
Our Love Rewritten

Jae-hyun's life is a series of disappointments. Struggling to find a decent job and drowning in depression, his only solace is his long-time girlfriend, Hae-won. For five years, she has been his anchor, but even she cannot hold on forever. When Hae-won leaves him, Jae-hyun's world shatters. Despair drives him to end his life, cursing the gods who he believes have abandoned him. But the gods have been listening. Instead of finality, Jae-hyun is offered an extraordinary second chance by the very deity he cursed. With a newfound opportunity to rewrite his story, he must navigate the complexities of his past mistakes, confront his inner demons, and rediscover the love that slipped through his fingers. Can Jae-hyun mend his broken spirit and reclaim the happiness he once knew, or will he find that some things are beyond redemption?

TheUnknownArtist · Urban
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4 Chs


After hearing his mother's voice, Jae-Hyun sprang out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, stunned. He looked much younger, like his high school self. Was everything just a dream? Is this real? Questions raced through his mind as he touched his face, feeling the smooth skin of youth.

Suddenly, there was a knock at his room door. "Honey, are you okay in there?" his mom called out.

"Ye... yea, I'm fine, Mom. Just getting ready now, sorry."

Jae-Hyun splashed water on his face, trying to calm himself. He finished getting ready for school, then saw his phone on the bed. Checking the date, he saw it was July 20th, 2020. I'm really back in the past, he thought to himself. This is the last day of my junior year, the summer when I first spoke to Hae-Won.

Looking at himself in the mirror again, he noticed his body was in poor shape he had a small gut and was skinny. He had no facial hair, and his clothes were worn and shabby. I have to use this summer to work on myself, he resolved. Even though in my previous life I met Hae-Won around this time, maybe if I wait until I look better, she will instantly fall in love with me.

Jae-Hyun smiled, daydreaming about Hae-Won, but the sound of a bus stopping in front of his house snapped him out of his daze. He hurriedly grabbed his things and rushed out of the house.

Jae-Hyun arrived at Seoul High School, the name sending a shiver down his spine. The building looked just as he remembered imposing and full of memories he wished he could forget. Walking through the hallway, he recalled how bad his high school experience had been.

This place was hell for me, he thought, remembering the last day of school. Ji-Hoon and his friends had wanted to give him an end-of-school "gift," which ended with them sticking his head in the toilet. I have to avoid them at all costs today.

His mind raced as he navigated through the familiar corridors, trying to stay invisible. He kept his head down, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. The hallways buzzed with the excitement of the last day of school, but for Jae-Hyun, it was a minefield.

Entering his first class, he took a seat near the back, hoping to stay unnoticed. The classroom looked exactly the same, and he recognized the teacher immediately Mr. Park, his old math teacher. Mr. Park was a stern man in his late forties, with graying hair and a permanent frown etched on his face. He wore glasses that perched precariously on the bridge of his nose and had a habit of tapping his foot impatiently during lectures.

Mr. Park, Jae-Hyun thought bitterly. He never cared about students getting bullied in his class. Always more focused on the lesson plan than the kids.

As Mr. Park droned on about the day's lesson, Jae-Hyun lost in his thoughts, began to break down every part of himself that needed improvement. Starting with his physical appearance, he pondered. Maybe I should get a gym membership and start lifting weights, look like a bodybuilder.

He quickly scratched that idea. I don't want to look like a large meathead, plus I don't have any money for a gym membership.

Then, a great idea struck him. In his past life, there had been a workout routine growing in popularity called calisthenics. Calisthenics is a form of exercise that uses body weight for resistance, including exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, and squats. This could be a free alternative to get my body in shape.

Next, he began to think about how he could start generating money. He sighed deeply, feeling a pang of frustration. Why couldn't I have just remembered the lottery numbers for this year? I would instantly become rich.

Jae-Hyun felt a wave of depression wash over him. But the bell ending class snapped him out of his thoughts. 

He made his way to his locker, trying to stay hidden to avoid running into Ji-Hoon and his crew. As he reached his locker, he quickly grabbed his books for the next class. Just as he was about to close the locker door, he noticed Ji-Hoon standing right next to him, an evil smile plastered on his face.

"Hey there, Jae-Hyun. Excited to see my favorite fellow student," Ji-Hoon said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He reached out and ruffled Jae-Hyun's long, black, already messy hair, making it even worse.

Jae-Hyun forced a smile, trying to keep his cool. In his mind, Jae-Hyun cursed. Damn it, I failed trying to avoid this guy.

Ji-Hoon grinned wider, sensing his discomfort. "Feels like you've been avoiding me, Jae-Hyun. Is that true?" 

"No, not at all," Jae-Hyun replied, struggling to maintain his composure. "Just busy, that's all."

As their conversation continued, three of Ji-Hoon's friends made their way next to Jae-Hyun, surrounding him. Jae-Hyun felt the familiar surge of anxiety but fought to stay calm.

Ji-Hoon leaned in closer. "You know, I have a special gift for you. Why don't you come to the restroom with us to get it?"

Memories of his previous life flooded back. He recalled how naive he had been, following them only to be humiliated. This time, he wouldn't allow himself to be embarrassed like that again.

Jae-Hyun closed his locker with a decisive click. "No, I'm fine," he said firmly, turning to walk away.

But as he tried to leave, two of Ji-Hoon's friends blocked his path. Ji-Hoon grabbed Jae-Hyun's shoulder, spinning him around. Jae-Hyun could see a vein throbbing on Ji-Hoon's forehead, a clear sign of his irritation.

"I'm sorry, Jae-Hyun," Ji-Hoon said, his voice dripping with false politeness. "I didn't mean to ask it as a question. I meant I'm telling you to come to the restroom." 

Ji-Hoon's grip tightened, and Jae-Hyun winced, the pain shooting through his shoulder. He's so strong, Jae-Hyun thought, so much stronger than me.

Ji-Hoon wrapped his arm around Jae-Hyun's shoulders, forcing him to move. "Let's go," he said, starting to steer him toward the restroom.

Just then, a female teacher appeared at the end of the hallway. "You boys, head to your classes! The bell is about to ring," she shouted.

Ji-Hoon acknowledged her words with a feigned smile. "We were just heading to class, ma'am."

Reluctantly, Ji-Hoon released Jae-Hyun. "We're not finished with this," he muttered, shoving Jae-Hyun out of the way as he and his friends headed off.

Jae-Hyun sighed in relief, silently thanking the teacher. He collected himself, shook off the lingering fear, and headed to his next class.

The school day finally came to an end, and Jae-Hyun managed to make it through without running into Ji-Hoon again. As he stepped out of the building, a wave of excitement washed over him. This time next year, I'll be a whole new person, he thought to himself, smiling.

Deciding to walk home, Jae-Hyun set off with a determined stride. His house was about three miles away, and he saw this as the perfect start to his fitness journey. He envisioned himself getting stronger, changing his appearance, and building a new life.

But as he walked, lost in his thoughts, he was suddenly tripped from behind. His feet left the ground, and he fell face-first onto the concrete sidewalk. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. Pain exploded in his face, and he tasted blood.

Before he could gather his bearings, a foot slammed down on his back, driving the air out of his lungs. Gasping for breath, he turned his head and saw Ji-Hoon standing over him, a smirk playing on his lips.

"There are no teachers here to save you this time," Ji-Hoon sneered.