
Chapter 1- The little boy

One early morning, Lara is sitting at the front of the table. Feeling bored waiting for her friend that was late. They used to meet each other during the time of 7:00 am, while the time is already 8:00 am. "Where is that women?" she asked to herself while scratching her head.

While she's still waiting, her attention got by a little boy. The boy is look happy and along with its mother. "Mommy, where is the world of toys that daddy saying?" the boy asked to her Mom. "Don't think about your Dad. That's not true, the only thing you have to believe is me, your mommy okay?" the boy's mother replied seriously. "Okay Mom, you said that Daddy is a Monster right?" the boy asked. "Yes, but please just don't talk like that when people is on surroundings, is that okay?" the lady replied. "Of course, Mommy." then both of them walk together.

"Wow, is that boy's Mom and Dad got divorced?" Lara curiously asked to herself. "Poor cute boy" she'd now thoght. Her eyes are following the direction that the boy going through but it suddenly decapitated when someone just make a loud clap behind her. "Hey!" the voice after the clap. "Ah!" the sound that Lara made of being shocked. "You're very funny in that face" her friend Kazuko said. "Don't make funny things right now! I'm angry at you!" Lara replied. "W-Why?" Kazuko asked. "You're late!" Lara angrily said. "I knew it! Well, I'm sorry. It was traffic. It's not my fault, maybe." Kazuko's uncertain replied. "Okay, there still no costumers by the way." Lara said. "What? Since when?" Kazuko asked. "Well, it since 7:00 am and I even don't know why.