

Cheng Zinuo thought that Lyu Zhenxiong really wanted to kill her, so she calmly closed her eyes.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, her face suddenly turned cold.

Lyu Zhenxiong actually pressed the back of his sabre against Cheng Zinuo's left cheek. He approached Cheng Zinuo and gritted his teeth, "Cheng Zinuo, I won't let you die that easily. I want you to die from pain." "Tell me, how about I shave your face first?"

He was actually trying to scare Cheng Zinuo. He must force her to reveal the password to the screen.

"No, I beg of you, don't do this!"

Cheng Zinuo pleaded subconsciously.

She had already disfigured her face once. She didn't want to suffer that kind of heart-wrenching pain a second time. If she died, she would die happily.

But very quickly, she calmed down and realised that she couldn't act rashly.

Lyu Zhenxiong definitely had a reason for capturing her.