
Outbreak: AHE

Ataxic Hyperkinetic Encephalopathy (AHE), a terrifying prion disease, emerges from the jungles of Papua New Guinea. But for Minamoto Ren, the carefree Kendo Captain and senior at Chuo High in Kobe, initial reports of violence seem unrelated. But when the world descends into chaos, Ren discovers the real culprit: fast, bloodthirsty infected, driven by the insidious prion. With humanity on the brink, Ren must find the strength to fight back within the crumbling walls of his high school. Can he survive in a world where the familiar has become monstrous? —— 1-2 Chapters will be released Every Monday, Saturday, and Sunday.

BlueMethAddict · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: 110

The lukewarm water lapped gently against Reina's chin, a small comfort in the otherwise bleak reality. Steam swirled around her, momentarily obscuring the clean tiles and the freshly painted smell of the now abandoned classroom bathroom. Across the small compartment, Yuki stood lowering her head against the shower. Her face a mask of stoicism in the hazy light.

Silence stretched between them, punctuated only by the soft drip of a leaky faucet. It felt like a lifetime since they'd luxuriated in a hot bath, a small indulgence they could barely afford in their current predicament.

"It's strange," Reina finally ventured, her voice barely a whisper above the dripping water. "How much you miss the little things, isn't it, senpai?"

Yuki remained impassive, her gaze unwavering. "Like water that doesn't leave you shivering for hours?" she countered, her tone dry but not unkind.

Reina managed a weak smile. "Exactly. Or a bed that doesn't feel like sleeping on rocks." She shifted uncomfortably, the warm shower offering little solace to her aching muscles. 

"Or even just..." she trailed off, the words catching in her throat.

Yuki tilted her head slightly, a flicker of something unreadable crossing her eyes. "Knowing what tomorrow holds?" she finished for her, her voice devoid of its usual sharpness.

Reina nodded, a helpless feeling gnawing at her. Hours had bled into one another since the infected first appeared, transforming their once-familiar school into a prison. 

"It just feels weird that the world outside is long gone… but Its only just been a few hours…" Reina murmured, head dipping lower.

The initial terror had morphed into a dull ache, the constant threat a heavy weight on their young shoulders.

A memory, sharp and unexpected, surfaced in Reina's mind. A memory of sun-drenched days and carefree laughter, a lifetime ago when the biggest worry was whether she and her girlfriends would hang out after class or share their lunches.

Sharing a stolen moment of warmth seemed like a luxury now.

"Senpai," Reina blurted out, the question tumbling out before she could stop it. "When did you... Like Ren?"

The question hung heavy in the air, shattering the fragile peace that had settled between them. Yuki's expression remained stoic, but a flicker of something unreadable, perhaps even a hint of surprise, crossed her eyes before she veiled them once more.

"Like Ren?" she finally echoed, her voice hesitant. It wasn't a denial, but it wasn't a confession either. It was a question phrased as a question, deflecting the weight of Reina's inquiry back to her.

Reina's gaze dropped, a flush creeping up her neck. "I just... sometimes the way you look at him," she mumbled, unsure how else to articulate the unbidden thought that had taken root in her mind.

Yuki dipped her head, her reflection obscured by the swirling steam. A battle raged within her, a confusing tangle of emotions she rarely acknowledged, let alone explored. She guarded her heart fiercely, a vague sense of pragmatism offered a shield against her current vulnerability.

"I don't think I like Ren, I don't know and It honestly doesn't matter," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Right now, survival is all that matters. Focusing on anything else… is a distraction."

Reina bit her lip, unsure if Yuki's words were a deflection or a genuine belief. She understood Yuki's stoicism, after all, their bond had been built on a foundation of respect and unspoken competition. But at the same time, did they truly understand each other? 

Sometimes it felt like a puzzle with missing pieces, a constant source of frustration and intrigue.

The silence returned, thicker this time, broken only by the soft hiss of the water and the distant groan of the building settling.

The steam continued to swirl, creating a hazy barrier between them, a reflection of the unspoken words and hidden emotions that hung in the air.

Suddenly, a sharp rapping echoed through the bathroom door, shattering the tense silence. Reina jumped, startled back to the harsh reality of their situation.

"Hey, are we good in there?" came Ren's muffled voice. "We need to go to the cafeteria now?"

The urgency in his voice was unmistakable. Both girls exchanged a nervous glance, the bubble of normalcy they'd created momentarily burst.

"We'll be right out, Ren," Yuki called back, her voice regaining its usual composure.

As the rhythmic tapping on the door subsided, a strange sense of unease settled over Reina. She knew they couldn't stay here forever, lost in their unspoken thoughts. The harsh reality of their situation awaited them, demanding their focus and .

With a sigh, Reina pushed herself out of the tub, grabbing a towel to dry herself. Across from her, Yuki followed suit, a flicker of vulnerability briefly visible in her eyes before they hardened once more.

As they stepped out of the bathroom, the steam slowly dissipated, revealing the stark reality of the abandoned classroom. The two took in spare clothes from the clothes taken from the gymnasium, pleased with their current conditions.

Ahead, Ren stood by the makeshift map sprawled across a rickety desk. The harsh fluorescent light overhead cast an unflattering yellow glow on his face, highlighting the worry lines etched around his eyes. He held a crumpled piece of paper in his hand, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"Finally! I thought you two drowned in there," he said with a forced lightness, a hint of relief flickering across his features.

"Sorry, Ren," Yuki replied, her voice carrying a hint of apology despite its usual coolness. "We just lost track of time."

Reina, still shaken by the conversation and the weight of unspoken emotions, remained silent. She wrapped the towel around her shoulders gripping them tighter, the damp fabric clinging uncomfortably to her skin.

Ren gestured towards the map. "Alright, I think I've got the basic layout down. Convenience stores A and B are closest, but they might be picked clean by now considering how things have been so far.

The supermarket's a bigger gamble, but it would definitely have a better chance of having canned food and supplies."

He tapped a spot on the map with his finger. "There's an abandoned sporting goods store a few blocks past the supermarket. Might find some backpacks or something sturdy to carry supplies in."

Yuki leaned closer, her eyes scanning the map with a practiced intensity. 

"That sounds good. We can hit the convenience stores first, then head towards the supermarket. If we can find a car with keys, it'll save us a lot of time and energy."

A flicker of hope momentarily chased away the despair that had settled over them. The possibility of finding resources, of taking control of their situation, was a spark in the suffocating darkness.

"The keys," Ren said, his voice grim. 

"That's the biggest hurdle. From what I saw on Qwitter and outside, most people took their cars when things went south."

The weight of his words settled heavily on them. The chances of finding a car with keys were slim, and venturing outside meant facing the ever-present threat of the infected. A knot of anxiety tightened in Reina's stomach.

"I know I suggested school buses, before, but what are our chances of actually getting them to work?" she inquired tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

Yuki and Ren exchanged surprised glances. "The buses?" Ren finally echoed, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I'm not too familiar with manual cars at all, to be honest, I can barely drive a car…" 

A small frown tugged at the corner of Reina's lips, a flicker of despair washing her chest.

"We need to figure out how the bus works." she continued, her voice gaining confidence.

"And maybe, there's a spare set of keys somewhere in the staff room."

Ren nodded thoughtfully. "It's worth a shot. At least it's a plan, and right now, that's what we need."

He turned towards the doorway, a newfound determination etched on his face. "Alright, let's get some rest. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Wait, what about the cafeteria?" Reina whined, earning a sigh from the other two.

"I completely forgot, let's see if we have some food to eat…" Ren smiled apologetically at her, rising to his feet.

Yuki followed him out, her thoughts shifting between the two.

The road ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger, but for the first time since the crisis began, they had a plan. And with each other, they had a chance, however slim, of making it through.

hello vros, my schedule is very tight these days, im managing university and part time but ill have no work for three days, so that should be good, yes?

Im also not releasing chapters on Saturday because ive got work from 11 to 21 :/

BlueMethAddictcreators' thoughts