
Black Hole

Cheng Zinuo was stunned. Then, she looked at Du Jinnian with a serious expression and said in a low voice, "Du Jinnian, I don't have the mood to think about love affairs. I just want to get into work as soon as possible."

Just listening to what Du Jinnian told her about the past between the two of them made her feel tired.

She was shocked that there was so much wind and rain between them, and she even brushed shoulders with death many times, but she was always persistent towards Du Jinnian.

Du Jinnian seemed to repent every time he recalled the past, as if he was the only one responsible for all of the mistakes.

Cheng Zinuo did not understand. Was it not decided by the choice of two people? How could it all be blamed on one person? Everyone is the maker of everyone's destiny.

However, right now, she really couldn't remember anything at all. Her life was basically starting from zero.