

The bodyguard covered Cheng Zinuo's mouth, not allowing her to call for help.

Du Jianing handed the bowl of soup over to Cheng Zinuo, and a cold smile appeared on her face, "Cheng Zinuo, how despicable are you? I, Mr Jinnian, don't even want you anymore, yet you shamelessly continue to give birth to his children! I am the woman who should give birth to Mr Jinnian, not you! "

Then she ordered in a low voice, "Pry open her mouth for me!"

Cheng Zinuo's eyes widened in astonishment, her face full of fear.

She finally understood that the reason Du Jianing pretended to plead for her in front of Du Jinnian was to personally get rid of the child in her womb! Du Jianing was taking her revenge!

Cheng Zinuo kept her mouth tightly shut. She would never drink that questionable bowl of soup.

The scalding black liquid spilled all over her face. Some parts of her face were already bubbling from the heat.