduate didn't took college, instead ventured on becoming a hunter to support his life and his brother's while looking for his dad. But life isn't so great for everyone. Leo who had became a hunter found out that he was a 'defected hunter' who can't level up and was ranked as the weakest hunter. Despite the circumstances, Leo didn't gave up until the opportunity itself came upon him.

JuliusAlfred · Action
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38 Chs

Chapter 26 : What Really Happened

Outside the Boss room where the others are.

"We need to hurry up and finish this. Leo might be in danger and my guess is that he's inside the Boss' room" Neil was also worried about Leo and rush the others to quickly kill the dark elves.

There were 14 dark elves remaining. Von used a different skill, a crowd control skill that uses up all of his MP and stuns the enemies depending how much MP he has. He has about 150, about three seconds worth. This is enough to finish this, he thought to himself.

"Everyone covered your eyes!" They heard him and immediately covered their eyes.

It was like flash bang, a white flash of light that hinders their sight and pauses for three seconds. Everyone waste no time and took care of the dark elves. Some are crazy for playing with the dead, repeatedly killing it. Whilst the others made it a painless death. All of the dark elves were killed.

"After a long battle with them, this sure had drag on a lot longer than I expected" Von was so exhausted. He had used all of his MP, it'll take a while for him to recover.

"We should hurry and go inside"

All of them stormed inside the Boss' room only to saw that the Centipede was already dead and there was Leo sitting, his back against the wall.

Everyone can see the traces at him that he fought hard.

"Leo!" Annie came to her aid. "Did you killed it?" Curious and at the same time worried about what happened.

"I-I... uh I'm not the one who killed it" Leo was trembling.

"Then who did?" Neil asked instead.

Leo paused for a moment then, "I was dragged here and had to fought the dark elves when a warp gate appeared out of thin air and a guy came out. He looks like a human, I asked who he is but he didn't answered instead he easily kill the dark elves and that huge centipede. It was crazy"

Some of them were suspicious since they haven't heard something like this in the past whilst some of them seemed to have believed Leo.

"Hmmm... It's believable, you guys were against him joining our party because he doesn't have the ability" Von had reached a conclusion that what he's saying was true and at the same time he had a little doubt.

Since the Boss had been taken care of, they don't have to do anymore fight and just need to get the loots. Such as monster cores and crystals.

They left the dungeon, Leo was paid at that time and so the other two.

After that Leo wanted to part ways and wants went straight home.

"Leo, are you sure you're okay?" Annie asked before Leo leaves.

"Yeah I am, I was just a bit shocked when I saw someone so powerful" Leo showed a smile, for them to not worry anymore and know that he's fine.

"I see, then that's good" she let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll take my leave"

And with that Leo's image slowly fades away from their vision.

"You really like him huh?" This was unexpected from Neil.

"Huh? I... uh-"

"Haha, you don't have to hide it to me I won't tell him"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, but don't worry he's a blockhead he won't know"

"I wish he would" she muttered

"I know that he has no time for this so I might as well set aside this feeling and focus on my goal"

Neil pats her head as they walked away.

Leo had reached his home, Tom was at his school but he left Leo something to eat.

He was inside the house and was drinking a water when the doorbell rang. He went to checked who it was and saw that it was Secretary Cristina.

"Oh, if it isn't hunter Leo. It's nice seeing you ha-ha" she looked at him from head to toe "I think not"

"Oi... I know what brings you here. It's Tom's license right?" Leo said,

"Yes, but first would you like to let me in?"

"Oh yes, on this way Mrs." He gestured the way inside.

"I'm still a Ms.. Hmph!" She wrinkled.

"Ohh I thought you were, pardon my rudeness" He burst into laughter that made Cristina's brows to arched more up.

"Hunter Leo, I didn't go here just to get teased by" she made a serious expression to make him stop.

"How about a coffee or something to drink?"

"Coffee's fine, two teaspoon of sugar and lots of cream" she sat on the couch and placed her bag beside her.

He looked through the cabinet and found all what he needs, prepared it and then served the coffee.

"This is your brother's hunter license" she extended her arm, holding the license that Leo took and stored it inside his wallet.

Cristina look like she still has something to say and Leo noticed it and waste no time to ask.

"Is there still anything? I mean it seems you still have something to discuss" Leo had made himself a tea, he doesn't like coffee. He took a sip and put the cup down.

"The thing is... No I can't right now" she shook her head "I'll discuss this with you in the near future" she finished her coffee and put her bag on her shoulder and rose from the couch.

"I won't pursue the matter" he walked her out and both bid goodbyes.

Leo went back and then come into his room. He was happy because of what happened earlier inside the Boss' room.

Inside the Boss' room, where it's only Leo and the Centipede fighting each other.

"I've been attacking it a few times but the blade won't reach the inside of the shell. I guess it's the legs I have to aim first" he tightened his grip and dashed towards the Centipede. It was spitting some kind of poisonous liquid that melts every substance it hits. He was carefully dodging all of them side by side whilst running towards the centipede. When nearing, the Centipede dive through the ground and was also looking for Leo to let his guard down.

The Centipede was digging up the ground limiting Leo's movements. It had made some holes and would come out and attack Leo, spitting the same poisonous liquid.

"Ahh! This is getting annoying. If that's how you want to do this then"

Leo stopped moving, not moving an inch from where he is. He was trying to predict where and when will the Centipede come out of the ground and spits it's poisonous shit.

He closed his eyes. The Centipede's still crawling and digging the ground.

'Not yet... not yet... Side!'

The Centipede came from the right side which Leo predicted. He holds the blade with both hands and lowered it to his right making a thrusting position. He puts all of his force on his feet and with a lightning speed, Leo flew from his position to where the Centipede was and directly pointing on his sword to it's head.


"It's so hard"

The hard shell of the centipede and Leo's blade collides against each other . Leo's blade broke off but...

"No... not yet, I can still use this!"

Using his left hand, Leo grabbed to it's legs, the Centipede tried to shake him but Leo's grip had tightened. Leo raised his broken blade, with all his might he cuts down half of it's right legs.

"Screeeee!" The Centipede uttered a sharp shrill cry.

'Huff, huff'

Leo landed just fine on the ground, but the Centipede wasn't. It sounded hurt as it continued screeching.

The Centipede once again dived into the ground it was more aggressive than before. Taking damage had made it more dangerous.

Leo picked up the broken tip of the blade thinking that it has its own use.


The Centipede came out below where Leo was. It became easy to predict, Leo jumped off the ground. Below him was the Centipede who came out of the ground. It widened it's mouth and was gonna shoot its poisonous liquid when Leo threw the broken tip of the blade that hits its eye.


The Centipede failed to shoot its poison and it pours down to it's own body that causes deterioration to it's hard shell.

"A chance!"

The shell went limp, Leo quickly landed on the ground and puts force on his feet again and jumped. He went flying in an instant. He clenched his fist as tighter as it can get and threw his strongest punch on it's limp shell.


The limp part of the Centipede's body exploded because of the force Leo had exerted from his punch.

[The Boss has been killed]

[You level up]

[You level up]

[You level up]

[Mission Complete]

[Sending out the rewards...]

[Centipede's Shell, can be forged into a sword. The system directly sent you the loot suppose to be pick up by the player because it might cause a problem]

"Hah! Hah! That was a hard fight, I'm so exhausted" Leo sat down and lean his back against the wall.

"I should think of a way on how to explain this... Should I act all calm and collected or pretend to be in surprised because some unexpected guest step in and took the prey... Hmmm, I guess I should pick the latter" most logical since they don't think he'll be capable of doing this.

Leo took his sword and the tip of it to erased all evidence of him killing the Centipede.
