
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Urban
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22 Chs

chapter 20

"We've found them". The man announced at the other end of the phone.

"Alright I'll be in my way" Chris replied.


The ware house was dusty, like it had never been used, as the men went about their job, talking and laughing like they didn't just kidnap two people, Willow raised her head slowly. Her hands were still tied behind her back.

This place,

It looked abandoned, she looked around and saw boxes of packaged goods.

Then she realized she was on the floor, the dirty floor,

She turned around looking for Larry, but couldn't find him.

Her brain went blank, and fear gripped her.

Where was he?

What had these beasts done to her little boy.


She screamed, and they all turned around to stare at her like she was a mad woman.

"Where is he?"! She yelled at the top of her lungs

"You mosters! What have you done to him"

They all stopped.

And looked at her like she was crazy.

"Now miss don't you think that is a bit harsh? We don't look anything like the teenage mutants, so why such horrible names" ? The man with the deCaprio mask said as he walked closer to her.

The other men laughed as they followed behind.

Hold her up he ordered and they did so.

I will teach you a little lesson on manners,

He removed his glove and slapped her across the face.

She winced.


In a small room at the end of the warehouse, Larry sat on a chair, he had a sack over his head, hands tied behind his back.

Two men walked in,

"Hello?" Please let me go, he cried out.

They took the sack from his head and pointed a light directly to his face.

He closed his eyes the light was sharp.

One held a camera set while the other held card boards paper.

They were both wearing black ski masks.

Read this, the man ordered

As he set the camera to record.

The card boards had words written on it.

"You better make it believable or else your dead meat they threatened."

He didn't need to try, he was scared out of his mind.

What were this men gonna do with him? Many questions went through his head.

" I have been kidnapped, and I'm about to be killed, please pay a ransom of two million dollars or else they are gonna kill me"

As he talked and read off the cardboard tears rushed from his eyes he couldn't control himself.

He was scared.

Very scared.

After he was done.

They placed the sack back on and dragged him out of the small room


Chris watched the video and rage boiled from his core.

He threw is phone across the room.

And walked over to his shelve and swinged his arm scattering the context of the book shelve.

His room was e mess and there was a broken vase on the floor, and scattered books.

Those scumbags.

He knew they were after him.

This was definitely done by someone who knew him closely.

But what made him more pissed off was the sorry excuse of a mother his siblings had.

He had been trying to call her for hours, she refused to pick up, she wasn't here when lory broke her ankle and she still isn't here when her son has been kidnapped.

He shook his head.

He knew the location of the kidnappers and he knew all they were after was money.

So he alerted the police and the swat team.

He was gonna get Willow and his brother back and lock every single one of them behind bars.

He walked out of the house with lory following behind he didn't show her the video, she had cried enough.

The location that has been forwarded to him in the gps was far from the city further outskirts of the city.


How'd you like that bitch?

Another blow found it's way to her stomach.

She was being beaten.

She had suffered a lot since she got here.

"Not so tough now are you?" He asked with his hands grabbing her face.

She glared at him and spat on his face.

He paused and looked down at her.

The other man exchanged glances.

He was so pissed of he smacked her once more across the face and Willow passed out.

"Get the boy we are making the switch by nine" the boss ordered.

"What about the woman?"

"We'll take her with us she isn't worth a dime anyways". He added.

"She was kind of feisty tho, I love feisty women".

"Just shut up and carry her out. Hey you come give him a hand would ya?".

The deCaprio guy pulled out a burner phone.

"Hello boss?"

"Yes Dias?"

a feminine voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"We are about to make the switch, everything his going has planned. Like you said the man is very attached to his siblings".

The woman chuckled. "Good job, get the money and meet me at base."

"Yes mam, but wait, what about the nosy bitch."

"Kill her Dias, this isn't the first fucking time you've caught someone snooping around do what needs to be done unless you wanna get caught."

"Okay mam"

He ended the call and walked out with his colleagues.


We are headed to the exchange sight keep the boy and lady separated, maybe we can get a little more for the nosy bitch, If we can't get anything we'll have our fun with her and then kill her.

He announced as he opened the front seat door and sat next to the driver.

"Step on it" he ordered

They drove further away from the city,

Willow was at the back laying unconscious while Larry sat with a sack over his head praying and begging that someone, anyone would come to his rescue.

His mind wondered to Willow he had heard her scream his name, he hoped she was alright.

He wished he neve had neared that vending machine.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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