
Our world's cross

Two people from different social ladders meet. the other not knowing that each one existed in their own world, till fate push them towards each other. now they’ve got to ignor the difference in the social status they share because of love.

CJTheWriter1 · Urban
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22 Chs

Chapter 14.

Move!! stop shoving me you weirdo.

No!, you stop shoving me.

Do you guys always have to argue when I come pick you up? If you keep doing this I'll just have to send the driver Next time, Chris complained.

It's not my fault I called Shotgun on the front seat, but some JERK decided to ignore the unspoken rule of calling Shotgun, Larry tried to explain.

Lory scoffed, you're such a weeb.

and you have an ATTITUDE PROBLEM Larry slamed back.

You Take that back, Lory said about to pounce on her brother.

Easy there, let's use our words, Willow quickly interfered holding both of them with each of her hands.

Get your hands off me Lory shoved Willow hand away.

Willow sighed.

I'll handle this, don't worry, you are excused for the day Chris said.

No it's fine sir I could wait till they get back. She protest.

Chris looked at Lory who was now standing behind him as she slightly shook her head in disagreement.

They are sleeping over at my place so I think it's best you go home, Thanks for you hard work he added.

Ok Sir, Bye Larry she said giving him a hug, Bye Lory she added and awkwardly walked away looking back every minute, Larry gave a small wave.

I'll see you tomorrow she mouthed and waved back.

Due to there constant fighting and possessiveness over the front seat, Chris let neither of them sit upfront with him, But the ride to the Arcade was too quite, everyone was angry at each other, so he decided to start small talk.

So? how do you like your new care giver? Chris asked.

She's nice, I like her Alot, Larry answered as if waiting for the question.

What about you Lory?.

I dunno. she answered from the back seat not taking her eyes off her phone.

Larry scoffed she's nice and good at her Job I think she genuinely cares about us he continued to praise her.

You're only saying that because you have a crush on her, his sister revealed.

What? No I don't. he denied.

denying won't cover the truth, always smiling when she talks and acting all obedient, making me look Bad, like I'm the brat of the family, she flared.

That's cause you are the brat of the family, would it kill you to not act like the world revolves around you? you only hate her because she puts you in your place and she isn't scared of you like the other care givers.

Alright that's enough, she seems nice and she's good at her Job, so give her break, Chris defended.

Oh my God!! I can't believe you're taking her side? you don't even know her. Lory flared.

You're gonna come to my game right big bro? Larry asked totally ignoring his sister tantrums.

I'm sorry sport, I'm booked, I won't be able to make it, that's why I'm spending time with you today. Chris apologized looking at Larry from the rare mirror, he seemed a little gloom. He sighed, he wanted to spend time with the but he's just so busy, his work load was overwhelming.

Lory was quite the whole ride to the Arcade, she raised her head up high, and one could tell that her ego was bruised.

We are here. Chris announced.

Chris, made sure they had a nice time, he bought Alot of tickets and won a pink Teddy bear for Lory, she finally let out a small laugh.

she played the fun claw machine and won a Stuffed panda for Chris.

We should go get Macaroons, it's right over there, she said pulling her older brother along.

I don't want no lame macaroons, I want pizza, on a stick, right here, Larry whinned pulling his older brother by the other hand.

Chris was stuck, he hated when this happened, he didn't like to choose, but they always made Him choose.

What was he gonna do? he had to be tactical about this.

Wait! he announced. I'll give a hundred bucks to the first person who comes back with a snack for themselves and me. And before he could say Go! the two dashed away.




I couldn't believe how excited Lory was to see her.

Celine? what are you doing here? I asked.

Nice to see you as well Chris, she responded with a smile.

Come-on in, Lory invited, pushing me out of the way.

I scratched the back of my head and gave Lar a look and he shrugged.

How'd, you know I was home? I asked.

I called her, I didn't want to be the only girl with you too boring boys so I called her over, she said I could call anytime, She responded with excitement.

That's enough phone privilege for you today, I said, taking her phone form her.

Come-on she whinned.

If it's a trouble I could go, Celine offered.

No! She yelled, I gave her a look.

please Chris, please let her stay. she begged.

I scoffed, of course she can stay she's MY friend too remember, it's just a lil head's up next time would be great.

Before I could even get my words out Lory dragged her by the arm to the living room, leaving I and Lar behind to make dinner, I sighed.

She should know how to cook yunno, She needs to be here with us, she's a girl. Lar chipped.

Just let her be.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Celine looking at me, I pretended not to notice as I focused on chopping the onions.

Omg your purse it's the the limited edition of Channel, there's only 12 in the world. Lory shreaked.

Celine let out a small laugh. I can see you are updated on your fashion as always, do you like it? she asked.

DO I?! of course I Love it, this purse costs thirty hundred dollars, anyone with eyes would like it, she continued.

I really didn't know why Lory fancied her so much, she was my friend but Lory was more attached to her than I was, I think she looks up to her, Celine was cool she had Alot of achievements at such a young age, went to an Ivy league school, sold out dozens of Art openings, she was successful so I could see why Lory liked her an.....

Chris!! Celine just gave me her channel purse, isnt she the best?

Huh? what? your too young to own such an expensive bag? purse? that's too expensive give it back, I ordered not liking the idea.

Wo, Chris it's okay, I gave it to her, it could be a collectors item for now, I have Two more. She tried convincing me.

Did you hear that?? she has TWO MORE and there's only twelve in the world, OMG she's so cool.

I sighed, Lory wouldn't listen neither would Celine, and she was giving me that look again, I looked away.

Fine, alright, but you're not allowed to wear it until you are 20. I said.

What? that's not fair, fashion evolves it literally wouldn't be as valuable as it is now. She pouted.

They both walked back to the living room.

why hasn't he asked you out yet? you're so awesome I overheard Lory say.

I dunno, you tell me.

Ugh. He's a guy, guys are literally dumb when it's comes to stuff like that she defended.

and they both laughed.


I Searched around the field looking for my two little trouble makers, they had a game today and I wanted to be there, since there mom wasn't around to make it neither was Mr Anthony. Their school was fancy, with it's big Stadium and we'll polished seats, I saw the blinders slowly come down, I guess it was to cover us from the sun, how thoughtful of them.

Larry!. I yelled.

I saw him turn around looking for me in the crowd of cheerful parents and Caregivers like me who also came to watch their kids play.

He smiled when he saw me, and that warmed my heart, the feeling of being wanted by another human.

He waved back.

"You've got this" I mouth giving him a thumbs up.

He was wearing his complete gear, His helmet, and uniform, Football wasn't for the weak he looked rather small compared to the rival players, Honestly, all his team mates looked small compared to them.

Are they sure these were middle schoolers? I asked myself.

I sat back down, taking of my jacket cause I was getting a little bit sweaty, the mom sitting next to me was an Helicopter parent she wouldn't stop Hovering around the Teenager sitting next to me, every second she'd yell her daughter's name who seemed to be on the cheerleading team, I wonder why they wore such short skirts? those weren't even classified as skirts anymore to be honest.

That's right, Lory, I wonder where she might be, oh there she is, I was about to yell her name and wave Aswell, but she wouldn't like that so I slowly put down my hand.

The game started. The introduction was very organized as expected, it made me remember highschool, I was always jealous of the cheerleaders, they looked so cool doing all those stunts in the air, defying gravity, looking at Lory dance and flip made me almost forget how bratty she was, she was gifted the way she moved effortlessly, She had a bright future ahead of her, she'd probably venture into gymnastics because she is great at it.

They Transitioned into the next bit, it seemed like they were going to do the pyramid.

My eyes followed Lory and I excitedly watched as she was lifted up by one of the male cheerleaders.

I cheered as he lifted her up, she was in the air doing a double flip, about to land in the hands of the other cheerleaders but then..

She missed her footing and fell during a human pyramid routine.

I gasped.

Everything was slow, as I watched her fall.


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