
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 9.

He kept throwing questions at me, and I cracked my brain to come up with the perfect answers at least to my best of knowledge.

okay miss Willow, thank you, and we'll get back to you.

I sighed, I wasn't dumb I had heard that way too many times to know these people wouldn't get back to me.

Are you sure? i asked, Because usually when people say. " we'll get back to you" they don't get back to you, please I assure you I am the perfect candidate for this job offer I said. I wasn't pleading with him,

I let him know that if he let me go, he had just lost Gold.

He gave a small nod.

that's all for today ladies we'll be sure to send an email he said, you may leave.

I wasn't the first to leave, but I wouldn't be the last either.

i sat still has the first person stood up, then I followed almost immediately giving a small bow.

I walked out of the gated Mansion I breathed out loudly.

Here goes another job, I was an 100 percent sure I didn't make the cut, I know I shouldn't be negative but sometimes it's hard you know cause I saw the other applicants, they were more dressed, they looked really intellectual, they looked perfect for the job, but on the other hand you'll see me, I was late AGAIN a never ending pattern that seemed to take place in my life, I sighed.

And it seemed to me to me that my first impression with the supposed boss wasn't great, I think you should just give up I heard a voice say at the back of my head. I booked an Uber, and waited patiently for my ride, it was fifteen minutes away.

the other girls had cars, even if it wasn't much. I had inferiority.


I stopped by a grocery store just few blocks away from the apartment, we were out milk and Peanut butter, so I picked up a basket and walked around looking for what I wanted, I hummed a song, I couldn't remember where I heard it from but I loved the rhythm that went with it.

I stood at the aisle for canned beef holding a can in my hand and reading the context, I briefly looked away for a second, then my eye caught someone.

do my eyes decieve me?.


Here? in a food Mart, with a Hoodie and sweat pants, wow, have never seen him in any thing other than a tight sleeve.

I was about to pretend I didn't see him when he raised his head and we locked stares.

Sydney, I called out his name as I gave a small wave.

he nod.

ugh snub. did he expect me to call him "Mr Calvary" excuse him but we're not at work, such an entitled little ass.

Suddenly he walked up to me.

What are you doing here ?he asked as he rolled is cart closer to me.

I looked at him.

Me? well, I planted some corn in the backyard of this grocery shop, I'm just here to harvest them, I answered with a fake smile.

He shook his head.

I should be the one doing the head shaking not him, asking me dumb obvious questions Tskss.

Well, This was... Unpleasant, I'll be heading home now, he said pushing his half full cart past me.

Yeah right like you have a. House, I thought and laughed.

Then he turned and looked at me like he heard my thoughts, yeah I own a house, he added and walked away.

God this man is mad weird, like, next level weird.


This shouldn't be up for debate we are going Chris, Celine said pushing me to my bathroom, now take a bath, and get dress she ordered.

But I have got work to do, I came up with an excuse has I stood by the entrance of my bathroom.

O my God Chris we barely see each other and we barely go out, like? I don't understand why you're the only one doing all the work when you've got like all a thousand staffs, I want go out with you, catch a late night movie, get drunk and sing in a karaoke machine, is that too much? She asked folding her arms.

Fine, I'll be ready in five.

Eieeeh, She shrieked we are gonna have the best time. She said and slammed my bathroom door shut.

I breathed out, How did she get my new address? I wanted to be alone for this few months but it seems that's not going to happen anytime soon, I complained.

I loved Celine, she is smart, talented and quirky, most of all she's one of my best friends.

About twenty minutes later I was ready to move out,

She smiled as soon as she saw me walk down the stairs.

I think I'm ready I said as I glance at myself once more in the mirror by the wall.

We are gonna have so much fun she promised as she linked our arms together.

This isn't fun I told her as I looked at the gaint screen in the private movie room unimpressed.

it is. she answered half minded as she focused on the movie.

it's a documentary about Leonardo da Vinci, and something tells me you've watched this before I said folding my hands.

Shuush she shuushed me.

we are the only ones here, I said as I regretted my complaince.

After what seemed like eternity the movie was over and I tried my best to stay awake through it all my only companion were my snacks.

Can I go home now? I asked her as we walked out of there.

No we just have one more thing she said putting out one finger,

I sighed briefly.



Hey, this isn't so bad I said as I took my seat, at a corner of what seemed to be a restaurant?.

What is this place? I asked.

It's this new elite RESTAURANT only Firm people get to enter it's like a VIP club but with overpriced food.

Oh, it seemed pretty normal to me, I picked up the menu, considering how they charged an arm and leg for these foods one would think that the interior designing would be Alot more better.

So far this night out has been a waste of 3 precious hours that I will never get back.

Where's are waiters? I asked.

here's the fun part. she said grinning from ear to ear, you pick what you want, then you go to the kitchen and serve yourself, it increases independent and individuality, She said so proudly.

Are you serious? I asked her looking around and it seemed that's what everybody was doing.

What? Having a little ego moment? is your ego so big that you won't get up to serve YOURSELF? she asked.

I scoffed I didn't say that, it's just why pay so much if we as customers become the waiters? it makes no sense.

They are making waves it just goes to prove that everybody is equal, she added standing her ground.

I didn't want to argue with her so I just agreed.

We both stood up to serve ourselves, the food were hot I'll commend that but taste wise? probably not the best burger and pizza I have had. maybe the worst

I couldn't wait for the night to be over, she kept on talking all night about her next art piece, emptying one wine glass to another to the extent she could barely form a sentence.

I wanbugahb dah you are hanstuck.

Okay time to go I said.


Dear beautiful readers of the novel our world's cross, I'm sorry for the inconsistency, but I would love to plead with you to try and leave comments and likes on each chapter it would boost my writing and give me morale has a writer and make me feel that my writing is appreciated.

Thank you❤️

much love.
