
Out for Karma: One Piece

By the real Author of Out for Karma: One Piece. Posted first here on scribblehub with the same name. Follow Rick as he' s sent into the world of One piece by a goddess to get good Karma! But everything didn't go as expected! Rick was sent 2 years before Gol D. Roger's death in the body of a 4 years old! Read how Rick's had to spent his life until he could meet the straw-hats and share their adventures! The picture is from here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/13507605 and is only temporary.

Hrist_Waltz · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 57: Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty

Morning came and Rick woke up in an unfamiliar room. What was familiar was the tall brunette snuggling with him.

'Oh yeah, that happened.'

The memory of last evening and night brought a smile to his face.


When they left the party the day before they went to a secluded place with a beautiful view of the sea. What did they do there? Well… Talk, mostly. Robin had a lot of questions for Rick. To begin with, she asked why he chose O'hara to hide. She already knew why from Nami but wanted to hear it from him. Then what he did there exactly.

"Well first I covered the books left inside the hole left by the destruction of the tree of knowledge. The weather had damaged many, couldn't let it damage some more, you know? Then I started cleaning the place. Gathering the bodies and burying them was the first step."

"Did you…" she started to ask but stopped midway and shook her head sideways.

"Find your mother?"

Robin's eyes grew big. How did he know it was the question she wanted to ask?

"Don't look at me like that, it was obvious. And yes, I did find her."

"How? It has been more than a decade, you couldn't possibly have identified her."

"By her clothes."

"Her clothes? That doesn't…"

"Robin, ever since I saw your poster, I have had questions about O'hara. How could the marines do what they did? That was not easy, but I found out a lot of things, notably, that Spandine, Spandam's father was the one to start the Buster Call, that Sakazuki is the one who ordered to kill everyone for his absolute justice and that your mother was involved. As to how I could identify her with her clothes, the body and her wanted poster wore the same outfit. And before you say it could have been someone else with the same clothes, remember that just like you, your mother was very tall."

"So you really did find her." whispered Robin.

"Yes. Since she was the only one I could put a name on, I buried her in a nice place alone."

"Thank you." she said and gave him a kiss.

"That was not necessary, I did it for her, for them, not for you."

"Thank you nonetheless. What else did you do?"

"Well… Once the place was clean of ruins and bodies, I built a house. To be exact, houses, 'cause I failed a lot. Then a library to stock the book and a water mill."

"A water mill?"

"To make some flour. I had to be self-sufficient, so at the beginning of my new fugitive life I bought all kinds of seeds that I could sow and grow. It's not the prettiest mill in the world but it works."

"One thing that I wonder is; How did you deal with people reaching the island?"

"No one reached the island. And before you think something nasty no I didn't sink any ships. No one ever showed up."

"No one in ten years?"

"Yep, but I'd say no one since the incident."

"How is that possible?"

"My guess is… The World Government must have either destroyed the previous island leading to O'hara. From the few maps of Grand Line I saw back in HQ, just before they edited it to remove your home, it was rather close to Calm Belt and destroyed it, which doesn't make sense as they could have done that to O'hara itself. Or they amplified the magnetic field of another island, that way O'hara's own field would have been weaker and never picked up by a logue pose."


"Borderline an insane theory, I know but that's the only two explanations I could come up with."

"What did you do all this time, I mean once you were installed?"

"I mostly kept in shape, and read books, laze around. At one point I was so bored I stopped using my powers and started to take care of the crops myself. In the end I developed a thing for gardening and on the few trips outside the island for meat I bought different plants and flower seeds."

They talked more about O'hara but mainly the books Rick had read. Their content but also which were fine and which were not. He couldn't remember every single one of them, there were thousands after all, but it was good enough for Robin. Satisfy with the knowledge that her home is not a pile of rubles anymore and that her people were honored. She asked about their similar powers.

"Since there has never been two identical devil fruits, what's the difference between your powers and mine?"

"From what I could see of your abilities, you 'bloom' body parts almost instantly. Me? I create seeds that sprout into body parts, the time is short but it's not as fast as yours. I'm curious about how yours disappear. Is it automatic after some time, or do you have to think about making them go away?"

"Hmm. A bit in between? When I think that the purpose for which I bloomed them is fulfilled they just disappear otherwise they don't. I never really paid that much attention to it. Is it different from you?"

"Yes, they don't go away unless I wish for it."

"That's a bit inconvenient."

"Yes and no. Sure if I left an arm somewhere and that someone hurt it I would feel it no matter how far I am. On the other hand it's very useful when my mind is focused on something else. For example if I sprout skin around my wrist and if someone ever cuffs me with sea stone the skin doesn't disappear. I can still use my powers. Well, they are greatly weakened but I can still use them."

"That's a cheat! If the part I bloom is touched by seastone it's gone in a flash! And wait! You can create skin?"

"You can't?"


"... Did you try?"

"... Actually I don't think I have."

"That's what I thought."

She hit his shoulder out of dissatisfaction then took his arm in hers and leaned on him. They were enjoying the moment for a few minutes when Robin spoke up.

"We should go back, we've been away long enough. The others would not like it if they found out we're gone."

"Yeah. Nami will ground me for life."

He said that in a serious tone. He meant it.

"Then let's go."

They went back to the party hand in hand but before joining the pool area Robin stopped.

"What's wrong?" Rick asked.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a few minutes." she said before going alone.


Robin entered the area and searched for Nami. She quickly found her and got close.

"Robin! Where have you been? I was starting to worry." asked Nami.

"I was… It doesn't matter. I need a favor from you."

"Oh? What do you need?"

"I need… youtoungroundRickfortonight."

She was so embarrassed that she said it really fast. To most it would have been unintelligible, to Nami? Robin was doomed. The navigator understood perfectly what her friend wanted but decided to have some fun.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that. Can you repeat please" said Nami in a sweet tone with a smile. An evil smile.

"Please, unground Rick for tonight."

Robin was blushing, making Nami enjoy the moment even more.

"Fine, but on one condition. One for you and one for Rick. Tomorrow Rick must pat my head for a whole hour."

"That's reasonable, I don't think he will object."

"As for you…"

'Oh god! What is she going to ask me?' thought Robin, fearful.

"You. Tell me. Everything."


"Every single detail about your time together. I want to know."

She didn't expect that. If it was Rick he would have, he would even have made the proposition himself so that Nami didn't ask for more.


"The deal is gone in 5, 4, 3..."



"Okay fine!"

"Then it's a deal!"

She hugged Robin tightly and whispered in her ear.

"Have fun, you both need and deserve it."

The tall brunette gave her a sheepish smile before going back out, to her ex-marine.

"Did you do what you wanted?"

"Yes. We can go now." said Robin, taking his hand in hers.


"I.... negotiated your freedom, just for tonight."

"Please don't tell me you gave her your soul…"

"Fufufu, no. But you're hers for one whole hour tomorrow."

"I can't believe you sold your newly acquired boyfriend to Nami." he jested with a hint of worry.

"It's Nami so it's fine! And it's just one hour of patting, you won't die from it." she grabbed one of his cheeks with her free hand and gave him a peck.

*Flashback end*

She had brought them to an inn and rented a room for the night. What a night it was for the both of them! He kissed her longily to wake her up, and that worked. She smiled during the kiss, putting an end to it and opened her eyes.

"Good morning Miss Happy." greeted Rick.

"Good morning indeed. The best of my life, hands down."

"I agree."

She buried her head in the crook of his neck and whispered.

"I don't want to go, I want to stay like this forever."

"Me too but we can't."

"You're right. They would turn the whole island upside down to find us."

They both sighed. It was a sigh mixed with dejection and contentment. They kissed one last time and got out of bed and went for their clothes, to dress. To be more accurate Robin dressed and Rick watched.

"Stop staring."

"I'm not starring."

"What do you call looking fixedly at someone then?"

"Someone? Yes, it's staring. You? It's admiring."

"You like what you see then?"

"I love it."

"Too bad we don't have the time for more… admiration."


Once both were clothed they talked about what they were going to do. They had decided the night before that their relationship was to remain a secret to everyone. Except Nami obviously.

"So, what's our excuse?" asked Robin.

"Hmmm. You needed help to explore the ruins of the ground floor of the city, and you brought me with you out of pity?"

"That could work. Let's go with that."

They share one last kiss before exiting the room and the inn. When they got back to the quarters provided by the Galley-la everyone was having breakfast.

"Hey guys! Where were you?" asked Luffy

"I got dragged against my will yesterday evening to explore the ruins of the city. We camped there for the night." said Rick.

"Against your will… sure. Anyway you were grounded and you left! So it will cost you one hour of your time today just for me. And with the hour you already owe me it makes two." declared Nami.

'What the… that crook!' thought the Vice-captain.

"You!... You d…"

"Do you have a problem with that?" asked 'innocently' Nami with an evil smile.

"No Ma'am."

He surrendered. He may have been the best crook of the marine as a child but he couldn't hold a candle to Nami.

"Good. Now I'm up for some girl time, what about it Robin? Interested?"


"Then let's get going!"

She grabbed Robin's hand and dragged her outside. Rick ate his breakfast and wondered about what to do with Ryusei. Should he keep it and use it, or lend it to Zoro for Thriller Back? Rick was already powerful and with Ryusei he would be even more. On the other hand Zoro was down to two swords, meaning he wasn't at his top fighting power. The decision was easy.

"Zoro, do you have a minute?"


"Let's talk outside, we'll need space."

The swordsman was puzzled at Rick's request but followed him.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Your sword problem."

"What about it?"

Rick pulled out Ryusei from her sheath.

"This beauty here is Ryusei. It means meteor or falling star. Personally I prefer the latter. Anyway, this is the sword I received on my seventh birthday and spent all my career in the marines with. She's one of the 50 skillful grade swords. I'm lending it to you on one condition."

"Which is?"

"Prove you're worthy of my little baby."

As soon as he finished speaking Rick charged Zoro who drew his two swords and parried.

"Interesting. I didn't know you knew how to use a sword."

"It's mandatory in the marines but I'm not that great of a swordsman to be honest. I use it for something else though."

"For what?"


Rick channeled his gravity into Ryusei and unleashed a gravity blade which pushed backwards Zoro a dozen of feet.

"What the hell?!" yelled Zoro

"If you want her, come and get her." taunted Rick.

He continued his assault and sent more of his attacks. Zoro understood really quickly that blocking was not an option anymore. If he did it would end badly for him, so he dodged and sometimes redirected the gravity blade. Little by little he moved forward.

Rick could have ended the fight anytime now, but it wasn't the point. The point was to make his opponent sweat for his own enjoyment.

Zoro sent a flying slash prompting Rick to block with Ryusei.He didn't really need to, he just had to make a barrier but once again he was just testing Zoro.

Taking advantage of his Vice-captain blocking his strike, Zoro charged at him. The exchange was fast and ended with Zoro's Kitetsu against Rick's throat.

"Good enough for me."

The spar over, they both relax their stance and sheath their swords. Rick tosses Ryusei to his friend.

"She's heavy." he noted.

"That's because of the metal she was made with. It's from a meteor, or so I've been told."

Zoro pulled her out and scrutinized her from every angle and seemed satisfied by what he was seeing.

"I'll take good care of her." declared Ryusei's new, temporary, owner.

"You better."



"Thoses slashes you made, you channeled your gravity in it right?"

"I did. That's why I never bother training beyond my current abilities in swordsmanship. I didn't need to.

"You went easy on me."

"Yeah. I wasn't going to destroy the island for a test."

"Destroy the island?" said a skeptical Zoro.

"When I use my gravity it's… all around, there isn't any real focus in it. I use a sword as a medium to … compressed it should we say. It's focused and condensed. What do you think would have happened if I had charged Ryusei with the highest level of gravity I can make and thrown a gravity slash at you?"

Zoro's face paled. Rick didn't use a heavy gravity in his slash as Zoro was just pushed back a few feet. But if Rick had charged his sword with a level of gravity equivalent to that one time against Foxy in the Davy Back Fight…

"Everything behind me would have been gone."


"That makes me wonder... Why haven't you used a sword since we met?"

"I… didn't want to."


"That was something I wanted to talk about with you actually. I knew I needed a new sword but somehow I could bring myself to. It felt wrong."

"Oh! That's normal. When you spend so much time with a sword you bond with it somehow. You can develop this bond with other swords but only one will make you feel the way you do. I'm saddened by the loss of Yubashiri but that's it. If it had been wado-ichimonji…"

"I see."

Both went back inside while talking about swords in general.


*15 Minutes before the end of Zoro and Rick's spar.*

Nami was dragging a reluctant Robin through the street. When the latter found an empty cafe near the water they went to it. Once seated her interrogation began.

"So Robin…"


"Did you have a good time?"

"That was… okay."

"Suuuure. With the ten thousand watt smile you had on your face when the both of you came back I think it was more than okay."

Robin was trapped and she knew it. She did hope she could avoid talking about her time with Rick and downplayed it a lot making it trivial but to no avail. Nami was way too smart to get conned. So she just gave up.

"It was great, okay! More than great!"

"I bet it was! Come on! Details! Give me details!"

Robin just sighed in resignation and told her everything. From Rick butting in, in her conversation with Aokiji to this morning. Nami kept asking questions upon questions not wanting to miss anything. Soon enough, perhaps too soon for the navigator's taste, Robin's tale ended.

"He's really…?"

"Yes." answer a sheepish Robin.

"Lucky girl! Ahhhh, I knew I should have gone after him… You get all the fun now."


"What? You can't blame me for being envious after what you just told me!"

"I… I suppose that's true."

"So… What was your favourite moment? The walk though the island or the torrid night of sex?"


"I'm just asking!"

The brunette sighed once again at her friend's antics.

"You're bad you know that? And to answer your question, it was neither."

"Neither? Then.."

"It was this morning."

"Oh? I didn't expect that."

"What can I say? It was…. Comfortable. I felt warm and happy. No it was more than happiness, it was… bliss."


"Yes, wow. To be honest, I didn't want to ever leave this room, or this bed for that matter."


"And the way he looked at me when I was dressing? It made me so hot! I had to restrain myself to not throw him on the bed and go at it again."

Nami hearing that let out a cute laugh.

"I'm glad you're happy Robin."

"Thank you."

They had been gone long enough and it was time for them to go back. When they reach the front yard of their quarters Robin thought it was time for a little payback.

"You know, if you want to try him, you can. Go ahead."

"Really?!" said a dumbfounded and excited Nami.

"No, he's mine. I'm just pulling your leg." replied Robin in a neutral tone.

"Robin! Why did you get my hopes up?!"

"Payback for all the embarrassment you put me through."

"Okay, fair enough."

The two ladies entered their quarters and Nami immediately went for Rick.

"Rick, I heard an incredible story about how good you are with your hands…"

The ex-marine gulped.

"Apparently you were holding out on me… and that's not acceptable. Lucky me, I got you for TWO hours so… Get to patting. And it better be the best pats in the world, get it?" said Nami with murder in her eyes.