
Our Lives in The Apocalypse

The normal days are over, all we have left now is the fight for survival. With the rapid changes happening all around us, there are few people to trust except yourself. Watch how Zaheer struggles and Fights to live in this chaotic new world, What lengths is he willing to go to just to survive?

youngman · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Supply run.

After we entered the car, Mariam drove and I was in the passenger seat while she taught me how to drive by watching her.

I was pretty sure that if it came down to a dangerous situation, I could definitely get us away and drive the car, but it didn't hurt to learn the proper way to drive.

After 25 minutes of moving slowly to avoid the Unwanted Eater Attentions, we'd reached the building.

It was supposed to be a Shopping complex so It was huge. The open gate almost looked like the gaping maw of some sort of beast.

Getting out of the car, we were getting ready to go in, when my eyes spotted a Box with a green and brown colouration.

Wondering what it was, i went closer to see.

With every step i took I kept thinking "There's no way we would be that lucky", but the truth was presented before my eyes when I got close enough to it.

"Hey guys, come see this, you won't believe it" I called them.

We'd found a supply crate.

It was completely unexpected, we'd thought that finding these things would be quite hard considering the dangers we might face while looking for them, But here was a crate that had fallen right into our Laps.

It was nailed shut so we had to break the top carefully to get what was inside. What we found made us ecstatic.

There were:

2 pistols and a few dozen clips.

3 military knives.

A fully stocked first aid box with some drugs.

A small bag of rice.

A survival guide.

And a Radio.

This was an unexpected surprise that improved our mood, especially considering that we hadn't had to kill anything to get these.

"These are Glock 22s" Abdul our resident enthusiast started.

"These aren't easy to get, I'm extremely surprised that the government would willingly air drop things like these, and this radio, do they plan on sending a message to the citizens?"

"Well whatever their reasons are, now we have more weapons to use. Let's distribute it based on who needs it most." I said.

In the end, the weapons were distributed as such.

Abdul got a military knife, so he had: his glock 19, and a military knife.

Toyin got nothing since his weapons were still in good shape(wooden bats) .

Mariam Got a gun so she had: a gun, and a spear, For close combat and long distance attacking.

Sandra got a knife so she had: 2 knives and a wooden bat.

And I got a knife and a gun as all I had previously was my trusty metal bat which to be honest was not going to last much longer. My strength was growing too fast for the thing and it felt almost too light for me.

The rest of the supplies were locked in the car and Sandra and Mariam were left to guard it. They were capable enough and well armed. Then they parked in a way that made the car look like it hadn't been used in a while, And so us three guys entered the compound looking for the last box.

With the inverse triangle formation we moved slowly, trying to cover as much ground as possible without endangering ourselves or breaking formation.

We'd taken a few dozen steps and we're about to turn at a corner, when something walked In front of us.

It was obviously an eater, But it had stone like growths coming out of its body.

It turned to looks at us and before it could screech, I said

"Toyin, do it!!"

Toyin immediately used his telekinesis to flatten the Thing on the ground. His ability had grown and was enough to turn a normal eater into mush after a minute of constant pressure, but since we didn't have enough time, I rushed in and gave the thing a quick bash to the head, but that didn't do anything. All it caused, was my bat to become incredibly deformed.

"Fuck. You damn hard headed bastard, you fucked up my bat" I cursed in Anger

Raising up my leg, I smashed it down on its head, Destroying it and splattering it's black brain everywhere.

My trusty bat was pretty banged up, it could probably only take a few hits like this before it completely broke apart, meaning I'd have to get a new weapon after we left here.

Still thinking about my options, we reformed the formation and continued moving. This place was pretty big and we'd only Now managed to get to the back of the building after 10 minutes of walking. We had to kill another 2 concrete Eaters but even though I didn't want to do it, I had to use my bat as I couldn't keep stomping on these things heads, doing that might be efficient Now, but eventually my shoes would give way and I'd get injures and probably infected by their Virus.

The back of this place was extremely spacious, but right now, it was filled up with metal junk. Many metal beams and iron bars were covering the area.

We couldn't see any eaters around, but those thick metal beams were quite tempting to me. if I could cut one of the right size it would be even better than my Bat.

Walking up to the junk pile, I started looking for bar that fit my needs. Most of the ones here were just too big or too thin.

"Let's go back already Zaheer, We can just get you a weapon someplace else, This place is too dangerous for you to be searching for a weapon."

Both Toyin and Abdul felt we should leave here as soon as possible. We couldn't find another Crate, but this wasn't the only place we wanted to check. We still had a few stops to hit before night came.

I was just about to turn back when I saw a something, reaching into the trash heap I dragged it out. It was a 1.5 meter steel bar with a sharp cut end. It must've been left as waste since it wasn't long enough to use for other things, but right now it was the perfect length for me.

Rejoicing at my find, we started to leave the place when the heap slightly shook, Turning around, a huge zombie shook off the bars and steeped forward to face us.