

Anisa is a normal teenage girl who lives abroad with her parents, she's also sassy and is willing to stay out of trouble's way so long as it stays out of hers but what happens when her grandparents, a renown and well off family who own the great and prestigious young stars International, a school which only children of rich politicians and business tycoons can afford ask her to come back to her country, Nigeria and finish her high school. How will life turn out for Anisa especially since she is willing to go back to California and continue her life as the carefree teenager that she is. What will happen when her life gets entangled with a senior who is also one of the stars of YSI and at the same time with someone she met online. Follow me on this amazing ride. Enjoy!

amnah_amee · Urban
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7 Chs


After about one hundred and sixty minutes of four boring classes which is mostly introduction to their scheme and revision the bell rang for recess. Anisa couldn't be more happy because at least she can have an alone time without her annoying class mates despite the fact that she went through the magazine which she saw in her locker when ever she gets bored. Also not to forget the fact that everyone keeps talking about her, the girl who slapped the popular kid.

She was the first to leave the classroom after the teacher have left. She decided to go and find Fatima first the girl was no where to be found so she headed for the cafeteria with the hope that she will see her there. A few hours ago she was here rambling about how they will be good friends and now she's gone.

As she reached the last step to the ground floor she saw her cousin Norah and also her best friend approach her. Not only is Norah her best friend she is also her birthday mate, born on the 14th of November and in the same hospital in California and both through CS.

While Anisa is a science student Norah is an art student with the dream of becoming lawyer one day. Can she do it? Yes, but does she have the courage and confidence? No but maybe in future. Norah's mum is a Fulani from katsina and Norah have three siblings, Zarah her elder sister who is 22 years, Jamila her step younger sister of 19 days who is 14 and will be turning 15 soon then Misbah her younger brother who is 11 and lastly Aisha who is 8.

"Hey what's up girl" she said as she hold Anisa by the shoulder.

"I swear I hate it here" Anisa complained. Everybody is just acting all cool and want nothing to do with the new girl who slapped a boy on her first day.

"It's good here, you'll get to like it" Norah tried to convince her but Anisa isn't having any of it.

"Well who are the three stars?" She asked

"Some super duper cool egoistic arrogant handsome and classy boys" Norah replied. Anisa don't want to ask more questions because she know the girl and her crazy imaginations.

"Oh that's not so good" Anisa replied "so where is Khalil?" She asked referring to her boyfriend.

"I don't know but maybe he's somewhere trying to scold some students" well he's the soon to be YSI's president so it only makes sense. If anything Anisa hates being in a relationship but she hates being paired with strange guys more and that is what her dearest cousin is best at.

"Okay I'll look forward to meeting him" she added. None of them spoke again as they made their way to the cafeteria. Just then someone called Anisa's name from behind.

"Anisah" She know exactly who the voice belong to and that's the reason why her face look annoyed.

"Oh It's the golden sweetest sister" Norah said sarcastically.

"The principal is calling you, I just hope you haven't started getting yourself in trouble especially since that's what you are best at" Jamila said with an annoying smile. It's a surprise that the news haven't reached Norah and Jamila yet.

"At least I have something that keeps me busy" and with that Anisa left for the principal's office. Jamila's mum is a Muslim Spaniard and the girl have spent ten years of her life with her until four years ago when she moved back to stay with her father and step siblings. Her parents got divorced since when she was six because things won't work out for them especially since they both stay in different countries. Jamila rolled her blue eyes at what Anisa said. How she envied those eyes, wish she can plug them out one day.

Anisa excused herself before heading into the office after the principal replied with a come in.

"Anisa, this is Hanifa your class president and she's the one who will be helping you, that's until you know enough so Hanifa this is Anisa the girl which I assign you to help" she introduced them. The girl extended her hand for a handshake and immediately Anisa took it.

The principal then dismissed them.

"Who are you? You've just joined and the principal already likes you, Jamila hates you, Norah is your friend and you slapped Adnan and got away with it?" Hanifa asked curiously. How won't she know when the news is all over the school and Instagram.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave you now, and I'm a nobody" with that Anisa turned and left her.

She beelined her way to the cafeteria, got her food and headed to one of the empty sits she saw, she can't find Norah so she'll just have to sit and wait for the girl to show up but instead someone else showed up. She pretended as if nothing happened and then used her face mask all through.

"Hey newbie" oh yeah go on, remind her that she's a new girl. It took everything in Anisa to stop herself from rolling her eyes then looked up at who ever it is.

"What do you want?" She asked a little bit annoyed.

"I should be asking you that because you're sitting on our sit but I will let it slide cos you're new and my gang won't be eating here today" this time around Anisa rolled her eyes. It's not like everyone is assigned with a sit so how can this be their sit?

"Oh that's great but when I sat here I didn't see your name written so now if you might excuse me" she's being mean because he's one of the three stars, she saw him in the morning.

He didn't reply her instead he pulled out the sit opposite her and sat down.

"Excuse you" she spat annoyingly. She hates it when she gets ignored.

"Be quite, I hate noise" he said as he began to eat his food. Anisa wanted to leave the table for him but then she don't want him to feel as if he have won so she went with the flow.

"I hate noise more and that is exactly why I'm sited here, alone but some douche have made it his life's mission to make sure I don't have the peace I deserve" she hissed after saying that. He still haven't said anything so she brought out her phone.

Darkpoet001:touched a nerve:)

Her anger resurfacing, she bit her lower lip trying so hard not to say something mean out loud.

Inkheart: hey I'm just saying there's no need to be rude. If you don't like my page then stay away from it, just keep your rudeness to yourself.

Darkpoet001: cut the drama girly, this is not one of your imaginations this is the real world

And that my friends is how an epic argument started.

Inkheart: first of all don't call me girly, I don't know you. Second I'm not being dramatic, it doesn't kill to be nice

Darkpoet001: why should I be nice to you? I don't know you

Inkheart: exactly, that's why you should be nice

Darkpoet001: whatever girly

Inkheart: don't call me that

Darkpoet001: it suits you

Inkheart: it doesn't! Just be nicer the next time you want to say your opinion.

Darkpoet001: oh did I hurt your feelings?

Inkheart: yes

She taught for a moment he was going to apologize but how stupid of her to think so.

Darkpoet001: you want to cry on my shoulders, girly?

Inkheart: I give up just don't talk to me ever again.

Darkpoet001: aww you're breaking my heart girly. Can't you see?

Inkheart: shut up, being sarcastic is not really helping

Darkpoet001: I think it is

Inkheart: why are you so mean to me?

Darkpoet001: because

Inkheart: because?

Darkpoet001: no reason

Inkheart: just stay away from me

Darkpoet001: you're the one who's in my dm. Leave stalker.

Inkheart: I'm not a stalker and I am hear because I want us to reach an agreement. I want you to accept that your mean messages hurt people.

Darkpoet001: blah blah blah

Inkheart: you are...

Darkpoet001: can't think of a proper insult miss strawberry

Inkheart: what the, strawberry?

Darkpoet001: yes you're like a strawberry, your posts are so cheesy

Inkheart: you're unbelievable

Darkpoet001: thank you

Inkheart: that's not a compliment

Darkpoet001: I know right

Inkheart: I'm out of here

Darkpoet001: go, shoo! You're staining my dm with your pink fingertips and strawberry smell.

He very much did annoyed her so she logged out and dropped the phone on the table leaving him on read.

"Hey bro" Another guy who is definitely not among the three stars said as he sat next to him then extend his hand for a handshake.

"Hey" he said as he took his hand for a handshake. Anisa could only look at them from under her eyes then scoffed.

"Hey newbie" the guy said. She hated being called newbie but then she's the new girl.

"Hi" she replied looking up at him. The guy looked familiar but she have never seen him before.

"I'm Khalil" he only came over to speak to her because he have seen a lot of her pictures from Norah and she told him that Anisa will join their school.

"Oh Norah's Khalil?"she asked despite the fact that she knows he's the one.

"Yes yes" he replied looking over at the other guy as if he don't want him to hear. "So what are you doing with this boring guy?" He asked

"More like annoying" she mumbled but enough for him and the guy next to him to hear.

"Is he?" He asked and Anisa could only nod.

"I have to go" she said standing up to leave but Khalil said something that stopped her.

"Well he's not that annoying and I believe you'll be good friends especially since both of you love poetry and painting" that gained Anisa's attention because she sat back down. Forgetting how annoying Ajmal is, she looked at him interestingly and asked.

"Wow so you're the guy I saw in the school's magazine, I'm in love with your poems but you're annoying and I don't even care anymore since I like your poems" she's used to being straightforward especially since almost everybody in the states is straightforward.

"Thank you" he replied with a smile. He don't look annoying anymore.

"Mention not" she replied with a small smile also.

"So do you also write poems?" He caught her by surprise because she wasn't expecting him to keep the conversation going.

"Yes but I haven't shared it with anybody just my best friend Norah" she lied, she can't deal with another darkpoet002.

"If you don't mind sharing it, I'll want to read it" that brought a wide smile to Anisa's face but then what if he don't want her poems?

"I'll really want to but I can't and it will be better if you don't ask why"she replied

"Okay" he replied curtly. Anisa felt bad for lying to him and for misjudging him in the first place but then it's okay. She have her reasons.

"Do you have an account?"she asked.

"Yes...therapeutic.poems" he said and Anisa only nodded in reply. She quickly searched the account then pressed on the follow button. She used her main account Anie.xx instead of her poetry account.

"Done...bye" she said as she stood up to leave but she was stopped yet again but this time by a different person.

"New girl" he called making her turn to look at him

"What's your name?"he asked

"Anisa" she replied curtly.

"Sorry about my friend's action towards you today" he apologized. Anisa won't lie to him that it's okay because it's not so she only flashed him her billion dollar smile and left, without turning back.

She met Fatima outside the cafeteria and together they headed to the fourth floor. On their way Anisa's phone pinged indicating a message and immediately she brought out the phone to check who it is from. It's from her friend back in California.

Aiden: call?

Anisa: yessssss

And almost immediately her phone began to ring. She picked the call immediately and placed the phone on her ears.

"Who is it? Your boyfriend?" Fatima asked after Anisa ended the call.

"Nah my friend, I don't do boyfriends" she replied "and who are the three stars?" Anisa asked

"I don't want to speak about them but since you asked I'll tell you. First there is Ahmad and he is the most flirty among them, he's into any girl that is beautiful and classy then there is Ajmal the nicest and all and he have one girlfriend and the fun fact is she's not from this school, her name is Husna and the last is Adnan and he just returned today after being suspended last term and he's the most arrogant in the group, he's also the most handsome and every girl's dream, heck I've seen many girls crushing on him since I've joined this school but he only have his eyes on one girl, they might be just friends but we all believe it's more than that tho some people said they are not together after what happened last term" after what Fatima said Anisa really believed they are people she wouldn't want to hang out with but she can't help but ask more.

"Who is the girl?" She asked

Some girl in science one, I heard her name is Jamila and she's very beautiful just as her name and she is also the granddaughter of the directors of this school" the mare mention of her cousin's name made her heart skip a beat.

"Jamila?"she asked.

"Yes her, do you know her?" Fatima asked her but she could only shake her head in the negative. Fatima continued to tell her more about the three boys "We all know that because of the school Instagram account, you'll find every latest gossip there. Ahmad is a minister's son, Ajmal's mother is the second best lawyer in Nigeria after his father and Adnan is..." Fatima quickly kept quiet because of the person that walked towards them. Anisah's attention wasn't even on what the girl is telling her so there is no asking her later.

"Girl I just heard what you did, you slapped one of the stars are you maddddd????" Norah is scared, as if she will be the one receiving the punishment.

"I won't say I'm surprised because I've been receiving funny looks" Anisa replied. She have been watching her back like a ninja scared that he'll try a revenge but still nothing.

"That jerk, as if that's the best thing to do after coming back...I also heard he tripped you" Norah looked annoyed but Anisa just ignored her because the Norah she knows can't do anything.

"Yeah he is a jerk but his friend is not" Anisa replied

"Which friend?" She asked looking at Anisa accusingly as if she did something wrong.

"Ajmal" Anisa replied curtly. Tho she didn't ask him she have seen the name on his IG profile.

"Let me advice you baby girl, if you want to finish this school without trouble then I advice you to stay out of the three stars' path" Norah advised, she don't know who the guys are or why her cousin is giving her this advice but she know that is the best solution, stay away from them. But can she? Not after what Adnan did to her but instead she replied with.

"You know I don't take advice from you right? And I only stay out of trouble when trouble stays out of my way" Anisa replied grinning at her cousin.

"Do as you wish but you haven't introduced us" she said referring to Fatima who haven't said a thing since Norah joined them

"Oh Fatima this is my best friend Norah and Norah this is my new friend Fatima" she introduced

"Oh nice meeting you" Norah said extending her hand

"Same here, you're Jamila's cousin right?" She asked

"No sister" she replied, it's a surprise that Fatima don't know since almost half the school call her with either Jamila 2.00 or Jamila's sister. This is also one of the reason why Anisa don't want anybody to know she's their cousin because she's not ready to loose her identity as Anisa to Jamila's cousin.

The rest of the day ended like a blur, the bell took off at exactly one o'clock and then a lady's voice followed asking them to have a good day. Its resumption week and that is why they close by one but on normal days they mostly close by three thirty or four depending on your schedule. Well except for Fridays for they close by 12:20. With three periods before lunch and three periods after then thirty minutes of assembly which was supposed to be in the morning but instead takes place before closing.

Anisa didn't follow her cousins despite the fact that their house is next to her grandparent's and that is where she live. The house is also just a few miles away from the school so she decided to walk home just like some of her friends who live near school do back in the states. She only took the driver in the morning because she was late but she don't plan on doing either of the two again.

She Skyped her mum immediately after reaching the comfort of her room. Her grandparents have traveled to the United Kingdom and will be back in a few weeks. She told her about her day in school and they chatted a lot, about a lot of stuff.

Hey guys please bombard me with your vote and comments. Also don't forget to share this book with your friends and family.

Love you❤️
