

It is really painful to help the love of your live find a girlfriend, Jean had to do it because she had been friendzoned by someone she liked since kindergarten. Things happened between her bestfriend(crush),and his girlfriend that made the break up. Jean ended up being what she wanted,her bestie's girlfriend, she was happy but gate has it way of doing things. A particular play boy in the whole school had eyes on Jean and didn't care if she is taken of single.He played a game between the lovers to make them lose their trust and that made the seed she had been neutering die too early. She was left alone by herself and ......

Mathilda_Rose · Teen
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3 Chs


At school*

 I carried my tray of food and walked towards an empty sit in the school cafeteria.

"What's up beauty"I heard a voice call behind me and I needed no soothsayer to tell me it's Dennis the second most handsome student in school,I had a bunch of handsomes as friend as Logan and Leah are the king and queen of crescendo high school porpularly known as the L square 

"Hi" I replied with a smile plastered face

 He placed his tray of food on the table and sat down.

"Leah jilted Logan"he spilled

 I choked on the the food in my mouth on hearing that,I quickly gulped down a glass of juice to keep myself calm,Dennis patted me on my back telling me to take it easy,i stared at back at Dennis and gave him the"are you serious" glare and he got the message

"Am damn serious,I called at Logan's place yesterday evening only to meet the ever prince charming sulking ,I almost didn't recognize him cause his face was all swollen,he must have cried himself all day, you know how much he loves her,the news has gone viral I can't believe you're not aware"he said with a worried look.

 "I knew it will happen but not too soon". I said almost as a whisper.

 "Did she give a reason for the breakfast served?" I asked

 "She gave her heart to spectre already".he said with contempt in his voice.

 "What the f*ck",I cursed under breath angrily, this is a treason from the CRAG'S the opponents of the CREDS , where we belong

 "We all know that Spectre has his own lover(s) already,why must he pick a second from the CREDS?" I asked curiously but was interrupted by Denise, Dennis girlfriend.

 "Hello Jean"she called in

 "Hi Denise, great you came at the right time"I replied gladly giving her a slight hug .

 Have you heard of the latest updates? Denise asked

 Dennis just fed me in.I replied

 "She had been outdated" Dennis said jokingly and We laughed softly.

 "Denise ,we need to pay Logan a visit and we need to act cause the CRAGS are trespassing,we've been trying to avoid their troubles and I can't believe that Leah of all people could be a betrayer and she toyed with Logan's heart" I said angrily.

 Yeah it's unbelievable but that's the reality and we need to tackle it fast. Denise said,and I nodded.

 "Let's meet at the cubicle after school and from there we move to Logan's house" as he wasn't present in school.

 We left the cafeteria as we head back to class.

*****In the classroom*****

I saw Leah walking seductively towards Spectre with a smile. I immediately walked out to prevent myself doing anything stupid that will end me up in detention.