
Our Worlds End

Raphaela never thought today was the day she died. A gate cleaner such as herself knew the risks of their job, but she wouldn't have ever guessed she would die so soon, as her life flashed before her eyes she starts to regret her life choices and not showing kindness to the people around her, given a second chance at life, she is determined to be a better person for her sake and others.

LadyManner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


It was Judeline again.

Wind, the wind in this dream was cold so cold. Judeline was in the garden waiting for her, but she seemed sad.

"What's wrong Judeline." Raphaela asked with a worried tone. Her heart started to ache, it was getting worse each second.

"Judeline?" Tears started to come out of her eye's. Raphaela didn't know what to do, so she cried, over and over and over and over again.

She stayed there crying, until she felt a hand on her back. As she turned to look at the figure noticed that it was Judeline but the person she saw earlier was still in the same spot.

The Judeline that was behinds her looked different. She looked more alive, dark skin, silver hair and glowing. Raphaela's tears stopped and the aching was gone as well.

"Raphaela?" This alive Judeline asked. Raphaela nodded her head.

"It's been so long yet only a few seconds to me." Judeline chuckled.

"And yet each time we find each other like this huh. But this time I need you to help the worlds you loved so much ok?" She continued.

Raphaela was confused. What did she mean? Why was this place so cold? Why was she crying earlier? She didn't understand what was going on.

"Even before we met you were always more powerful than me. You'll know how to fix this right?" She gave Raphaela a gentle smile. A smile she longed to see for so long.

Raphaela woke up in a sweat. She looked around the room, there was a sound coming from her left hand. It was weird having it ring like that, she taps it with her finger and a message popes up.


Raphaela looked at the time, it read five forty-six.

'Pretty early.' She thought.

She goes and gets dressed, putting on a jeans, a tee, and an open dress shirt over it. She wakes up Thor and they head out to the location. they walk for a while before getting there. As they walk up to the blue glowing gate they see someone else there.

"There you are! why'd you take so long?" It was her coworker Malcolm.

He was an annoying person, he would always tell others what to do and always tell them what's wrong with them. They walked up to him and he scoffs at Thor.

"Why did I have to be sent with the criminal."

"No time lets head inside." Raphaela ignored his words while her and Thor headed inside the gate, Malcolm followed her inside. The moment they head inside they could hear singing in the hot wind.

It sounded like it was warning them about something, but nonetheless they continued on in the hellish landscape. in the distance their was what looked like a city and in the middle of the city was a giant castle.

"Wow." They said. Raphaela was amazed while Malcolm was disgusted. The city was like a human one but the buildings looked to be made of bones and stones.

They start to walk up to the city. Streets empty and building even emptier. They walked closer and closer to the castle until they got to the entrance, where a slender looking male demon in robes appeared.

"Humans again ay, how troublesome, how troublesome indeed." The demon spoke in an annoyed tone. It took a stance and lunged at Malcolm, he was punched in the gut and it quickly went for Raphaela who didn't have much time to react.

Both her and Malcolm were on the ground. The demon was fast and swift, it hit hard too. It grabbed them both by the neck, squeezing them as hard as it can.

Raphaela and Malcolm were helpless to stop it, they could hear something in their neck crack slowly. Thor transformed back to his original form, and charged at the demon knocking it back, but it held it's grip on them.

Thor once again jumped at the demon but once again the demon did not fall. Thor ran at the it one more time but the demon raised a fist and as Thor came near the demon's fist came down with so much force it made Raphaela wince, and Thor was knocked out.

"ICE SCULPTURE!" Malcom yelled out, using all his strength to us his skill.

Ice began to cover the demons hands and went up it arm. The demon loosened his grip, but it wasn't enough. The ice stopped at his shoulder and it stated to melt.

Raphaela used her own skill to help.

[ Your skill has activated which copy would you like to use?]

'Demon language'

[Demon language is in use.]

"P-p-please s-stop I want to help y-y-ou." Said Raphaela who was heaving and coughing while trying to speak.

The demon looked surprised. He never would have thought this other worldly being could speak his language. However he knew how these people thought. The demon loosened her neck a little more and spoke.

"Help? Help with what?" He narrowed his eyes looking at the thing Infront of him.

"W-with the gates opening up all over your world." She said, the demon did not speak. He was looking to see if there was dishonesty in her facial expression but all he saw was fear and pain.

Malcom who was scared shitless was shocked to his companion was speaking the demons tongue. He had heard from Jessica that her ability had nothing to do with speaking another language, It had to do with kindness or something.

"I-I will not hurt y-you I promise." She pleaded. The demon wasn't paying attention, he was using some skill to communicate with someone.

Then he putt her down but he released Malcolm's neck only to paralyze him and Raphaela with his skill, he flung them around his shoulders. The demon grabbed Thor by their tail and headed up to the castle.

"You'll be coming with me demons." The demon said.

'How ironic that he calls us demons.' Raphaela thought.

They went inside the castle walls, where other demons where. There were many people in the wall, they all looked very disheveled and soulless.

'Did we do this to them?' She thought. The gates that lead to another world. Were all the creatures that came out bad? Or were they confused?

They past two more walls and they finally reach the castle door. Two big looking Red and blue skinned beings looked down at the first demon they meet and also at them.

"Mambo, What are those things on your shoulders? Are they the things from the portals?" Said the blue one. The one that was carrying them nodded.

'So his name is Mambo.' Raphaela tried to speak but her lips would not move.

The doors open and they walk into the castle. when they reach the throne room there were many other hominoids with different color skins. On the throne sits a very big king, bigger than any other being there.

Mambo put both of them down before the king. Malcolm was absolutely Terrified and so was Raphaela. The king lifts up a hand to order silence from the spectators.

"What have you bring me Mambo?" The king says in low menacing voice.

"I have brought you another demon that speaks are language." Said Mambo.

'Wait did he just say ANOTHER.' Raphaela was a little annoyed, if someone else came speaking their language what did they do? Did they attack them? Did they do some thing to betray their trust? Depending on that Raphaela might be in trouble.

"Release them, I want to hear it speak." Chuckled the king.

Mambo did as the king said and unparalyzed them both. Raphaela got up and started to speak with them.

"May I speak your majesty?" She asked. Whispered came from all around them, some shocked, some disgusted. The king however looked very amused.

"Yes you may demon." The king answered.

"I know the reason why the ga- I mean portals are popping up all over your world and mine." She said in a shaky but commanding voice.

Raphaela knew because that's all Judeline and her talked about for so many years, but even thought they didn't know how to stop it from happening Raphaela has a plan.

The king frowned, it seemed to Raphaela that someone may had said this to them already and they might have done something bad. But Raphaela took this moment to continue. Malcolm was still on the floor mumbling to himself.

"Our worlds are combining and it has happened to many other worlds before us, It wasn't the world fusing that destroyed so many others." She continued.

"Oh no?" Said the king finding himself amused again, it wasn't just him it was everyone. The whispering stopped and they all listened closely.

"No. It was a war. A war that was so deadly that its killed all the remaining people when the worlds combined it wasn't that bad at first a lot of places changed and so did the environment but it didn't hurt anyone the system made sure of that."

Even Malcolm started to listen as well, he and no one hasn't been told this at all but some how she knew it and the way she was speaking made them think Raphaela might be telling the truth.

"For a moment there was nothing and the next thing that happened was fighting, the war. The war devastated everyone's home, the whole planet was getting destroyed and in one last effort to save each of there territory's they destroyed everything."

Raphaela wanted to save them, she wanted to save everyone in both worlds when she saw the people in the first wall her heart sank. They all looked done with the world like it's betrayed them. She would do anything to help them out even if other's would paint her as some kind of villain or monster she would do it.

The king and his court were speechless. How could this demon know such a thing? was she even telling the truth? This they would find out.

"Houngan is it telling the truth?" The king looked at his aid who was also bewildered. Looking at his expression the king already knew his answer.

"Y-yes your majesty, my skill has never been wrong and that demon is tell the truth." Houngan was smaller than all the other people there but also old and chubby. The whispers started up again making the king demand silence.

"If what you say is true then do you know a way to stop this." The king said eagerly.

"No. But there is a way to prevent a war from starting." Said Raphaela. She was about to suggest this until Malcolm did something that ruined her chances for good.

With one loud yell he froze as much of the area he could and ran away. All the guards rushed to aid the king and others who were touched by the frost.

Raphaela didn't move, she thought that if she did then they would think she was like him. She tried to apologize for her partners ignorance. However she hit on her left side with something hard, she flung through the air and hit the ground with a thud hearing her bones break.

She wasn't in pain thanks to her adrenaline. She tried to get up put her broken arm and legs said otherwise. Thor was still paralyzed but they could still see what was happening.

'Please let me ju-' She was crawling towards the king to see what she could to to help but her thoughts her cut short when she was hit again on the head.

"Quickly! get the demon before it dose something bad." Said the person who hit her, the voice belonged to Mambo who was keeping her down, not like she could get up anyway.

"Forget it, go heal the others quickly!" Yelled the King. He was alright, the spell did nothing to him.

The king wiped off the ice and and looked at Raphaela's mangled and bloody body. She was still trying to apologize but what having a hard time saying anything.

"Well at least we got some information from this one." Said the king in a disappointed tone.

"Yes! Now we have a reason to unite the other Lespri!" Said Houngan excitedly.

[ You have shown kindness to the Lespri by giving the vital information. you will now be able to choose two skills from the ones you so choose. ]

Raphaela thought of the king and his aide. The system picked those twos skills for Raphaela to choose but she was so out of it that she just chose the first thing that she could reach with her finger.

[ You have chosen the skills 'obedience' and 'Healing garden' ]

'Healing garden' She thought.

Flowers and shrubbery sprouted up all around her, putting her bones back to place and all the blood went back into her body. It felt like she was being tickled, she felt rejuvenated. She gets back up and bowed at the king, giving him a sharp look.

"My sincerest apologize your majesty. My companion did something unforgiveable and I want you know that I had nothing to do with that. My only goal is for the combining of our two worlds to go smoothly and I need all of your help for that."

Raphaela was trying to gain their trust again but that would impossible due to what Malcolm did, she would deal with him when she returns outside. They were all yelling at the guards to get her.

Mambo walked up behind her raising his club that almost killed her before. He brought his club down only to stop inches before her head.

" I want to help you all as much as I can." Her voice was vibrating the room it was loud and commanding, the outline of her irises a light green. She was using the skill 'obedience'.

The king was intrigued by this. He scanned her, She had her stone clod face while she looked at Mambo. She didn't take kindly to him clubbing her. The king looked at Houngan again to see if her words were true, Houngan nodded his head.

The court of Lespri were still yelling at her. The king raised his hand and there were silence.

"It seems your telling the truth demon, but how are you going to bring us together? We are only one kingdom of many other species on this planet." questioned the king.

He was skeptical of her plan but if this was the only way to stop this disaster from happening then he had no objections.

"I only need a few allies to get the world to listen don't I." Raphaela had a crooked smiling on her face as she answered him. She was trying her best to seem friendly but her smile was not helping. The king chuckled, nodding in agreement.

"Also may my companion be unparalyzed please." Raphaela looked at Thor, who was still looking straight at her.

The king instructed Mambo to release Thor and with a wave of his hand, when Thor was able to move he quickly went leaped onto Raphaela happy that she was alive.

"I'm so glad you're alive! How did you do that?" Thor asked. He was still on Raphaela and Raphaela was trying to get them off her.

"Yes how did you do that demon?" Asked Houngan. He was very confused as to how she was able to use his skill.

"I'm not a demon Mr. Houngan, I'm a human." Raphaela said in a calm voice.

"And to answer your question that is my skill at work." She chose to be truthful with them and continued.

"It allows me to copy the skills of my opponent and I can also give those skills that I've obtained to an ally." She finished.

Houngan and everyone that heard her answer was very intrigued and elated. The fact that a person with an powerful skill was able to give her allies others skills were very good for them.

"But the skill has to be used within an hour and then it will not be able to use again, well until I give it to you again." Raphaela said this while looking at Houngan who's smile turned into a frown.

"Do your people know of this as well and if so will they be able to accept us?" Mambo asked. Raphaela frowned as well, she did not tell anyone about this plan of her and it would be very hard to convince them.

"No I haven't." She said truthfully. Raphaela wanted more than anything for her plan to work and for that to happen she needed to commit. And she will commit. Raphaela put her hand and her heart, staring straight into Mambo's eye's.

"But I promise you that will do everything in my power to save both our worlds" She was more confident as ever, no matter how much pain she was in or what ever terrible thing that happened she will do anything to save them. She promised so now she has to see it through, not like before.

Mambo looked at Raphaela, her eyes were as full of commitment and the king thought so too. The king got up from his throne, he walked down towards her and held out his enormous hand for her to shake.

"You have told us the truth and controlled your self even when we attacked you not to mention you gave us your word that you would help us and for that intern we give you our word, that we will do our best to bring as many people together to prepare for what's to come."

The king's words were genuine and when he finished speaking a blue square popped up Infront of her.

[ You have cleared this gate. This gate will not be opened in this area again]

[Your stamina, strength and intelligence has increased]

'Wow so all it took was getting the kings approval for the gate to close. That means I don't have to kill anyone to leave' Raphaela thought.

"And here, I would like you to have this so it will be able to communicate better." Houngan handed her a ruby the size of her hand and explained how it work.

"This will contact Mambo so if there is any new information you'd like to tell us just ask for him."

Raphaela and Thor said their goodbyes, they walk back to were the gate was. Raphaela looked back at the city one last time before leaving though the gate and when they stepped out they were met with a lot of people.

News cars, giant trucks and many other seekers all looking at her and Thor as she walked out. A burly man came charging at her scream in her face.

"YOU! How did you make it out alive in there? What rank are you!?" He was spitting in her face and Raphaela was starting to get annoyed.

She spotted the camera's and contemplated if now would be a good time to tell people about her plan. The human race is not one to accept things so easily, so telling them about her plan and the others would only bring her enemies.

"HEY! Are you listening to me! How is an D rank seeker like you get out of an A rank Gate! Are you ignoring me!?" The man was still spitting in her face, his face getting more red by the minute.

"A rank what do you mean? This gate was a D rank." Raphaela knew the minute she was paralyzed and almost beaten to death that maybe this was a higher ranked gate. Most D rank or lower are ones that have to do with weak creatures.

"No, Look at your symbol." He scoffed. She did as she was told and tapped her left hand, low and behold it said A rank. It was strange, how did the gate change rank? or maybe it never did and she mistook it.

"Your partner was lucky enough to escape but I still cant understand how you did it." He was suspicious of her, Raphaela knew how strange it looked so she lied.

"I don't remember what happened in there. One minute we go in and the next I'm outside." It was far fetched but it was all she got. Before she tells anyone about her plan and the Lespri's she has to tell a select few people that would help.

"You don't remember? Yeah ri-" Before he could finish Raphaela got on Thor and they leaped towards the guild. She could here the guy still yelling at her.

'How long have I been in there?" She thought.

It was already noon, when Raphaela arrived she went to Ms. Summers. She didn't know weather or not she would believe her or if she would even want to help with her plan. Raphaela knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

"Come in." Said a busy voice. Raphaela walked in and closed the door behind her.

Ms. Summers was sitting at her desk reviewing the the footage of inside the gate through Malcolm's symbol. Although the stamp symbol can record through the eye's of the seeker it can only record and not stream it live.

"He! Don't worry I'll reprimand him for leaving you like that." Ms. Summers shook her head heaving a heavy sigh. Raphaela wait for her to review her recording.

"I want us to watch the recording together if that's alright." Raphaela asked. Ms. summers gave her a smile, nodding and gesturing her to move closer. She was about to start it but Raphaela stopped her last minute.

"Wait! There are some things that seem weird in the video but please know that I will explain everything to you, and it will all be the truth." Raphaela's voice shook for a moment, she was nervous what Ms. Summers would think.

"W-well alright." Ms. Summers replied. She was getting a bit nervous too. She pressed play, everything that went down in the gate Ms. Summers saw.

she saw Raphaela trying to talk to them, Malcom running away, She saw Raphaela getting attacked, Her stealing their ability, her telling them what she knew, her plan, and them forming an alliance.

It was so strange for Ms. Summers no priscilla. The gates arrived more then sixty years ago, and since then only chaos and destruction were everywhere for so long. The only reason she created his guild was because if was her families dream.

Priscilla's golden child brother was the first to be chosen by the system and all the neglect she endured got worse. Then her father later her mother, the three of them wanted nothing more than to create a guild that only seekers can be at and to be number one in the world.

So they threw her out for being useless and started their own guild. Because of this she swore to achieve their goal before them. To achieve something greater even.

She wasn't sure if Raphaela was some sort of crazy person but deep in her heart she felt as thought this women Infront of her may lead her to part of the world she's never been to.