
Our Unfortunate sky: a call of revenge

We all forget the saddest thing about betrayal is it never comes from enemies , it's from the ones you trusted the most . All this time i think i am finding myself but no, i actually realized i am finding my way to destroy you . 10 years ago a tragedy happened in 3 kingdoms that lost the beautiful friendship of 4 people. A promise made under a fortunate sky became unfortunate . A broken promise can turn someone angel to devil , make someone heartless , hopeless and dangerous . what will you do when hurting you is only way to protecting you on the name of friendship?

sunflowerme · Fantasy
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12 Chs

THE beginning

I am going to take you to paradise. Where we were actually happy but who knows what was real happiness when we were young or....

10 years ago A tragedy happened in three kingdoms. Cruesdor , the kingdom that rules the sun , known for its happiness . Zayeania the kingdom of warriors , that is known for its protection and Cruindel the kingdom of wisdom .

I still remember that day ,when I saw a blood bath in front of my eyes . my world is falling apart and i was just sitting watching.

I was running without taking a breath , running from my own people who I trusted , I just wanted to survive in whatever way I could .

I heard someone's voice . Who is she? Suddenly everything starts to become dizzy, my head hurting ? Where am I ? Where do you all go ? The only thing left was tears in my eyes .That I wish to stop if only .