A collection of Super-Short-Stories comprising of different genres like Romance, Horror, Fantasy, Comedy and many more...
Akin was a tall man, well over 6ft and naturally muscular from hard labor. He had an ugly scar across his chin and intense brown eyes that force fear in most men.
He had accomplished every single goal he'd set out for when he'd left for greener pasture at the age of 20. And now in his early forties, he couldn't believe the feeling of loneliness that has overtaken his very being even with him frequenting the Paradise Parlour more than he could count with his large fingers.
He needed a maiden by his side. A maiden he could call his and his alone. But where to find her? Not many families could approve of him and what he does.
But that was less of a problem for now. Akin was stewing as he rode into the quiet town he'd been riding two days to reach. He had to have a serious talk with Obajana. The man had missed paying the last half of silver coins for the farmland Akin had sold him; enough was enough!
Actually, he didn't NEED it, but he refused to let anyone get over him. Ever!
Him running and hiding more than twice from his foreman Akake, when he went collecting Akin's money was the worst mistake the idiot had made. And today, Akin would collect his coins himself or cease his farmland back.
Akin got directions to Obajana's home from an old man stepping out of his house;
When he arrived at the house, one look told Akin, the man would not have his money. The house was leaning heavily to one side; a part of the fence was missing. Akin looked around as he entered the gateless yard and climbed a few steps to a large cracked up wooden door.
A lot of people considered Obajana flaky, to say the least but Akin heard the idiot had lost a fight for a family piece of land to his cousins and his wife recently passed away leaving him five young mouth to feed; that's why he took a chance and sold him a piece of farmland to tilt and harvest. He wasn't heartless though many perceived him to be.
The door fell in as Akin knocked. He was stupefied to see Obajana laying drunk on the floor and four bright brown eyes staring at him in horror. He quickly scanned the children with his equally brown eyes; they were filthy and obviously hungry. He couldn't tell which were boys and which were girls. and worst of all they stink to the heavens above.
Akin felt a pang of pity for the children and anger towards the useless man on the floor. He jerked him off the floor and began smacking him around viciously.
The children screamed for him to stop in their weak voices.
"He's going to take revenge on us when you're gone." a boy finally said pleadingly, pulling at the leg of his trouser.
"W-What is happening?!" Obajana sputtered to life with bloodshot eyes wide open. Coming out of his drunken stupor to a vicious beating was not a good feeling.
He briefly tried to fight back but as his senses came back and he saw Akin was his assaulter, his face immediately went soft and apologetic. It was a matter of fact, not opinion, that his morning was not going to go all well.
Obajana started mumbling and apologizing. He was swaying on his feet, clothes hanging off his thin frame. He smelled worse than the kids.
"It is a waste land,'' he sobbed, drunkenly. "I don't know what to do!' He cried bitterly.
"Waste land my foot!" Akin yelled in his face. "then I'll gladly take my land back!" He said, dropping Obajana to the floor in disgust
"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry!" Obajana said, sadly. He just laid there, crying pitifully while his children stared at him bewildered.
"I just need more time; a month or two will do." Obajana whispered. "I can get your silver by then. I-l...".
Obajana's face brightened as his eyes moved and landed on the children still in the room.
"I got something for you Mr. Akin!" He sat up straight, "I got something real nice!" he said excitedly,
"Sidi! Sidi, where is that stupid child? I know you're in there listening! You better come out, this instance!" he yelled.
A very tall girl stepped in from an inner room.
"Yes Papa?" she said, softly.
Akin glanced at her, then did a double take. The girl was a bit unkempt but in a better state than the rest of the children, and he was still blown away.
She had dimples that didn't need her to smile to show their presence and bright doe eyes, like that of her papa but much more enchanting. Her long hair was a midnight black, worn in a messy plait. She was gorgeous. Smooth skin, thick lips, long lashes... He couldn't see her body underneath the faded knee length gown she wore, but she looked a bit on the skinny side.
He became vaguely aware of Obajana's voice in the room.
"Sidi is a very good cook and she knows to be a complete shadow when needed." The man was smirking. He knew no man would resist having a beautiful good cook.
"She will be eighteen in a week's time," he said proudly. His daughter stared at him, wide eyed.
"Papa?" she questioned.
"Shut up! If you're gone that means one less mouth to feed." he fired back
She started crying. He couldn't be serious! Right? And so did the children, they begged their Papa not to send away Sidi.
Obajana rushed to get up, almost tripping on his face, "I don't have time for this." He placed his hands firmly on her shoulders, staring at her crying face. "How are your brothers and sisters supposed to eat? The fire left little to nothing to salvage."
Sidi looked confused at the idea. How will sending her away bring food to the house?
Frustrated, Obajana let go of her. He looked sideways at Akin before turning back to his daughter, "my dear, you'd be helping the family out. Mr. Akin here is a very gentleman. I'm sure he means to make you his wife. Don't you, Mr. Akin?" Obajana questioned Akin, giving him a pleading eyes.
'What a father.' Akin thought while nodding eagerly. He didn't have to ask him if he was interested, his heart's pull towards the beautiful girl turning into a lady in a week's time was too strong.
Obajana's shoulders sagged in relief. Akin is considered one of the wealthiest unmarried men in his town and the others around. Sidi would be fine and maybe they all would be, too.
Sidi was still crying, but he led her to Akin. Placing her hand in the man's hand. He hated letting her go, but things are getting really hard for him these past few months. He lost his job, lost his wife and then lost his harvest to a godforsaken fire he couldn't explain how it started. Though he suspected his wicked cousins but with no evidence, it will be useless pointing accusing fingers at them. He really didn't like seeing Sidi in agony, either, but all he could do was hope for the best.
"I know I have no right to ask for a dowry, but it would be nice if you did forget my debt in place of her dowry. I promise you won't regret this, she's among the few pure ones." he pleaded.
He was babbling, but Akin could hardly hear him as he continued to stare at the girl, while holding her hand. She was sniffing and looking down. A beautiful maiden for him? A pure one at that.
Obajana just hoped Akin would be patient with his Sidi. She wasn't the strongest of his children, but definitely the most brightest, beautiful and soft spoken among them.
"Papa, Please." Sidi said, softly, stretching her other hand to grab her father's.
"I promise it won't be too bad my dear. You're saving your family, that's what you should put at the back of your mind." he said, detaching her fingers from his arm.
The children were all crying and holding on to Sidi's gown as she softly cried while staring at her bare feet, too scared to look up at the man.
Her eyes were so blurred with tears, she hated her father. How dare he lay this all at her feet?All these wouldn't have been happening to them had their mother been alive. This wasn't fair!
Copyright ©2021 Salma Malik
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