
Outbreak: The First Cases

In a world struck by a deadly pandemic, a mysterious disease is rapidly spreading that endows the infected with incredible powers, but at a great cost. As the virus continues to spread, the infected individuals begin to lose their minds, becoming monstrous and uncontrollable, making them a danger to themselves and those around them. A small group of uninfected individuals forms the Meta Advance Human Army, to fight against the spread of the pandemic and to uncover the secrets behind the outbreak. They quickly realize that the virus is not a natural occurrence, but rather a man-made bioweapon created by a rogue government agency. As the team races to find a cure, they discover that the pandemic is just the tip of the iceberg. The agency responsible for creating the virus is planning something even more catastrophic, and it's up to the Meta Advance Human Army to stop them before it's too late. As they navigate a world on the brink of collapse, the team must fight not only against the infected but also against a corrupt government and the sinister forces behind the pandemic. With each passing day, the stakes get higher, and the team must work tirelessly to save the world from destruction. Outbreak: The First Cases is a thrilling tale of survival, discovery, and betrayal, that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

KiyoAsahiKaishi · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 12:"The Path of Mastery"

Today, after the incident, Hyosuke decided to give kiyoshi training to make him stronger and also nexton also interested to help kiyoshi .

As Kiyoshi prepared for his training with Hyosuke and Nexton, he felt a surge of excitement and nervousness. He knew that this training would be essential for their upcoming mission against the Black Sun Exogenesis Foundation. He stepped onto the training ground and greeted his mentors.

"Are you ready, Kiyoshi?" Hyosuke asked.

Kiyoshi nodded, determination in his eyes. "I'm ready for whatever you have in store for me."

Hyosuke smiled. "Good. We'll start with some basic exercises to warm up."

Hyosuke" let's start with 50 push up, 50 Squats, and 10km of running through the base"

For the next few hours, Kiyoshi worked on his physical conditioning, pushing his body to its limits. He felt the burn in his muscles and the sweat on his brow, but he pushed through the pain. He knew that this was just the beginning of his journey to becoming a true warrior.

After the physical conditioning, they moved on to combat training. Nexton, the weapons expert, taught Kiyoshi how to handle various weapons, including swords, guns, and explosives. Kiyoshi was a quick learner, and he absorbed the knowledge like a sponge.

Nexton: "Good you are improving very much Kiyoshi and now I want you to keep shooting to get a headshot and not waste a bullet on missing a bullet, since you know every bullet could save your life no bullet means you die.

Kiyoshi: "Yes sir I understand the task sir! ", He use hit scar rifle to shoot the dummy target straight in the face.

Nexton: "KEEP GOING!"

As the sun began to set, Kiyoshi collapsed onto the ground, exhausted but exhilarated. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he felt a sense of accomplishment in what he had achieved so far.

Tekuru approached him, a proud smile on his face. "You're doing well, Kiyoshi. I can see that you're dedicated to this cause."

Kiyoshi nodded, grateful for the support. "I want to do everything I can to stop the Black Sun Exogenesis Foundation and make up for my past mistakes." Those innocent people don't deserve this at all".

Tekuru placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Kiyoshi, We believe in you, Kiyoshi. But remember, it's not just about physical strength. You also need to cultivate your mind and spirit. Only then can you truly become a master?" and don't go too far with the revenge mind it can destroy your life and others without you knowing it"

Kiyoshi nodded, understanding the importance of balance in his training. He knew that he had much to learn, but he was willing to put in the effort to become the best he could be.

As the days went on, Kiyoshi continued his training with Hyosuke and Nexton, each day bringing new challenges and new lessons. He honed his combat skills, developed his strategic thinking, and cultivated his inner strength. He also spent time meditating and reflecting, as Tekuru had advised him.

Through it all, Yuna was there by his side, providing support and encouragement. They trained together, fought together, and grew stronger together. Kiyoshi knew that he could not have made it this far without her.

As the final day of their training approached, Kiyoshi felt a sense of anticipation and excitement. He knew that this was his chance to put all of his training into action.

He stood at the edge of the training ground, looking out at the horizon. He knew that the battle against the Black Sun Exogenesis Foundation would not be easy, but he was ready. He had trained hard, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Yuna stood beside him, a look of determination on her face. "We're ready for this," she said.

Kiyoshi nodded, a sense of calm filling him. "Yes, we are. Let's go save the world from this foundation."

Together, they set off toward their next mission, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They had trained hard, and they were ready to take on the Black Sun Exogenesis Foundation and put an end to their nefarious plans once and for all.