
-Out of time-

Playing an online game of his favorite game, Gulf meets a boy, speaking he decides to send him a private message, who would say that a game would turn into a beautiful friendship. But no one imagines what the future has in store for them ...

Len_3490 · Others
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12 Chs


After I got home from college, I went to the little study in my apartment to play video games for a bit, sat down, and started a random team game. I played with 2 boys and a girl, the first had the name "Mew", the second "Folk" and the girl "Dew".

At the beginning we all turned on the microphone, to make it easier to help each other and win.

At one point I heard a voice, it was thick, but sweet at the same time."Whose voice is that?" I asked shyly."Mine," she replied."Mine from whom?" she asked again.

—of Mew-spoke the owner of the voice-why, who asks? He spoke again.Mew, her name and his voice were so perfect together ...

—I'm Gulf-this is weird -you have an incredible voice-why did I say that? Hell, I already blew it.

—hahaha-her laugh from him to him was also amazing-thanks, Gulf-

My name sounded so good with his voice ...

"You also have a very beautiful voice," Mew said.

"Hey…" said the other boy, "can you stop flirting?" There are two other people here, plus there is a private chat. Now, let's play-

"Yes, I'm sorry," I said, although they didn't see me, I had blushed ...

We played some games, in which we were victorious. I was already bored, I said goodbye to everyone and disconnected.


Within minutes, I received a message on my computer, it was from the Mew boy ...

—hello Gulf, I hope you don't mind my message. It's just that I liked you, and I wanted to chat more with you-

—hello, no, it doesn't bother me, I was going to turn off my computer, but if you want, I'll give you my Line-

—of course, I call you that you schedule my number-

—well, it's +xx xxxx, I'm waiting for your call-

30 seconds passed and my cell phone started ringing. I replied.

"In the call"


—Hi ... Gulf ...- that tone of voice was so sexy ...

—Oh, Mew?—

—The same-

—So what were you doing?-

—Well, a few minutes ago I was playing with you, and you? —

—The same-

He laughed, his laugh is incredibly beautiful ...

—Tell me about yourself, Gulf- seriously, it's amazing.

—Well, my name is Gulf Kanawut, I am 20 years old, I am in the second year of the University of Architecture, I am from Thailand, Bangkok, I live alone.-I paused to breathe -And you?-I asked.

—My name is Mew Suppasit, I am also 20 years old, I study medicine, I am also in second year, I am from Thailand, but I live in Korea and I live with family-

"Why do you live in Korea?" I was curious.

—My mom fell in love with a man when I was 14 years old, he was from Korea, but he was on vacation in Thailand. He proposed to live here with him, my mother accepted. They got married, everything was going well, until a few months ago he died in a car accident — hell, why did I ask?

-Sorry- my voice broke, sadness was evident.

—no, no, don't worry, you didn't know it-I feel like a total idiot.

—but I asked-

—hey, no problem, in the same way we weren't very attached-

—I ... I'm still sorry-

"Seriously there is no problem, also, do not call you to talk about my past, tell me, do you have a family?" He asked me.

—Yes, a younger brother and my parents, and you, do you have a family besides your mother? —

—yes, I have two sisters, Pineaer and Malai-

—oh, you only live with women. Is it difficult? -

—No, I actually only carry the bags when shopping, but it doesn't bother me at all-

—What a good brother-

—Yes, yes, hey Gulf, what do you think of me? -

—Well, I think you have a beautiful voice, and from the little we talk you seem to be a good person-

—Thank you-

—And you, what do you think of me? -

—I think you have a good personality and that you must have many friends thanks to her-"Well, I do have friends, but not many," I said with a bit of pity.

—well, in the same way I don't have many friends, I'm the popular nerd at my university-

"I laughed "

-Well- he spoke again -you have a very nice laugh Kana-

—What is that about Kana? -

—well, your last name is Kanawut, so it's because of the first four letters, it also goes well with you. Doesn't bother you, does it? -

He already gave me a nickname, I read once that when they give you a nickname it is because you are important to that person.

"No, it doesn't bother me," I said smiling, I was grateful that he couldn't see me.

—Very good, "Kana" -she said emphasizing the word.

That voice could me, if Mew comes right now and says "clean my shoes with your tongue", with that voice, I do.

—well -she spoke again- I'll go shower, then we'll talk Kana-

—Yes, we'll talk later, Mew.-

That guy is going to make me fall in love, and I'm not going to know what to do ... Anyway, I don't decide, if it happens, it happens.

Omniscient POV

That same night Gulf slept happier than usual, since before going to bed Mew sent him a message wishing him good night...

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