
Our New World

So this is a Zodiac story of sorts, but its not like based solely apon them being a part of the Zodiac.

Draven_Nyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Rebecca

"No Rebecca, your form is all wrong!"The instructor hissed coldly at the red headed witch.

She held her stance firmly, keeping her arms out in front of her with her hands up, almost as if waiting for a high-five, but she wasn't. "I'm clearly doing it right."Rebecca said through gritted teeth.

"If you were doing it right. Clearly. I wouldn't have said something, young lady." Her instructor mocked her.

"I don't need the basics! I have done them 100 times already! I need to be taught more advanced Magic!"Rebecca practically threw her hands up in the air before crossing them on her chest.

"Fine brat. Show me what you have learned." Her instructor, took a drink from his flask, something that you never saw him without.

Rebecca stared at him loathingly, her cerulean blue eyes clear as a cloudless morning sky.

Rebecca unbuttoned her knife bag, which contained her main source of weaponry. She quickly levitated 52 diamond-edged throwing knives from her bag, eager to make her instructor eat his words. She threw her left arm out, then moved her hand up, the knives quickly formed a circle behind her in air. Moving her palm to face down, the knives turned to the face human shaped target. Then proceeding, she slung her arm in towards her other arm, and the throwing knives were hurled towards the target.

Suddenly a dark purple barrier appeared in front.

"Tsk. Tsk."The instructor drunkily moved his finger side to side, a half smirk on his face. "Rebecca, always be prepared for barriers." He took another long sip from his alcohol.

Filled with seething rage and hatred for the man, she maneuvered her weapons and gave the mental order for the knives to pirece his skin. Which it did.

"How's that."She gave a satisfied smile. The old man struggled to sit up. To which the girl greeted with another dagger.

Rebecca felt an overwhelming sensation to repeatedly stab him, she gave into temptation. She didn't even notice the insane look that was plastered onto her face. She was smiling cruelly as she stepped closer to his body and blood splashed onto her dress.

A loud shrill screech, like a banshee rang out. It was Rebecca's mother.

"You killed Bernard!! Richard she is killing him!"The older blonde women, clung to her husband's chest, then proceeded to cry into it.

Bernard had practically raised her and pretty much taught her everything she knew about Magic. How she wished she could learn Magix. And Rebecca had killed him. She may be her mother's blood, but Bernard was as important to her as Rebecca was to her father Richard.

Richard on the other hand loved his daughter more than anything, aside from his wife. He knew how terribly he had treated his beloved daughter. Just when he would go to take care of it, her mother would be there, to seduce him into not going.

"I'm going to kill you!"Her mother cried, she also carried Telekinesis as did everyone in her family. Her mother quickly raised many of the surrounding weapons, be it axes, spears, swords and such, aiming them at her daughter.

"Loreli!"the brown haired man, had turned his blonde wife to face him. "She is blood! Bernard wouldn't want you to dirty your hands.."He said gently stroking her face. "Especially with someone like her.."

That broke Rebecca's heart.

"F-Father.."Rebecca's voice cracked.

"You're right, Richy. I'm going to go wash up for dinner. I'll come up with the best way to kill her!"Loreli clapped her hands in delight, turning as her dark blue gown swayed lightly in the wind.

Richard turned to see Rebecca was running away. "Rebecca!" Richard had picked up his daughter via Telekinesis, he had built up his Magic well and was one of the most powerful Telekinetic Warlocks on the planet.

Bringing her over to him, he set her down. "Darling I'm sorry, you know I love you more than life, forgive me for saying those things. I just couldn't bare for her to kill you."

Rebecca's eyes had already filled with tears. "I'm so sorry I won't ever again doubt your love Daddy!"she cried flinging her arms around her father's neck.

"I love you my darling, but you can't stay here any longer. Your mother, I believe is possessed.. I have pondered this idea for a few months now."

Rebecca whiped the tears streaming down her face. Richard's eyes trailed off to the side, as if he was ashamed. He soon focused his eyes back to his daughter. "I have a pack for you by the North entrance."

"But Daddy, what about you."Rebecca's voice was coated with worry, fear and anguish.

"I will see if it is not too late to save her."Richard forced a smile.

"No I'm not leaving without you."She said firmly.

"I promise, as soon as I can, I will come looking for you. You have my word."He gently put his hand on her cheek.

She wrapped her arms around her father. "I love you Daddy."She whispered, tears filling in her eyes.

He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you too, my darling. I promise I will find you again." He resisted the tears to fall from his eyes. "You should hurry and take leave."

Rebecca slowly turned around beginning to walk away, she looked back at her father with fear that it may be the last time she would ever see him again. She turned back around and ran away.