
Our Love Repeats At Zero

A promised eternity and meaningful vows linked the Greek god of love and a mortal to lifetimes of relationship. Two drips of blood stained one rock as the proof of their devotion for each other. Before Eros could kiss his bride, she collapsed to deep slumber in his arms. The first and last kiss he ever laid on her forehead was a heart wrenching one that moved clouds to tears, stopped birds from singing and darkened the sky. At the peak of his heart ache, he glared at his mother, Aphrodite, resentfully for her lies, schemes and jealousy. "The moment you decided to hurt her, you should have expected losing me as your son." Eros eyes laid on his wife whose body withered to ashes and flowed to the underworld. "Let her live and I'll be her replacement." Once again, he watched her soul reach safety to the Oracle's hands. Aphrodite stripped away his power and threw him to the dungeon of suffering and torment, expecting him to give up his stubbornness after a few days. His love for her only deepened and the desire for power heightened. Eventually, he became the Devil. Oracle: "Her soul has been sent to the reincarnation portal, but I can't say when it would be her turn." "I'll wait for that day to come." Eros sipped his wine in his chamber as he stayed away from heavens. Thousands of years later..... "Master! Master! The human world is very exciting! There are books about you and your late wife's love story there too! I wonder how humans learn about these stories." The teenage crow demon, Axle, flapped his wings excitedly as he chanted about his findings. "Oh? Then bring me that book as souvenir next time." Eros chuckled at his underling. ------------------- The crow disguised himself as a teenager and always wandered around in a bookstore. "Tsss.. paper cut!" The girl accidentally cut her finger when she flipped to the last page of the Greek mythology tales book at the counter. "Are you alright?" "Yes, but the book..." "It's fine. I'll still take it." The crow said as he didn't mind the drip of blood that stained the words, happy ending, on the last page of the book. --------------- The book burned to flames and was tossed to the floor for others to make a bonfire. "Ridiculous! Happy ending? Don't let me see that ever again!" Eros' rare anger filled voice echoed piercingly in other demon's ears. Crow: "Master! Look!" Eros' attention landed on the pile of ashes on the floor. With widened eyes, he approached the pile of ashes and picked up the unburned piece. "Happy ending.." Oracle: "Eros, she's back." -------------- - A certain high school - "Ugly trash! Leave!" Classmate voices echoed in the girl's ear as she found her gymnastic sneakers filled with pin tacks, gym uniform soaked in pungent scented liquid and scribbled curses all over her desk. Facing the insults five days a week, she had gotten used to it. Still, it hurt to see people duding by her appearance. As tears clouded over her face, the mixture of cosmetics melted. "Here, wipe your tears. Don't let their words get to you." The popular classmate smiled and handed her a pack of tissues, instantly winning her heart as nobody had shown her an inch of respect in school. Rinsing her cosmetic filled face at home, the water dyed grey along with other colors. "I found you, my prince." Too bad, the prince was just a jerk who wanted to gain popularity. Luckily, she realized it early. ------------------ One night, she saved a kitten from getting run over by a car. The driver stepped out and asked if she was alright. Seeing how the man was wrapped up from head to toe, she handed the kitten to him. "I'm fine. Here, take the kitten to the hospital." "Miss, I think you need the hospital more than the kitten." His voice sounded magnetic to her ears. "I'm really fine. Bye." Her gorgeous smile greeted the man warmly. "Interesting. She didn't scam me." Eros stared at the direction where she had ran away.

Sweetflowlips · Urban
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40 Chs

Wait....Oh No!

"Wait!" Suddenly, the hamster stretched its arm out with its palm flipped outwards. Its voice curved to a higher tone, imitating the typical epic romance Korean drama scenes. With that gesture and voice, it was almost as if the hamster was begging its lover not to leave him.

In the process of the soft paw-stopping action, a pinch of sprinkles flew out of its sleeve and danced its way into the air. A simple 'poof' and pastel hues of a clown's wig exploded in their eyes. Viewing the space through its glossy obsidian eyes, tiny particles began to shimmer in various lights.

"Oh no!" The hamster quickly opened and closed its paw in an attempt to retract his magical dust but to no avail. Instead, the sprinkles spread quicker than before and dissipated in thin air.

Artemis's smirk froze, and her tail stopped swaying. She saw what had happened and couldn't believe that this hamster used to be someone she adored. As if the situation was not bad enough, she remarked sarcastically to the hamster's posture. "Orion, I didn't hear such enthusiasm from you when I left you ages ago. Too much Korean drama recently?"

Although they lived with deities in different dimensions, it didn't mean they were not curious about the human world. When fireworks soared, deities would gather by the cloud gates and watch too. Hence, having access to dramas in the human world is not a big deal to them, especially the gatekeepers who were usually bored at the post.

"Hurry and stop it!" Sweat drenched Orion's forehead, but it was not apparent on his furry torso. He sprinted to the little fog before him and made circular motions in the air. "Everyone, don't breathe!" Orion held his breath, letting his cheeks expand outwards.

Artemis tugged the clothes fabric by her with her paws to cover her nose. It was then that she realized a huge problem! Her voice muffled in the thick shirt. She squinted amidst the chaos at the innocent bystander, Primrose.

Primrose tilted her head with eyes sparked in interest. "What's wrong?" She hooked Artemis's chin and tickled her fur.

"It's over!" Orion covered his eyes when he saw the fog floating toward Primrose's area. Eros stood by the balcony door where soft breezes protected his space. The fog did not reach him at all.

The thickening fog was not lethal, but it would cause illusions of one's deepest fantasies. However, if one does not wake up from it, these fantasies may trap the host in dreamland for a lifetime.

"Hmm... That's weird. Why do I feel a little tired?" It was evident that the sprinkles had taken effect on Primrose. If she inhaled the sprinkles anymore, she would fall for the dreams.

Unfortunately, this was one of the Oracle's magnificent creations from his secret lab. Even if Eros was strong, his spells did not dispel the current one.

Under the L-shaped leather couch, a furball's butt stuck out funnily. While the others focused on the fog, a tiny nose wiggled secretively. Without warning, the round ball did some halfhearted cartwheels and rolled toward Primrose's direction. In reality, it was too lazy to crawl with its limbs.

Perhaps it had just woken up from a long nap, but it rolled a few S curves and banged parts of its soft torso against some objects before reaching its destination. Two tiny pink paws stretched out, adding color to the gray fur. It stretched out.

Sitting on its tiny butt, it rubbed its eyes and dug into the inner corners of its sapphire eyes. Feeling little gunk sticking to its paw made it frown in displease, but it didn't show on its lips. A foul smell caught its attention, and the originally drooped ears stood up in alarm.

With its slightly parted mouth, a sharp yawn echoed out of it. The fog that tried swarming around Primrose seemed to be shocked by the sudden attack. Slowly, it backed away from the human girl. The fog became thinner and eventually returned to Orion's sleeve as if it had never been there.

"Achoo!" A sudden sneeze caught everyone's attention. Primrose was stunned by the small squeak by her foot. She looked down and discovered a baby bunny the size of her palm. The furball didn't seem to have slept enough just now. It rubbed one eye while observing the delicious-smelling lady in front of it with great amusement.

"My goodness, Side! Why are you always sleeping until the crucial moment?" Artemis snorted, but her actions gave her unease away. Her paws were patting her heaving chest.

"Hello there!" Primrose held Artemis in her arms and bent down to a comfortable position. She stretched a finger towards the tiny bunny and tickled its bobbing head. "Are you sleepy?"

"Oh no, Side hates it when people touch her while she is half awake! She is the most grumpy! Her laser eyes are about to aim at Primrose!! I can't watch!!" Orion, who had just uncovered his eyes, returned to his previous posture. However, he still tried to peek between his paws to see if Side would target a human being.

At first, Side felt immensely irritated by the commotion in the room. She had just taken shelter under a long rectangular bench she found and marked her territory. Then, distant voices awakened her. From short conversations to the ending screams, she forced herself awake to see what the catastrophe was.

"Useless!" Side yawned again while commenting on the other gatekeepers she had worked with for ages.

"I used to be your husband..." Orion lowered his voice when he heard his ex-wife's statement.

"I'm on her side." Artemis would take the side of his opponent at any time.

"And the three musketeers reunite" Eros applied three times more strength when rubbing his temples. 'and three times the chaos.'

And the three musketeers reunited! WOOOO!

Aren't they cute...?

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