
Good Boys Don't Have Girlfriends

As I pacified myself and finally decided to make a move. To my biggest disbelief she was there outside the class waiting for me.

"Sorry" she apologized.

I was in no mood for peace talks that quickly. I buggered off without saying a word.

She kept following me to the cycle stand. While she wanted to make peace with me. I started to peddle.

Pattttt! A huge sound was heard and I turned. Only to find out that she was getting a pat on her back from her granddad for making him wait till then for no reason, while they could have gone home minutes before that.

I really felt sorry for her, and to see her get a few pats by her granddad was really worrying. But I was really feeling good deep inside. After all who wouldn't feel so? A girl waits for you to say something because she feels that she had hurt you. That's really special indeed. Maybe she means a little more than just a friend.

But to have such thoughts in my fifth grade, I ought to be super crazy. So I made up my mind to propose her, once I make it past my high school.

Was this my puppy love? I ain't sure. But I am sure that she isn't my classmate nor my friend. And She Became THE ONE WHO WAS A LITTLE MORE THAN A FRIEND.

For a week the cold war continued. She never said a word, nor did I. But after a week, she again apologised. I had to give in and accepted.

"I'm really sorry." she pleaded.

"It's alright. Never mind." I approved of her apology, placing her share of candy in her hand.

Just like that, the hostility eased and we were friends again.

But did the hush and push reduce? Nah it actually got elevated to a whole new level.

Things were going just fine enough. Every day was really a bliss. I really started to enjoy her company, I also have big hopes for us in the near future. Of course I'm sure she will be the future.

But when will I open up to mom about all this? That was exactly when a day popped up.

Me, mom and mom's sister ( my aunt ) were having an evening siesta.

"Do you have any friends in girls, dear?" opened up aunty suddenly.

"Uh, what are you trying to imply?" I replied puzzled.

Did mom or she knew something already? Heavens know if they did or didn't. I was still ok with the enquiry either way, for I had never hidden anything from mom till then nor did I knew a way to open things about Anshu either. So this was 'the only' ample opportunity, and I decided to play along.

"Girlfriend or friends?" I hit back to straighten things up.

"Tell me about both"

"Well! I don't have any friends apart from Zara." I replied, much to the delight of mum.

"See he is a good boy. Now don't you contaminate his thoughts. He is too early for such talks." was mom's boasted reply as if I had bagged an award for being a noble kid.

But seriously, what does being a 'good boy' have to do with having a girlfriend? I was clueless