
our story isn't finished yet

a young girl falls in love with a boy at school years of them growing together takes a toll on them augurments, heart break, love, shame, but their story isn't finished yet.

Jumayca · Teen
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chapter 4

Never in a million years did I think move.

But the news came I was heart broken in a way. When I told the news to him he didn't mind he said that we will be alright and he'll visit me all the time.

He was right.

When he came to visit me for the first time I remember being so nervous that when he walked on the house I slammed the door and scream in my pillow of excitement. We haven't seen each other on a month so I missed him.

He came with his mom I rember them saying what a long ride it was. I zoned I couldn't stop staring at him. Was he real? I touched his face. He was real. Hella real.

I don't rember much of our conversation that night but that he read my journal and we talked for hours before he had to go. It was a sad time for me because I now thar we were only a few minutes away from each other but we wasn't seeing eachother again no time soon and that shattered me in a way.

Another month passed before Dylan texted me asking if I wanted to go to a water park with him and his family. Well his mom asked for but it's still the thought that counts. I said yes ofcoures.

I was searching in my room for my blue bikini to match with my blue shorts. I took a shower before shaving my body so I can be hairless.

When his brother got there to pick me up I asked dylan to come in the house will I finished getting ready. His face it was just shock. I don't look it I think you should change. He said. You want me to change for what; whats wrong with my outfit I thought it was cute ?

We're not swimming Junie just getting on ride that's it. Okay I said. I changed into some basketball shots and a t-shirt. I didn't like it. I felt comfortable in it but it's just the thought that I should've sooner known how controlling dylan really was.

When we made it to the water park and met up with his family they wanted to take pictures. I didn't wanna take them but for dylan's sake I knew if I didn't take the pictured he would say that I'm embreassing him and that he wouldn't talk to me for the whole day.

The first ride was terrfing. Me, dylan, his mom, and his dad went on a roller coaster ride. I rember feeling my checks flesh up when we went down fast ok the ride. I didn't scream as much as I wanted to I couldn't let it out of me enough to scream in from of them.

After the ride me and Dylan's mom went to the shop at the park to get her something to drink. She was telling me story about dylan's childhood and asking if I wanted a drink.i denied ofcoure even thought I was so thirsty.

Me, dylan, and his brother decided to get in the pool i stepped in the water I was so could I started shivering. As I got relaxed dylan decided to dump my head in the water.

Why would you do that? I just did my hair last night stupid. I said angry now at the fact that my hair is wet.

I'm sorry baby you just look so pretty today. He said starring at me.

The stare was magical. It was so intimate, so beautiful his eyes. We was so close and drown to eachother it was a moment I would never forget about him.

It was ruined when his brother dumped his head in the water. We eventually got out after hearing a kid say that he just peed and that the other kid he was talking to needs to pee as well. Gross

After left the pool I was left alone with the dad. We didn't talk he was nice to me when I was around but it was just not in me to really have a deep conversation with him. Maybe because I used to a dad really wanting to care and have fun with his children. My dad couldn't even hang out with me even if I asked it was was an excuse with him.

I didn't bring clothes it never occurred to me to bring them. Maybe it was because I was rushing to get ready but do kindly dylans brother brought an extra shirt. I walked to the bathroom with Dylan to change.

Once I change I made my way back to him. He grabbed me and pulled me behind the building. When he crashed his lips into mine I skrimed. It was so sudden but it was so good. I loved those surprised from him.

The kiss lasted 10 seconds before we made it back to his family. The park was closing so we all decided to go on a couple of rides and gets something to eat before we left.

After left the park i had to go back home I was starving. I didn't get anything to eat only a drink because I was so nervous. Dylan and his brother kept taunting at me to eat some of their pizza.

Dylan crawled in the back seat and stuffed the pizza into my mouth. I bite it and chewed it slowly. It was so good I stared stuffing my mouth. Dylan I told you she was hungry his brother said while smiling.

Dylan staying in the back seat with me throught the whole car ride. Our hands touching, him playing with me hair as I tried to sleep resting my head on him. Even when I was near him I couldn't stop thinking about him. I knew if this was forever like we wanted then I would risk it all for him. He was the same about me. He didn't show it but our connection between one another wa clear that we were meant to be.

This might be weird to say, but at times if I didn't see him for a long time I would start to believe that he wasn't real. Like it ? Add to library!

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