
our story isn't finished yet

a young girl falls in love with a boy at school years of them growing together takes a toll on them augurments, heart break, love, shame, but their story isn't finished yet.

Jumayca · Teen
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chapter 1

I met him in eight grade. He was standing there telling to his friends when me and nomie walked up to them. Hey Dylan the is junie. Junie this is Dylan.

Nomie had the hugest crush on Dylan it wasn't hard to see even he knew that.

Hey nice to meet you he took my hand and shook it. That's when I finally made eye contact with him. He was beautiful not like any of the other guys at school.

His straight white teeth, his perfect smile shot he ever smelled nice.

I couldn't talk I just had to observe him.

His dark warm skin his beautiful big brown eyes. He excited me and we just met.

I couldn't like him though to notice he was her's and I wasn't gonna compete with that. Junie your being mean say something your embossing me.

Oh I'm sorry it's nice to meet you too.

Dylan can I braid you hair I'm kinda bored nomie said while starting to braid his hair before he even could obliged. She was my friend but everyone could see he wasn't feeling the vibe she was feeling.

After I met Dylan he just became everything. In my dreams, in my mind, he even sat right next to be and I didn't even know it until after I met him.

Hey do you have a pencil. He asked. You have a pencil in your hand we both looked at it then looked back at each other. Oh I just want one of yours if that's okay. Sure I said while handing him the pencil.

Mm mmm we both looked at nomie. She was jealous over what a pencil?

After class it was lunch time for us eight graders. Hey Junie I need to talk to you. Nomie said while sitting on top of the table.

We came be friends anymore she said with a serious look on her face.

Why not? I questioned

Because I don't like what you pulled in fifth period it was disrespectful to me and him and I just can't be friend's eith you anymore.

Oh i- before I could say anything she walked off with her other friends.


Hey you okay? Yeah I'm fine. I don't know what her problem is maybe you shouldn't sit it me I said while looking down at my chocolate milk I was drinking before she came and ruined it for me.

Maybe we should do something? He asked. To get back at her. I don't know she likes you she'll go ballistic Dylan.

Im not worried about that I don't like girls that bring other ones down shes a bully and I don't like bullies.

Okay do we Pretend than what?

Then nothing just pretending gor fun and to have everybody wondering if we're together or not.

Okay deal

The next few days was great we waited for each other at lunch hand and hand. Staring in each other eyes and having everybody wondering if we was together or not.

Nomie found a few other boys to worry about while she still tried to flirt with Dylan she wasn't worried that much about him because she had somebody ot occupy her.

Hey are you guys dating? A boy name Mason said

Must be nice said a girl name Kayla

Yes we're dating I told them I know it was wrong and we was just pretending but the more I hung out with Dylan the more I felt connected with him. Dylan if anybody ask if were toghter tell them yes.

Okay I'll tell them yes.

October 29th 2019, is when me and Dylan made it official. We was starting to become more and more comfortable with each other. I didn't have a phone at the time so I waited untill I had to go to school to talk to him and boy was it worth it.

He was so sweet to me I was starting to catch feeling more and more and it was only the beginning. Do you wanna come outside and hang out with me he asked after class was over. Yeah sure I said putting my notebook back in my backpack.

He always waited and held my hand everyday it was so perfect he was just so sweet and kind he was all I could ask for.

Christmas was coming up and u got a tablet. I was so happy that I could tect him for the first time I didn't didn't know what to say.

Hey this Junie

I know Junie your Instagram says junierenee.

Oh I forgot...

Aren't you excited we don't have to wait to go back to school to talk to each other anymore I'm super excited

Yes I'm Glas I get to finally talk to you.

Can I call I miss your voice?

Yes call.

It was hours we spent on the phone. We talked so much that out Christmas break went like a blur and before you knew it my birthday was right around the corner.

Junie what do you want for your birthday? He asked one day while we were on the phone.

Oh I don't know really you don't have to but me anything.

Shut up Junie what are some things you like. Well I like jewelry and lip gloss and chocolate that's all I can thunk of right now.

It was my birthday I was turning 14 I wore a green shirt with a black skirt.

When I got to school everybody told me and my sister happy birthday.

I hadn't seen Dylan thought I was starting to think he wouldn't show and he had forgotten it was my birthday.

But then he showed and sat right next to me on the bleachers. Hey goodmorning he said. Here he gave my gift. I bought you 8 lip glasses and a necklace.

Well I had my mom help. Aw thank you Dylan I said while giving him a hug the letter had a j on it with a heart.

What about me where's my present my sister said while taking three of my lip glosses of thanks Dylan so nice of you she said then walked off.

February came and passed he surprised me with a teddy bear and two boxes of chocolates it was so sweet of him. He was perfect until he wasn't.