
1 Beginning

We were seven when we were second year high school, our friendship was formed we don't remember, 'till one day a commotion happened, one of us stay away because we asks her to u her attitude calling someone stupid, that's not appropriate and she took it negatively, we lose her. Then comes third year one of us was put to a different class and we lose connection with her. She gain new friends...

And then there were five of us, but comes 4th year we welcomed someone new and it was amazing, our high school was memorable...

We made a promise after we graduate we may went to different schools but we won't lose communication. And we'll change for the future,

First year college was a hard time, I missed them. three went to a university and two went to a private school. One went abroad to study he's the unofficial member of our group.

At first we find time to see each other and chat about school stuff, crushes and talk about some bratz at school.

But just like other stories, we moved on and lived our different lives, we lose tract of time and we lose communication, little by little we grew apart. But we all knew deep inside us our friendship remains and it will never changed. Maybe because we have to focus on our studies first and other things

Freshman College...

"Eunice, where are you?" that was Louise, I answered her call I was actually at the entrance of the school.

"I'm near the Engineering Building you?"

"I'm at the gate, stay there wait for me"

"Yeah, hurry up I don't want to be alone here for a long time" I stayed there and waited for her it was awkward because some passerby kept looking at me.

First day of college, new faces, new teachers, new environment, it's awkward to be alone. What's funny at first days of school is that everyone seems to be prim and proper then after few days they will be wild as a tiger, those who you think is an angel at first is the opposite.

We had adjustments but I am with my best friend so it's easier, Louise and I were close, it's funny how we act so innocent at first, I am not someone who is friendly at first I am not the first person who approach a stranger and be friends with her that is not me. I wouldn't open up till I haven't knew who they really are I had issues trusting new people actually.

"I think I still haven't adjusted yet, so where will you go this vacation" She asks, our semester break is coming

"Just home and maybe I'll join my brother at his office he might use me as his side kick again or secretary" I was playing with my food and remember how my brother fooled me to do some encoding with pay but end up having nothing even a single dollar bill.

"I'm sure he's enjoying making you do things" she said while staring at some of our classmates, maybe she misses our friends and how it was in highschool, I smile

"Be careful on choosing your new friends Louise" I warned her and she said she will do that and she knew what to do.

Years pass so easily and we made new friends and things happen so easily as well we had a misunderstanding and she had a new set of friends...

But one person was between us and he is Red he's my bestfriend but he likes Louise, actually louise dumped her because Louise is so in love with someone else and that someone started to show interest on her and even gave her a deadline when they should be in a relationship I mean he is the one courting why would he give a deadline???

Anyway at least now they are both casual but I knew my best friend, he islove with Louise

Today is actually his birthday and he will pick me up, he have a party at their house his parents are lovely they werr even teasing us, 'why don't you two be the one in a relationship?' and we always just laugh because that is impossible.

"You're here early, you should have called Louise" he rolled his eyes on me, I got used to that even if he's a boy, he threw the other helmet at me

"Just hurry up and let's go" why is he so grumpy? I put my hands on his waist yeah this is how close we are.

"You ahould have asks her to come" I kept teasing him at the gasoline station, I took off my helmet and find the gasoline man acting cute at me, I just ignored him and focus on Red.

"What if his boyfriend get angry at her?" he is still on bad mood, is it something I did? Did I asks the wrong question?

"Come on Red admit it, I am just tour second choice, you can tell me your invitation got rejected and you had no choice but to bring me, it's okay girl just be honest I will accept it with all my heart, so are you rejected?" I tried to hide the laugher inside me

"Today is my birthday don't ruin it" then he went to the gasoline man

"Don't try to flirt with her you're not her type" he's really in a bad mood, but I don't care I am in a good mood

"I think you're too slow look now he's into someone else, I was rooting for you in the first place but what the heck you were too busy contemplating if you should do the move or not" he kept ignoring my rants because its all true and I can see him trying to contain his anger towards me, I love to ruin his day well he started it, yesterday he ruined my day. He left me because Louise called her and he was suppose to treat me but he left, good thing my brother is in good mood he cane to pick me up.

"Uncle you came" Red seems to be surprise and this is the first time I am meeting this uncle of him

"Happy birthday nephew, so is this your girlfriend?" he smiled at us and we both answered no, we're just friends I even put my hands around his shoulder why is he so tall?

"We're not a match uncle, we both like someone" I looked at him and gave him a slap on his shoulder

"What are you saying? I am straight sir" I said and Red laugh so hard

"He was dumped by the girl he liked" I revealed and he walked out

Mostly closed friends, cousins and his classmates before are invited i think i am the only outsider here.

They even gave me a mic for me to sing for the birthday boy, I was too shy to say no so I just took the mic

We had a saying in our place that if a person with a bad voice sing or singing is not in tune it will rain hard so I gave them a warning

"You should ready your rain coats, umbrellas too because a typhoon will come" all I thought Red is busy but when he heard my announcement he came outside with an umbrella and he is laughing, I threw my shoe at him

"Can't I just play the guitar?" I pleaded but Red said no and the song is too high for me Celine Dion song played what the efff?

"You can sing" one of Red's cousin said and my face turned red I mean if that is an insult or a praise I don't care anymore, I was never confident with my voice, I know my voice is only for myself, just for a shower voice or me as an audience alone. I gave him my gift when he took me home it was a watch he's on his internship as a nurse and last week a kid patient accidentally broke his watch. He immediately wore it and showed it to me

"This is why you are my favorite person you're very observant thank you" I just gave him a playful smack on his hand

"Be good, you have a duty this saturday right?" he smiled that's him confirming he really is on duty good, I had plans this saturday and he usually come to our house every weekend

"I had a date this saturday so don't come here alright girl?" actually I call him girl and he call me boy that's maybe our endearment?

"You should come up with a solution to your problem already, you're a grown up now"

"Louise said she will break up with Wade" he said as he wears his helmet but remained at where he is

"Really? that's good news let's celebrate" but he insisted and he looks very problematic, what is going on?

"I don't know what to feel" he said and just drive away, and I was left alone dumbfounded, but I just shrugged about it. Well I got my own problems to deal with too, I have my love life to deal with as well, he still isn't calling or even texting me it's been a few months already, maybe that's the end of it.

"Move on Eunice, it's been months he might have found someone else" I whispered to myself, a love story we haven't even started yet ended

"Mom I'm home" I shouted but as I passed the living room someone caught my eyes, he was with my parents

"You have a visitor" I was ready to throw my bag to my brother when i realized who that person they are with is, no way

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I shouted my visitor smiled and my brother smiled ready to tease me

"You didn't tell us you're being courted" I took his hands and went outside our house to talk what the heck is going on? why is he here? But his face looks amazed watching me.

"How did you knew our house? why are you here? And what's with the courting? When did you start courting me?" I became frustrated and he held both my shoulders for me to listen to him

"First of all you are so beautiful when your upset, and hi Eunice, good evening so I guess Red was the one who you were with earlier"

"You are in my house" he nodded and he's trying not to smile but he failed because his eyes are the one that is smiling for him

"Damn I should have come earlier to see you" I kick his feet, he held it but his smile is still visible I was about to cry when he pulled me closer and gave me a tight hug

"I miss you so much" he whispered as he tap my back

"I'm sorry it took me months to come here, I'm sorry you waited for too long" I just hugged him back, is this real? He's here now?

"Hmm" my father came suddenly