
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Urban
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22 Chs

chapter 19

"Who the fuck are you"?

I'm Willow freeman.


It had been an hour, no sign of them both.

The girl was crying in the back of the car seat.

Hello? Inspector, I'd like to report a missing person.

Chris sat in the office of the police commissioner, he was restless, lory sat next to him eyes tearing up

"What do you mean we can't file a report till tomorrow?

"Sir it had to be a day, that's how the law works".

"The law?, what fucking law? It's been three hours since they've been missing, it's not like neither of them to just run off like that, they are in trouble" Chris flared up.

"Mr Anthony, you need to understand the situation we are in, but I could send some men of work, to survey the area.

"This is why I don't trust and respect the police,what they hell!.

He hit the desk

"My little brother and their caregiver are both missing, cell lines aren't going through, text messages declined. I am seriously worried about them, you know what? I am gonna go find them myself.

"Sir I don't think that's a good idea sir, you need to let the police do their job bec…

"What job? What fucking job, you most think I'm dumb if you feel like I'm gonna sit back and do nothing.

He raged and stood up storming out the door, lory scurried behind she had never seen Chris this upset.

I just got done from a call with my guy in the FBI, He's gonna track them down, also I hired a private agent to help me track them down.

He said as he bent down in front of lory confronting her.

"I don't understand who would wanna kidnap Larry or Willow? They are literally the most loving people ever, they have zero enemies."

She asked herself.

He might have an idea who they might be.

They did this just to get to him, he knew the dangers that came with being the young CEO of a multi billion dollar company.

By nature a huge target has been made on the back of both him and his siblings.

He thought he had beat this system.

This was probably the work of the Chinese food company he turned down, he wouldn't accept their collaboration, he did a background check on them and their attributes where of the negative side, he had discovered that they added excessive sodium nitrate and BHA, to their preservatives even with the knowledge of the hazardous health risks involved.

Many workers already lost their lives in labor due to too much exposure of the chemicals.

"I need to go check the surveillance cameras of the hospital, there should be something, anything."

I want to come with you. She jolted up.

It probably wasn't a good idea to leave her alone since they are being targeted. He needed to protect her, he no longer trusted the workers for this to happen there most have been a mole keeping an eye on them form the onset.

"Okay" he nod and held her hands.


I looked at Chris,

He had his sleeve folded up and the veins in his fore head was more pronounced, that only happened when he was angry.

I wondered what he was feeling.

He still acted strong.

I wasn't of any help, all I had been was crying and crying some more.

I looked out the window,

I hoped Larry was alright, I always thought we were invisible, I knew people didn't like us, I had always known but I never expected them to go this far.

I looked back,

"Weird" that car seem to have been tailing us for awhile. I announced.


"Yeah, that black Prius prime"

Chris stepped on the gas, moving faster, but the car followed behind at same speed.

"See? I told you". What do we do Chris?.

"Fuck, I need you to hid at the foot of your seat and whatever you do, do not stand up until I tell you to. Got it?"

He asked.

Yeah I nod in agreement, letting him know I understand what he meant, and I was also too terrified to speak.

I hid myself by the foot of my seat. Arms wrapped around my knee, my ankle still hurt and I winced, as I buried my head in my thighs.

It was painful but I had to oblige, if this was my way of helping Chris I would bear all the pain thrown my way.

Chris driving pattern changed and he was swerving a lot, taking lefts and right's turns.

"Siri call, Corrupt commissioner.

"Calling, corrupt commissioner.

It rang for a second, and he picked.

"Mr Anthony?" The police guy answered.

I still had my body in a ball.

" a black Prius, is tailing me right now as we speak and I don't think I and my sister are safe, we are about to take a turn at Lincoln ave."

"Okay I'll have my men pull up the surveillance camera and track that man down, drive directly to the station.


He hung up.

"Don't worry lory, we'll be okay.


Willow freeman? Not Willow Anthony.

Who The fuck did you grab man?.

The sack was off willows face now and her gag was down.

She looked left and saw a boy sitting, shaking, whimpering.

Larry!! she yelled.

"Shut up bitch" she felt a hard smack on her left cheek.

The man in a Leonardo DiCaprio mask.

She winced in pain.

Her instincts were right, that was Larry.

She crackles.

She seemed to be in a van, she looked around they were four men here. Two sat near Larry, guarding him from each side.

One stood in front of her,

And the other sat away and the guy behind the wheels that made them five.

"Easy, we don't wanna break the princess now do we?". The man who sat away said she could feel him smirking under his mask, as he slowly caressed his gun like he would a woman.

"You grabbed the wrong girl, I said grab a girl and boy, both teenagers, and you bring me this? She wouldn't be worth anything, you've just foiled our whole plan. The boss is gonna be so mad".

"She was following me around man, I had to keep her quiet, she would have blown our cover besides I saw her all buddied up with that millionaire guy, they are obviously fucking" he laughed.

"Slut". The man spat.

"Why are we here?" She manage to ask.

"No,No you pretty doll wasn't even suppose to be here in the first place. He caressed her face. But since you decided to be a nosy bitch what can I say? Let's just hope your boss gives a shit about you, unless it's bye bye to Mexico for your fine self I bet the mob there would like a toy like you.

"Please take me and let him go" she pleaded.

Take you? You aren't worth shit the man next to Larry laughed. He had an accent a southern accent.

But this little bundle of joy right here. Is worth more than ten bars of gold. They cackled.

"He just a kid"

"Oh we aren't monsters, we are just hustlers, we won't even lay a finger on young blood over there. But you, he scoffed. We can't promise to be civil not when you keep looking at us with those eyes, we sure do love female rage don't we boys. The one who seemed to be the leader asked.

They all laughed.

"Put the gag back on, and blindfold her." He ordered.

"No wait, let's talk this thro… mmmh Mh.

"Call the boss tell him we've got them". He ordered.

"What about the girl?" The one with the phone asked.

"I'll handle it.

They drove out from the city.

Then they stopped at an abandoned warehouse.

Willow and Larry where dragged out from the van,

And they were led inside the warehouse like sheeps to slaughter.