

"Hey, do you want to check out that new café that opened up last week?" Amelia asked. Me and Amelia were wandering around town. It was the weekend, no school and she insisted we go out today. I dont really enjoy leaving the house but she's an exception. She was actually planning on taking me to a party but thats way out of my comfort zone. So here we are now wandering around finding things to do.

"Sure, why not?" She smiled brightly and she dragged me happily to the place. Sweet Latte... Seemed nice. She went ahead and opened the door for me, "After you malady." She bowed waiting for me to walk in. "Why, thank you." She closed the door quietly and we both kept our royalty roleplay for a few more seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Hello ladies, can I show you to a table." A girl wearing a beige, above the knee, dress asked. I took a moment admiring her features, too nervous to talk. Her silky, wavy, brown hair was so pretty. I bet it'd be nice to braid it. "Uh, hello?" She said awkwardly. Amelia immediately replied, "Yes, sorry we'd love for you to show us our table." She looked at me awkwardly. I shrugged, "Sorry..." I mumbled.

"Here you are." She smiled warmly setting down our menus. "I'll be with you when you're ready." And she speeded off. I let go of the breath I didnt know I was holding in. She had a presence that just pulled you in, but it was almost intimidating in a way. "She's so pretty." Amelia gazed at her walking back to the counter. "Yeah, she is." I picked up the menu looking through everything. They had lattes, well I'd hope they'd have lattes its in their name. Expresso, Frappuccinos, multiple different types of teas. Maybe I'd have a latte it seemed to be their specialty. Or maybe green tea. They had little deserts too. Angel food cake, Tiramisu, Strawberry short cake.

"So what're you getting?" Amelia asked keeping her eyes on the menu. "I dont know. It all looks so good." My stomach rumbled looking at the angel food cake. It looked so fluffy and soft. "Probably the angel food cake and a latte." Her eyes lit up when she saw they had pie and cinnamon rolls. "Alright it's settled. I'm getting a cinnamon roll." Whenever me and Amelia went somewhere to eat she always got the cinnamon rolls. It seemed to be her life long dream to find the best cinnamon roll in the history of cinnamon rolls.

"Are you guys ready?" The girl from early took out a notepad. "Oh yes. I'll get the Cinnamin roll and she will be getting the angel food cake and a latte." I'm glad Amelia ordered for me. I always end up stuttering and screwing it up. "Alrighty." She scribbled in her notebook. "I'll be with you soon." She smiled and took our menus out of the way.

"I'm excited are you?" Amelia had a sparkle in her eye. "Yup!" I replied.

Moments later she came to our table and set down our order. I eyed my angel food cake. It looked like a soft, fluffy, little cloud. Amelia excitedly took a bite out of her cinnamon roll and I could see how much she enjoyed it. "Omg it's so good!" She mumbled still chewing.

I stabbed my angel food cake and took a bite. Just as expected a soft, sweet, fluffy cloud. I wanted to cry this was so good. We munched on our sweets and Amelia ended up ordering another cinnamon roll. I never had a latte before but it was pretty good. This place did not disappoint.

"Thanks come again!" Our waitress waved at us as we exited. 'Skye' was written on her name tag in an almost cursive font. We waved back and Amelia was practically skipping with a box of cinnamin rolls in hand. "That was so good. We should definitely go back again next week." I sighed happily, "We definitely should."

It was already sunset by the time we got out. It was a gorgeous orange and pink hue. It was so lovely, perfect for the moment. We walked happily to our houses. We stopped at a crosswalk waiting for the cars to pass. I kept staring at the sunset. It was so perfect. Today was so perfect. There was a ding and I started walking to the other side of the road.

"Audrey!" Amelia yelled panicked. I stopped and turned around to face her. "Whats wrong?" Almost immediately I heard it. The screeching of a car's tires skidding against the road getting louder and louder by the second. The blaring sound of its horn got closer and closer. I saw Amelia say something but it was too loud to hear what she said.

I fell hard skidding across the road with the car's tire pressed up against my waist struggling to stop. My skirt ripped and my shirt shredded. I screamed at the pain. It was excruciating. There wasn't a part of me that wasn't hurting. The car finally came to a stop and I saw the red pool under me. Amelia ran towards me tears streaming down her face. "Call an ambulance! Anyone!" She yelled.

People started crowding around us and the sound of an ambulance was in the distance. "Its gonna be okay... It's gonna be okay..." Amelia softly between cries. I smiled softly one last time, "Its gonna be okay."

Thank you so much for reading!

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