
Ours Is The Fury || Game Of Thrones

|| A Song Of Ice And Fire In Another Point Of View || But... What if this story didn't revolve on the prophecy of "Ice And Fire"? What if it was about a Prophecy Of Old. The prophecy of "The Fury And The Wolf". ----- In this fanfic set in the Game of Thrones universe, Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister have a true child named Arthur Baratheon, who is destined to become the future King of Westeros. Arthur possesses all the qualities that Robert could have hoped for in an heir - strength, intelligence, and charm. However, unlike his father, Arthur is not as inclined towards promiscuity, much to Robert's disappointment. When the Baratheon and Lannister families travel to the North to appoint Eddard Stark as the new Hand of the King after the death of Robert Arryn, the story takes an intriguing turn. It is during this journey that Arthur Baratheon encounters Lyanna Snow, the bastard child of Eddard Stark. As their paths cross, a potential romantic connection begins to form. Meanwhile, the fanfic explores Arthur's perspective on the Targaryens and his knowledge of the looming threat of the White Walkers. Does Arthur possess information about these dangers that others may not be aware of? Perhaps a trip to Valyria, the ancient city of the Targaryens, holds the key to unlocking crucial knowledge or resources. However, planning such a voyage becomes challenging as the Red Keep is filled with political intrigue and treacherous individuals. The fanfic delves into the intricate web of relationships, political maneuvering, and personal struggles that Arthur Baratheon faces as he navigates his role as the Heir of the Iron Throne.

Targaryen_King · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

|| March For Winterfell - Part 1 ||

Kingsroad – 298 AC

General Pov:

    The sun shone brightly over the vast plains of The Kingsroad, casting its golden rays upon the vast fields of Westeros.

    Nearing winterfell, a retinue of House Baratheon can be seen making its way towards its destination. Various Baratheon soldiers, clad in silver armor adorned with the sigil of the black stag on a yellow background, rode at the front. Their numerous yellow banners fluttered proudly in the wind. Leading them, were two of the most important figures in the realm - King Robert Baratheon and his heir, Prince Arthur Baratheon. They rode side by side, a formidable sight to behold.

The King, with his imposing figure and boisterous laughter, being a towering figure with a grizzled beard and a crown upon his head, rode with an air of authority and power, contrasted with the more reserved and stoic demeanor of his son, who exuded a quiet confidence that spoke of his future as a ruler.

A group of Kingsguard knights rode alongside them, their white cloaks billowing behind their backs. Among them was the legendary knight Barristan Selmy that rode with purpose, his armor gleaming in the sunlight. As the Prince's sworn shield, he remained ever vigilant, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. His loyalty to House Baratheon was sometimes wavering, but strangely, to the prince he payed close attention. What made him respect the prince to this degree, the very son of the man that killed his past prince, his past hope, no-one but him knew, still, his presence brought a sense of security to those around him, no matter what some people thought.

   Behind the King and his heir, a carriage carried the Queen, Cersei Lannister, and her other children. The Queen, known for her beauty and cunning, sat regally, her gaze never fixed, with her eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.. Her children, each bearing the unmistakable features of House Lannister, sat with different expressions. Myrcella sat with a brooding face at the fact that she could not ride with her older brother and father, Tommen was asleep next to Cersei and Joffrey sat with a dark look on his face, for having to stay with the rest of his family instead of riding his horse as it was his "right". Behind the royal family, a retinue of servants rode, their faces a blur of activity as they attended to the needs of their royal leaders. They ensured that the journey was as comfortable as possible, tending to the horses, distributing food and water, and maintaining order within the rest of the following retinue.

As the procession continued, the sound of hooves echoed through the air, creating a rhythmic melody. The soldiers rode with a sense of purpose, their loyalty to their King and his cause unwavering, while the diferent smells that hung in the air assaulted everyone´s sense of smell and the wind that howled told stories of what is to come.

The journey ahead was long and treacherous, but the Baratheon procession pressed on, fueled by their unwavering determination to protect their king and secure the place of the new hand of the baratheon king. The fate of Westeros hung in the balance, and the retinue of the stag would shape the future of the Seven Kingdoms in the near future.

-Small look into a new beginning for House Baratheon and the whole of Westeros. Let me know your thoughts about this idea.

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