
Our Secret Lives

A simple sweet girl having a crush on the heartthrob of her school, couldn't gather the courage to talk to him, afraid of being rejected by him. A handsome guy who likes the geek of the school but isn't sure if he should talk to her; because she runs away from him always and so, doesn't talk to her. Regret is all both of them have once the school ends. But the destiny had something else planned for them. They meet once again after a long time and find themselves in an entirely different and unexpected situation. They are happy about the situation and love eachothers so much; but both of them are keeping a very important secret from the other. What is that ? Will they find out ? Will the secret affect their lives ? Let's find out.

Stroyteller_1 · Urban
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31 Chs

A Partner

I qualified the prodigy exam and saved a year and finished my degree in 3 years. I went to South Korea and finished the hacking course successfully. I got to learn so many unknown and difficult and different hacks for decoding.

I am so happy that, the study part finally left me alone after so many years and the hard work paid for my 4 years !

I landed in London and went home and I got the most unexpected and out of the world welcome by my mama !

The moment I stepped inside the door, she threw the pillow at me which was by her hand. Then she went on throwing various things at me without thinking that, they might actually hurt me if, her aim was right !

" What's wrong with you mama ? I returned home after 4 years and this is how you welcome me ? "

I said confused at her behavior.

" You spoiled brat, you have been fooling me for a year and half and want me to welcome you with a warm hug and an ear to ear smile ? "

She yelled.

" What are you talking about, mama ? When did I fooled you ? "

I asked confused.

" I gave you the boy's number and photograph and told you to call him. Did you for once called him ? Leave alone calling, did you ever answered his call ? "

She said putting her hands on her waist. God, she haven't gave up on it !

And excuse me, answered his call ?

" He never called me in the first place then, how am I supposed to answer his call ? "

I said defending myself; and dug the grave for myself !

" And what about you calling him ? Haven't I chewed you head for calling him ? Then, why didn't you called him ? Are you some VIP requiring some special treatment ? "

She said clenching her teeth as if, she was gonna kill me right there !

" I... I tried to call... but he didn't received my calls and so, I stopped calling him. "

I lied.

" Don't you dare lie to me, brat ! You never called him ! "

She said narrowing her eyes.

" Neither did he ! Why are you blaming everything on me ?

I just got back home and this is how you welcome me ? I am already feeling I was better there and shouldn't have returned ! "

I screamed my lungs out and stormed out leaving the bags there.

" Josephine ! Josephine ! "

Mama called for me but I was too mad to stop and listen to her cursing at me more.

I took the cab and went straight to the army center.

I had planned to report them tomorrow but she got on my nerves and I didn't had anywhere to go so, here I am !

I reported to my coach. He congratulated me for successfully completing my degree with the prodigy scholarship and using the year to learn some more.

He was very happy with my progress in everything. My aim was much better now on moving objects and I don't flinch at the loud sound of the firing !

He told me to choose a name for myself which would be my identity while working as the undercover agent and no one would know my real name !

I chose Shadow for me.

I will be known by the name Shadow here at the army center as well. He even asked me to choose an outfit for me considering, the hideout for my face and various hidden places to keep the weapons.

We decided that with our team. He told me they'd require a week or so to get the outfit ready.

He told me there is guy as well who qualified the training and was going to be my partner when, we will go on missions.

He called him the next week to introduce us and tell instructions related to the missions we will undergo.

After reporting to the center I went back home.

I forgot how mom welcomed me and what I said to her; I hugged her tight from behind.

" Oh, you found the way back home ? I thought you went back where you were happy and didn't wanted to return ! "

Mama said sarcastically. I didn't got what she meant so, I ignored her.

" Mama, I am so hungry. I have missed your food. And I forgot the taste. Please reintroduce me with it ! "

I said clinging onto her.

She took my hands off her and served me my favorite hot curry and freshly baked bread. I ate it so much and so fast, my stomach started to hurt. Mama gave me cumin soaked hot water to help me digest it.

She did everything but didn't talked to me !

" Mama, you didn't asked me how have I been ? Didn't I missed you there ? "

I said.

" Why shall I ask ? It's obvious you were more than happy there alone than, spending time with your annoying as hell Mama ! "

She said without looking at me.

I felt very bad at her words. How could she say that to me ? There wasn't a single day I didn't missed her and she is saying I was happy there without her ?

" Why are you talking like this Mama ? "

I asked sadly.

" Are you seriously asking me this ? Just a few hours ago you slapped it in my face by saying that, you were happy there and never should have... returned ! "

She said sniffing.

Oh my god, is she crying ? I have never seen her crying before.

" Mama... "

I couldn't say anything than that.

My chest suddenly felt heavy as if, some one have put rocks of tonns over it. I couldn't breathe properly.

She haven't cried before and I made her cry and that too using heartless words !

Shame on you Jose !

I reached my hand and she moved away. It broke my heart. But I am the one who hurt her I must make it up to her.

I slide closer to her and wrapped my arms around her tightly. She tried to take them off but I didn't let her.

" I am so sorry mama. I didn't intended to hurt you. I am so sorry. I was just...

I lost my mind when you blamed me for not calling some stupid guy the moment I entered home.

That's why I said what came to my mind. "

I said apologizing.

" Keep your apology to yourself, I don't need it ! Is it really so hard to live with me ? Is that why your Papa lost interest in me and turned to gambling to stay away from me ? Was he happy away from me ? Did he too felt he shouldn't return to me ? "

Mama said crying.

Her words hurt me even more than I might have hurt her. This is very bad ! My words made her feel papa did what he did because he didn't wanted to live with her !

And they got divorced because Papa got addicted to gambling ? I'll talk to him later about it. Right now, I must apologise to her.

I have made her feel bad of herself. I must make it upto her.

" No mama, that's not true ! Please, stop blaming yourself. Nothing's like that. You might not know but Papa still loves you and wants to get back with you. He misses you so much and so did I !

I missed you mama, so much. I didn't wanted to say any of that, trust me ! I was just mad that you didn't even asked me if, my flight was OK, was I ok ?

You just blamed me for not calling that stupid and yelled at me that's why I said those mean things, please forgive me mama ? "

I said crying.

She wiped my tears hugged me.

" It's ok baby. I overreacted. I am sorry I didn't welcomed you properly. "

She said softly.

" I am sorry mama. I won't say anything mean to you ever again. "

I said.

" If you are really sorry for you did, don't you think you should compensate ? "

She said.

" Anything mama, I will do anything ! "

And I fucked up by saying that !

" Ok then. Neither of you guys called eachothers when you were in China ! Now that you both are back here, we will arrange meeting for you guys the next week ! "

She said.

God this manipulative woman !

How could she do this to me ? She played dirty. Was she even hurt to listen to my words or just pretended to be ?

God why did I say I'd do anything ?

" Mama ! "

I said protesting.

" No turning back ! You said yourself that, you'd do anything. So, do that. Stick to your word. "

She said. But I have meeting at camp with my partner.

" Mama, I will meet him but not next week. I will meet him on the later one. "

I said.

" Do you have an appointment with the Mayor next week ? Why not next week ? "

She asked crossing her arms.

" I have an interview next week I have to prepare myself for that ! So, please not next week ! I have already agreed to meet him as you wish now grant me my wish ! "

I said firmly.

" You little... "

Her phone buzzed.

" Hello, Reah. What's up ?... What ?... Why ?... Oh, ok... It's fine by us as well, she too isn't available next week... Yeah, we will do that...

Yeah, the later weekend is fine... no not my restaurant... because she will feel uncomfortable... yes... ok fine... bye see you."

She said disappointed.

" Fine. I will grant your wish. He is also not available next week so, go on the next weekend. "

She said. How could she say it like it is nothing ? Will I have to act according to his will and schedule now ?

That fucking Vladimir !

And what kind of ancient name is it ? Well, I shouldn't be the one laughing at his name, while I have Josephine for myself !

And anyway, Wasn't one mama enough in my life that, God sent another one ?

Though, I am gonna reject him the moment he will say anything; but it feels insulting to be treated like this ! Acting according to someone else's will.

I didn't said anything to her as I was tired from journey and wanted to sleep. And opposing her means bringing the hell on yourself for hours !

And I can't talk back to her, now that I am in the same house as she is !

She won't have to do any effort to break my bones here !

Please ignore any mistakes.

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