
Chapter 1

Falling in love is a tricky thing. You don't get to choose who it is or why, but you love them anyway. Loving someone in the military is one of the hardest forms of love out there. It will tear you down, showing both of your true colours right away but also build you up from the amount of love created. My name Awinita, or fawn in English. This is my story and struggles I go through to be with my army man.

*Awinita was named after her grandmother and is Cherokee. She is also the lead female character of the story.

*Asher is her best friend from childhood and is always looking out for her. He comes from a rich background.

*River is a mysterious dark haired, dark eyed guy who is off on a dangerous adventure. He is also the lead male character of the story.




"Ash, are you sure it's okay to message him? Will he even like me?" I mumble the ending unsure of myself.

"Awinita, I can't promise you anything but what will you know if you don't message him?"

I think for a while unsure if I really should, I mean I could meet someone at the ball we are going to but I decided to do it anyway hoping he'd reply.

"Fine but if he doesn't respond let's just head out to the party."

After waiting a few minutes I started doing my hair in a pulled back curl bun waiting for a response.


*one unread message*

"hold it Asher! He replied!"

"Answer girl! I promise he's not going to bite!"

*who is this? Do I know you?xxRiver*

*Ah sorry, Asher gave me your number, my name is Awinita.xxAwinita*

*I'm sorry I have to go, maybe talk later.XxRiver*

I guess Ash was wrong, he's not interested. It's okay though, we are going to a business masquerade party for Aaron Tech which allows you to bring a guest or family with you. It's the only reason I'm not going alone, I asked Asher to come along so it's less of a drag. The food and drinks here are amazing and it's honestly one of my favorite parts about working here.

"Yo awinita, did he respond?" Ash asks waving his hand in front of my face pulling me out of my train of thought.

"Oh, yeah but he had to go almost right away."

I respond looking for my ball gown for this party.

"Just give him time, I forgot to tell you he had something going on tonight but I'm sure it won't be the last time you two talk." That sly Asher, I wonder what he has planned.

For some reason Ash insisted on getting us opposite outfits instead of our usual matching ones. Ash has an amazing sense of fashion and always does our shopping when it comes to party's. My dress was black, dark purple and dark blue with silver stars and moons as it goes down the dress while his is white with black buttons that have white moons on them. His mask was a simple black one with silver stars around it while mine was the same as my dress, I felt amazing in this outfit and couldn't wait to get there.

The party is a farewell to one of our coworkers who is going into the army, im not sure who he is but we rarely have balls anymore and I am exited.