
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

2: After Years

I woke up as peaceful as always. My Queen woke up earlier than me today, sounds unusual. I yawn and stretch my arms and legs on my cold fluffy bed. I rose up when someone knocked on the door. That's definitely my attendant.

"Your highness, dreaming is over." I rub my eyes to clear my vision.

"Where is Amber?"

"She's preparing the meal."

I see. I'm still sleepy but making my attendant wait for me behind the door is a bad idea, I'm sure she'll knock on it until it broke. I walk away from my bed, I snap and it organized itself. As I walk I raise both of my arms and my formal king attire clothe covered me. Before I spin the doorknob, I caress my jaw up till my nape and my shiny oily face and my electrocuted hair turns to a handsome and powerful looking god of dominion.

My name is Xavier. King of Heavenly kingdom. This is not the afterlife thing. This is a place where I reign, my kingdom. In this world, there are gods who once became a hero. This nation is called Quede. Where all kingdoms are allies.

I sway my hands to open the door. This woman I'm talking with is Rhea, my attendant.

"Good morning, Hesue."

"Don't call me that," I said.

"I see. You finally appreciate your own name." Hesue is my nickname for them. But it's a very long story to tell.

I was the one who made this kingdom unique. Because it's standing in the air. I cut the surface of the ground and lift it up. We use portals to leave this land if food and income is insufficient. But I made sure it won't happen often.

This is well known as the most peaceful kingdom, away from danger and conflicts. Yet to be honest, Magi kingdom is the most beautiful but unknown kingdom. It was build out of nowhere from this world by King Holland.

I cover this land by barriers which make this place inside a crystal ball. No one can attack us easily. I still accept the nature's hotness and coldness. I know it's necessary for farms. I'm on my way down to the kitchen, according to my attendant my Queen is there.

One of our maids here approaches me, esteemed me and chasing her breath.

"Your highness, the princess is missing!"

"Again?!" Rhea reacted.

I breathe in then out, I look calmed as always. My naughty daughter failed me again.

"How about her attendant?" I asked the maid in normal voice.

"He's nowhere to be found too."

"Well that only means they left together."

"Tsk. That newbie. His job is to obey the princess but not disobey the King," she reacted again.

"Don't worry. She's safe with her attendant. And thank you for the information and your concern," I told the maid. I continued my march. Down here at the kitchen, my Queen is peeling potatoes. She loves chores. That's why I love her more.

I hug her from behind to her shoulders

"Good morning, my Queen."

"Good morning, my King." She's my wife, Amber. Her gift is healing. Also her nun attendant, Naomi. They created healing necklace to all of us inside the palace for more safety. If you're wearing it, your wounds and sick will heal.

"Looks like Ashti is missing again," she said. Ashti is the name of our daughter.

"She's 16. Where maturity begins. Maybe she should learn how to manage herself."

"She is still our daughter so you must find her before the meal is over." I sigh. I'm not sure if it was exhortation or scold but I have no choice but to obey her.

"Okay. As you wish. This will be the 25th time I'll search for her."

"Then lecture her for the 63rd time." I laugh then I kiss her to her neck repeatedly. It tickles her.

"Xavier! Not her!" she whispered while amused. I can hear the silent laugh of other maids here. I just wanna show tenderness to feel young even I'm standing on the level of parenthood.

Another servant approaches me from behind. His name is Key, the captain of the knights. He's standing together with two other knights.

"I sincerely apologise for intruding your public display of affection but there is an urgent report from King Hibyte." Never heard of that King. I let go from hugging Amber and turn on my serious mode.

"That sounds trouble," Amber said while cutting meat. After she said that, I left the kitchen to meet the messenger at the main hall. The messenger is a man wearing brown clothe with a symbol of golden leaf. He gave me a scroll, I roll it to read and I let go in the air.

It's floating in front of me and I fold my arms. It says here that there was a tragedy happened in Alcubra nation. Ba-sheriyan and Melaleeli kingdom were devastated. The god of prophecy, King Melzedeck and the god of gifts, King Parohah are confirmed dead. Killed by unknown species and rulers.

Many did suspect that they came from Freculus kingdom. All the citizens there went missing. They gave me this letter to inform and warn me. Well I should be grateful for that. In the end, they asked me to help investigate the crime, I'm a god not a detective.

I think I could help, but hearing the enemy exist again I can't just leave my kingdom nor my nation. King Hibyte wanted to meet me at his kingdom. They're always under attack so leaving is not an option too. But they must. The scroll closed as I closed my palm.

"Tell this to your King, they should retreat. All of your citizens and knights should leave. Sacrifice that kingdom for now—"

"But your highness, that kingdom is our big source of food," the messenger said.

"Your lives are more important. Leave that kingdom and I'll meet all of you at the Ocean Of Grass in the afternoon. It's urgent." This messenger, I can sense some trauma from him.

"Y-yes your highness. Thank you very much."

"Wait. Receive my blessing." I pat my palm to his chest, judging from his physical appearance, he look so weak so I gave him protection to deliver my message safely. When he left, I command Key to prepare my horse and Rhea's.

I came outside the palace, in front of the the door, I can detect Ashti's heartbeat in every corner of this land, but I saw no sign that she's here. It means she left the kingdom this morning. That kid, makes my job harder!

Later on, here comes my horse. Alpha is his name, big and white, the fastest horse I ever ride. I will search for my daughter together with Rhea.

"Key, make sure that your men will guard the whole facilities."

"Sure your highness!!" he even saluted.

"Xavier where are we going?"

"We still have time to look for my daughter before the meal is settled. I'm sure Amber will kill me if I didn't manage our naughty princess."

"Wait, you call him by his name?" asked Key to Rhea.

"It's because we're close unlike you..."

"Well that's fine since I'm a high ranked person."

"Why don't you just marry each other," I said.

"Well your highness I better die with honor than to marry this woman."

"Still you're unluckily in love with a nun."

"Shut up!!" Key covered his ears like a child when Rhea said that.

"Ohohoho! Look! You're blushing."

"I said shut up!"

"Enough with the child-talk. I still need to look for Ashti before my wife will bury me alive."

"Yes. Let's leave this pipsqueak here," Rhea said when she rode on her horse. When we left, Key shouted

"Better regret what you said!" we just both laugh.

When we pass the town, they gave way and honor me. I should have made a private route. No one is allowed to reach the very corner of this land. I assigned some knights to guard it. Because it can be a cause of suicide or accident.

The portal was designed with floral doorway, it is inside the forest and has knights too. When we passed through it, we teleport at the top of a cliff where we can see the whole view of my kingdom.

This time the land I'm standing with is the real earth, I need to focus more on detecting her. I close my eyes and breath leisurely. I'm starting to feel her presence.

"One thousand six hundred meters away to the north east. Onward."

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

All royal bloods are born to have their own power or mostly called gift. If you have power, you're gifted. And if you don't have, you're not gifted. And that's me. I'm not gifted, I always hear persecutions and gossip about me. My name is Ashti, princess of Heavenly kingdom.

I am a child of a god. So I wonder if I'm just adopted or hated by fate. I want to have my own gift, I want to be strong like my mother and father. I'm here in a misty forest to hunt monsters together with my attendant, Almidoron.

He's 19 years old and new for his job. He always telling me to go back to the kingdom because leaving it is disobedience and dangerous specially I'm a princess. I'm confident to leave since I know how to fight using a sword and fight weaponless too. My father is teaching me when I was still little until now.

"Princess, it doesn't look like there are monsters existing. We should go back."

"Fine! Then fight me instead!" I point him my sword. He was forced to fight me despite of his homesick. I smirk.

"Duck!!" she shouted. When he approaches to swipe his sword to my neck I duck. But he hit something, a froth? I heard creepy groans around, when I look behind there are monsters.

Almidoron is aware while I'm nervous for seeing a walking dead people. No. They're not people. But only a human like. All I can say is they're gross!

"Princess, if you're scared stay behind me."

"Why would I? I'm here to hunt monsters not to run away from them!" there's so many of them surrounding us. I attack courageously with fear. This is my first time fighting for real. Just one slice they're dead.

I cut the one from the right then to the left, kick in front, twist then cut. Almidoron is supporting by back and I lost my focus when I was bitten on my shoulder. It feels like I was bitten by a lion. I stab it then another approaches.

I move even in pain. I attempt to attack but I mistakenly hit Almidoron's arm. I was bitten on my leg so I fell down and he killed it. He covered me to protect me but they are all biting him. I want to help him but I think we're going to die here.

I close my eyes and I felt a sand running down on my skin. The monsters are gone, we're both alive. I saw my father and Rhea riding a horse. We stood up and our wounds are starting to heal, by healing necklace. My father defeated them all by making them sands.

He's looking mad at me. I think I should understand that. He grab his sword and sheath then bashed Almidoron's face.

"Father?!" I panic. I stayed in my position.

"Your duty is to discipline her too, not only to protect," my father said to him.

"I'm sorry, your highness."

"Father it's my fault not his'! Why do you have to do that?!"

"Why? You want me to do the same to you?" I stay in silence. Just one bite of those creature was hair-raising feeling, what more from a bash of a father.

"Ride here," he said. I'm scared of him for now. And I don't feel riding behind him, so awkward. Almidoron rides with Rhea. The horses didn't run on the ground, they run in the air. No wonder how they caught up with us. This is one of my father's gift. I wish I could be like him.

When we reach the portal, on top of the cliff, my father told our attendant to leave first, he wants to talk to me one on one. Now I'm nervous. The portal way back is a tree. So it won't be too obvious for outsiders.

We step down to the ground when they left. My father is staring at the kingdom from here, I know it's too beautiful and bizarre. I keep myself behind him, waiting for him to speak. The only noise I can hear is the whisper of the wind. So I started first

"Father... I'm... sorry."

He breathed deeply before speaking, "Look at the kingdom, beautiful isn't it? That's why I love it, even the citizens, knights and maids, specially my Queen and my daughter." He gave his glance to me this time and walking closer, "That's why, Ashti, no matter what they say, even if you're ugly or not gifted, I still love you the way you are, because you're my daughter."

Tears run down on my cheeks, I hug him very tight like I'm about to fall on a cliff. He hug me back and caress my hair. I thought he'll kill me with his madness. But he didn't. Maybe that's why I'm spoiled.

"Don't listen to them. If you really wanna be strong, have a good and well sleep. If you wanna be smart, obey your parents. If you wanna be brave, be what you are."

"Where does sleeping-on-the-right-time-makes-you-strong-thing came from?" well actually that's a weird advice.

"It came from my mother."

"Really? How sweet. I haven't seen my grandmother yet."

"Will you listen to my life story? I haven't told you right?"
