
Our little Gotham Family

This is a Omegaverse! Cory goes into heat and 3 months later feels ill. What could be wrong? Just know this is a fanfic. I don't really want this to be real. I respect that these are real people I'm happy for Robin and Richard. I absolutely think their relationship is adorable. This is purely for fun and nothing else. Robin and Cory, if you see this. Know I'm not doing this to hurt either of you. I'm just doing this to be creative. If you wish I delete this fic I will because it's not to hurt anyone. To those who think this is disgusting. Don't read it then. I'm not forcing you to read it. There is: Omegaverse, Mpreg, Graphic Child Birth, Cory is Trans, Poly Relationship.

Cory_Tyson · Celebrities
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Cory stood against the wall with Robin pinning him to the wall with his arms above his head kissing him deeply. He was close to his heat and he can tell Robin was able to tell by how protective he was during the last scene he had filmed. He and Ben were doing a standoff between Edward and Jim. He and Ben could hear Robin's protective growls from where they were. He gave an apologetic smile to Ben before going to Robin. "Robin Ben won't hurt me, you know this. I'm safe, I promise you." He whispered softly. He smiled when he felt Robin relax at his words. He went back to Ben. "So sorry Ben Robin gets protective sometimes. It's probably because of me being an omega." He explained. He noticed Ben give him a look. "Or it could be because your heat is soon. Which is weird, to be honest. He's married to Dickie and yet he's still protective of you. Hell, I'm protective of you but that's because I see you as a brother or son." He said. He nodded understandingly. He was so scared Ben was catching onto them. When they finished up the scene Robin brought him into the closet and kissed him deeply which led us to now.

He moaned as Robin's mouth moved to his scent gland where his mate mark would be kissing and sucking it. "R-Robin stop your gonna start it e-early." He said with a needy whimper at the end. He blushed, feeling Robin smirk shivering knowing that smirk. "Why wait until it starts naturally? The sooner you start the sooner your heat will end. I know it's painful for you." Robin said and nipped at his scent gland. Cory let out a gasp and whimpered as he started to feel hot. "Fuck it's started." He said holding onto Robin. He saw Robin reach for his phone and watched him text Ben. 'Hey, Cory's heat started sooner than expected. Let them know I'm gonna stay with him through it to make sure he's taking care of himself.' was what he sent.

Soon he heard a worried knock on the closet door. "Cory, I just read Robin's text. Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'm sure Morena can go pick you up a few things." He said concerned. Cory let out a pained whimper until Robin scented him. "C-Could you pick up some easy-to-digest foods? I get bad cramps and it makes it hard to keep down anything more than that. Also water.... I ran out a week ago." He said. His knees got weak when Robin's scent changed as he went into rut. "Fuck alpha knot me." He whispered with a whimper. "Of course, we can get those. We'll bring them to your trailer for you. Thank you Robin for being there for him." Ben said before leaving. When Robin let out a possessive growl he moaned and slick dripped out of him.

He felt Robin lift him as he whimpered at a bad cramp and started to bring him to his trailer. "Alpha please make it stop.....P-Please it hurts." He said. He leaned into the soft touch Robin gave him. "I know baby I know..... I'll make it better when we are in your trailer. Do you have a nest built?" He said and went tense when Cory shook his head. Nests were very important to an omega, especially when the omega has tough heats and no mate. "Cory you need a nest to feel safe and to help soothe you when your cramps act up." He explained. He looked down at the omega. "I don't feel safe enough to build a nest. I don't even have one at home. What's the point when I don't have a mate or a pup." He said. Hearing that hurt his heart and thought of a way to get him to build a nest. "Could you build a nest for your alpha Cory? It'll help so much." He said. He blushed hearing the alpha in his voice. Nests not only helped soothe an omega but it also helped increase the chances of a pup. Cory blushed at the question and nodded instinctively. "Yeah, I can build us a nest." He said.


When they arrived at his trailer Robin set him down so he could build his nest. He went to his room and started to build his nest and sniffed a bit. He whimpered when his alpha's scent wasn't there. "I need alpha's scent." He told Robin. He smiled when Robin gave him a few scented things. He went back to the nest and put the scented things in it. He panted when he was done and removed his clothes laying down in the nest. "Alpha." He called in a whimper. He smiled when he saw Robin walk in and went over to him and sat on the edge of the bed soothingly rubbing his stomach. "I'll make it all better." He said leaning down and kissed Cory. He moved his hand down and moaned at how wet Cory was for him. He stuck a finger in and began moving it until Cory was begging for more and added a second finger. He rumbled when Cory opened his legs more for him and added a third finger. He pumped his fingers as he latched onto one of Cory's nipples. Cory moaned, moving his hips down on Robin's fingers. He gripped onto Robin when he felt his fingers hit a certain spot. "F-Fuck Robin right there!" He moaned. He whimpered in pleasure as Robin continued to hit that spot. "ROBIN!" He moaned out arching his back cumming. He whimpered at the loss when Robin removed his fingers when someone knocked on the door.


Robin cleaned off his slick covered fingers and got up going to the door. He opened it and smiled at Ben. "Here's the food and water Cory asked for. How is he? It's definitely gotta be hard on him without a mate like you and me." He said. He looked nervous at the mention of his husband. He cleared his throat taking the bags. "Actually Dickie and I aren't on good terms. I should be there to help him through his rut but he keeps trying to trick me into getting him pregnant with my pup. I realize it's rare for male alphas to get pregnant but I don't want to risk it. He doesn't understand that I'm not ready yet. I'm going to be gone for a while to film Gotham and I can't be there for him and the pup." He explained. He turned to put away the food and water. "Are you two mated still?" Ben asked, concerned. His heart sank when Robin's head shook. "No I broke it after his last attempt to get pregnant. I just... I don't just love him anymore, Ben." He told him. He went tense when he heard Cory whimper in pain. "I should go comfort him." He said before heading to the bedroom. He was relieved when Ben closed the door.


Cory whimpered and looked up at Robin in pain. "Please Robin make the pain stop.... Fuck please it hurts." He begged. He moaned into the sudden deep kiss opening his legs instinctively for his alpha. "Mmm are you being a naughty boy Cory?" He asked as he removed his clothes. He smirked at the desperate whimper Cory gave. He lined himself up and thrusted into him. Cory gasped and moaned when he felt his alpha's cock inside him gripping the nest tightly. He's so surprised how good this time felt. Past alpha's he's been with never helped or satisfied him unlike now. He soon nodded for Robin to move. He arched his back a little when he felt Robin move gently into him. "Oh fuck Robin this feels so good~." He moaned. He rocked his hips to meet Robin's. He gasped gripping Robin's shoulders when he changed angles and hit that spot from before while quickening his thrusts. He started to tremble as Robin repeatedly hit the spot getting rougher the closer they got to cumming. Soon he was an incoherent mess baring his neck to the alpha. His eyes rolled to the back of his head arching his back, cumming moaning Robin's name. Not too long after Robin followed biting his scent gland making them both cum again together and Robin's knot locking them together. Cory soon fell asleep cuddled to his mate. When the knot went down Robin pulled out and went to the kitchen to get a snack and some water for himself and Cory.


The rest of the week went on like that. Robin would mate with him, Then reaffirm their bond and take care of him. When his heat was over he went right back to filming his scene with Ben. Ben tried to get him to go back to rest to recover from his heat. Sure he felt exhausted and it was a little painful to walk but he felt fine. Things got a little worse when the cast of Gotham wanted to go out to dinner three months later. They went to the restaurant they usually do. He got his usual meal but when they brought his food to him and he looked at it and smelled it he went pale. He excused himself and got up quickly running to the bathroom. Once he got there he went into a stall and kneeled down throwing up. Robin watched in concern as his mate ran to the bathroom. "I'll go check on him and see if he's okay." Morena said, getting up. She looked at her husband with a raised brow. "Wanna come with me? I'm sure a parental scent will help him at this time." She said. She went to the bathroom with Ben when he nodded.

When they entered the bathroom and heard throwing up they both looked at each other. Ben went into the stall and kneeled beside him rubbing his back in soothing circles. "Hey it's okay Cory. Let it all out." He said softly when he heard whimpers. Cory looked up at Ben after wiping his mouth and hugged him. "Ben, I don't know what's going on. I was a little nauseous this morning but didn't throw up. I love that dish but for some reason as soon as I smelt it I felt sick." He explained. He looked up when Morena walked over and leaned against the wall. "Cory, I think you should see a doctor. You have a sweet smell to you with a milky scent." She told him. Ben sniffed his scent and nodded a bit agreeing. "Yeah you smell like Morena did when she was pregnant with our pup." He said. He ran his fingers through his hair to soothe the Omega. Cory cried when he heard he could be pregnant, starting to panic and stress out. He held onto Ben getting dizzy from the stress and not eating much all day.

Ben looked worried when Cory suddenly passed out. "We need to get him to the hospital, Mo." He said. Robin went to the bathroom when he smelt the distress coming from his mate. He froze when he heard Ben say they needed to get him to the hospital. "I can take you guys. We could get containers for your meals and I could bring you up." He said concerned. He went over to Cory and lifted him up and held his mate close. He left the bathroom to let the rest of the cast know they were leaving. He went to the counter and paid for everyone. He brought Cory to his car and laid him in the back before getting into the driver's seat. "You shouldn't be driving in this state, Robin. Your alpha is barely keeping it together. Go in the back with Cory." Ben said after coming out with the three meals. Robin nodded and got out to get into the back with Cory. He got into the back seat and put Cory's head in his lap. He took out his phone letting his husband know he won't be home for a bit to take their omega to the hospital. He thought about the night he, Dickie, and Cory decided to be in a relationship together.

When Dickie saw him and Cory walk out of the trailer after Cory's heat then saw the mate mark he wasn't too happy. They argued for a while until an idea came to mind. When Cory finished up his scene Robin went to him and led him to his and Dicke's trailer unknowingly being followed by a protective and worried father. Cory whimpered, smelling the anger on Dickie and instinctively hid behind his mate. "Dickie calm down, he just got done with his heat." He said protectively. He relaxed when Dickie calmed down after seeing Cory scared. "I'm sorry I just... Robin, I thought we were happy together. Why did you cheat on me?" He said hurt. Robin looked at Cory. "I love both of you very much. Dickie, would you consider letting Cory be in our relationship? We can all get married and mate the next time we are in rut and he's in heat." He offered. Cory looked at Dickie with a hopeful look. He thought Dickie was cute as well so he wouldn't mind being married and mated to both of them. He smiled when Dickie agreed.

Robin smiled at the memory then looked at his phone seeing Dickie had replied. 'Oh no, is he okay? What happened? I'll meet you there.' He saw as his husband's reply. He turned on his camera and recorded an explanation. "He ordered his usual meal but as soon as he saw it and smelt it he excused himself to go to the bathroom. When I smelt distress coming from Cory I knew something was wrong. So I went in as Ben said they needed to bring him to the hospital. I offered to take them but Ben is the one driving. I guess he can tell how close I am to letting out my alpha." He said and sent the video. He took a picture of him and Cory so he can see their mate wasn't hurt. He relaxed when they arrived at the hospital and saw Dickie there. He got out once they were parked and held Cory close when Dickie ran over and pulled them both into a hug to comfort them. "I'm so worried Dickie..... What if there's something really bad wrong?" He asked his husband. Dickie cupped his face and made him look at him. "Rob, he's going to be okay. He hasn't been feeling well and overworking himself. I'm sure he just needs some time off to rest." He reminded him. Cory had been spreading himself thin at work and it worried him and Dickie. He looked down at their mate as Dickie walked them in.

Luckily it didn't take them long to get into a room. He laid Cory in the bed and covered him running his fingers through his hair and Dickie held his hand. Ben let out a protective growl as he watched the two. "Either of you hurt my pup and I'll kill you got it?" He said as a warning. Robin nodded used to this protective side of Ben. Cory and Ben have a close father-son relationship and Ben was quite a protective father. He can understand why with what happened in Cory's past. He was forced into having sex with a few guys to be let free to get to the set. He remembered those days, they had to slowly watch Cory leave who he was and become this mindless person. He hated those days, He and Ben were the ones to get him away and back to his old self. Now they were going to be married and mated with Dickie.

A doctor walked in and checked Cory's vitals before looking at the two by his side. "So what seems to be wrong?" She asked, sitting on the stool. "He ordered his usual meal but as soon as he saw it and smelt it he excused himself to go to the bathroom. When I smelt distress coming from Cory I knew something was wrong. So I went in as Ben said they needed to bring him to the hospital. I offered to take them but Ben was the one who drove. I guess he could tell how close I was to letting out my alpha." Robin explained. The doctor nodded, writing it down in Cory's chart. She looked at Robin going serious. "Have you and Cory been sexually active?" She asked. He looked down at Cory blushing deeply as he ran his fingers through his soon-to-be husband's hair and held Dickie's hand when he took his to comfort him. "Yes we had sex and mated three months ago during his last heat." He said. His eyes went wide and he looked at Dickie. "Now that I think about it he's missed his heat." He added. The Doctor wrote it down in his chart before getting up. She lifted up Cory's shirt a bit before pulling down his pants slightly to show his lower stomach. Suddenly both he and Dickie growled protectively as she got close to his stomach. "I'm so sorry, we normally aren't like this. We both are pretty chill." Robin explained.

She rolled over the ultrasound machine and took out the gel turning on the machine as she squirted the gel on his stomach. Robin instinctively crooned to Cory when he whimpered at the cold gel. He watched the screen as the doctor moved around the gel and probe along with Dickie. He instantly teared up when a rapid heartbeat rang through the room after the doctor turned on the speakers and he looked at his husband who was also tearing up. The Doctor looked at Robin then Dickie then at Ben and Morena smiling. "Congratulations, he's pregnant with a beautiful little pup." She told them. Robin was shocked, Dickie was hurt, and of course, Ben and Morena were happy to be grandparents.

Cory woke up after the doctor had left. He looked at his soon-to-be husbands and he whimpered seeing the hurt in Dickie's eyes. "W-What happened?" He asked weakly looking a bit scared. Ben instantly got up and went to Cory sitting at his side running his fingers soothingly to help keep him calm for the pup. "You passed out in the bathroom so we brought you to the hospital to get looked at. You are pregnant Cory, you are having a pup." He explained with a smile. Cory's eyes lit up until he noticed Robin and Dickie were upset. "Do you both want to keep the pup?" Dickie asked after a moment of silence. Cory let out a happy whimper nodding. "I do, I've always wanted a family. I've always wanted a mate and pups." He told him with a smile. Robin stayed silent for a bit contemplating how he should say what he wanted to. "Cory we can't have a pup right now. We are filming Gotham, I'm not ready for a pup yet, and Dickie is upset about the thought." He explained. He hated the protective growl that came from Ben as Cory's scent turned to stress as the three alpha's scent's turned angry. "If you three are going to argue about this then go outside. Your scents are causing Cory stress and it isn't good for him and the pup." Morena scolded as she quickly went over to Cory and soothed him. She watched the three leave for the sake of Cory's well-being.

"Are you excited about having a little pup running around?" Morena asked. Her heart sunk at the sad expression on his face and the shake of his head. "Not if it upsets both Robin and Dickie. I want the pup so much but I know that's not what Robin or Dickie wants. I don't know what to do." He said tearing up. She thought for a moment to search for some good advice. "Cory you and Robin are mated not married yet. He nor Dickie can make you give up that pup. If you want a little pup running around then have your pup." She told him just as Ben, Robin, and Dickie came back. She relaxed when she noticed that the three were calm now.

Dickie was first to move to Cory and softly kiss him. "I'm sorry for being upset. I really am happy You, Robin and I are going to have a pup." He said before leaning down and leaving a gentle kiss to his stomach rubbing soft circles into where the pup was growing. Cory blushed and smiled bringing him down into a hug in tears of joy. "Y-You really want the pup?" He asked holding back from sobbing. He whimpered happily when Dickie nodded with a loving smile. He let go and sat down in his previous seat and held his mate's hand. Robin went over and gently kissed his mating mark on Cory's neck. "I'm sorry as well Cory, I was worrying that I couldn't be a good dad and not be there for you and our pup. Ben reminded me we lived together now and I work on the same set. We can get a bigger trailer and have Dickie move it while we film. I want this pup to Cory and I'm so sorry I hurt you." He said. He did the same thing as Dickie. Cory blushed more and let out the sobs he was holding back as he hugged Robin who looked concerned that he had hurt his mate again. Ben walked over and put a reassuring hand on Robin's back. "It's okay Robin they are happy tears. Cory is gonna be emotional for a while. Morena was like that to when pregnant with Francis." He explained. Robin sighed in relief as he held Cory close. He made Cory look at him and kissed his lips softly to reassure his mate. Dickie smiled watching and joined the hug then the joined kiss to reassure both of them. Cory pulled away blushing softly panting as Robin and Dickie wiped away the tears from his face.

After an hour the Doctor came back with a nurse to draw blood. "The pregnancy explains missing his heat, the nausea after seeing and smelling food, and the mood swings. But not passing out. We would like to take some blood and find out what's wrong." She explained. She looked at Cory giving him a stern look. "Have you been taking care of yourself properly?" She asked. Cory whimpered and shook his head as his mates got into the bed to comfort him. "N-No I've been over working myself and I haven't been taking care of myself that well. The last thing I ate was an apple and maybe a few blue berries with some water to drink." He explained. He ducked his head in embarrassment seeing the disapproving looks his mates, parents, and the doctor was giving him. The nurse drew some blood before leaving to test it. "Cory, how come you haven't told us you haven't been eating well? I could have made sure you were at work and at home." Robin said sadly. Cory let out a whimper and looked at everyone. "Because the baby kept making me throw up almost everything I ate. The only things that I could keep down is fruit or anything with fruit in it." He explained. Ben nodded in understanding. "Morena couldn't keep much down besides things like candy or desserts with Francis." He explained. The doctor wrote that down before leaving.

Ben handed Cory his meal instead of the one Cory originally ordered. "Morena and I had dinner later so I ordered a blueberry tart instead of something filling. I'm guessing that is a small craving?" He asked. Cory started to eat the tart and his eyes lit up at the taste. Robin thought about it and nodded to Ben's question. "Yeah I think so, about a couple of weeks ago Cory has been eating blueberries with everything he thinks would go well with them." He said with a fond smile. He looked at Cory and quickly pulled him into a hug seeing tears. "Baby don't cry, It's okay you have these cravings. Our pup really enjoys blueberries." He told him with a reassuring kiss to the cheek. Cory relaxed at Robin's reassurance then continued to eat the blueberry tart and smiled, feeling Dickie and Robin gently rub his stomach. He set the empty container on the tray and laid back just enjoying the feeling of his soon-to-be husbands soothing touch to his stomach. "What should we do about the show?" He asked worried for the pup. Robin looked at Cory and kissed his cheek. "We tell them about the pup. Maybe they'll let Nygmobblepot come true and have a pup. You can still do what you love, giving birth to our pup at the Cobblepot mansion." He offered. Dickie gave a glare to Robin. "You are not serious about him giving birth while trying to act? Robin he'll barely be able to concentrate in his line during labor let alone during birth." He scolded. Cory smiled at Dickie and held his hand. "I think it's a good idea. Giving birth to our pup while acting would be wonderful. Sure it might be hard to remember I'm being Edward at the same time as giving birth to the baby but I'll try." He said.

The Doctor walked in with his blood work results and didn't look happy. Cory whimpered, smelling the anger in her scent. Robin looked at the doctor and held Cory close to him protectively. "So what did the blood work say?" He asked. The Doctor looked at him and sighed. "He needs to take it easy at work and eat more. I'm prescribing anti-nausea medicine and some prenatal vitamins. I think he should stay here for a couple of days to get his strength back." She explained. Robin nodded worriedly and looked relieved himself and Cory didn't have scenes to tape the next two days. He checked his phone after he got a message from the director and tensed. He looked at Ben and got up going to him. "Ben, could you sit with Cory tomorrow? A sudden change of plans in recording. Bruno said they added a few scenes with Cory and I. I need to go and talk to him about him being hospitalized and the pup." He said and looked relieved at the nod he got. He went back to Cory as the Doctor left and sat on the bed again cuddling him. "I have to go into work tomorrow for a recording. I promise I will try to be quick and get back to you. Ben will be here with you while I record." He told him.

Cory smiled at Robin and kissed Robin's cheek. "Robbie, I'm pregnant, not sick. I can stay here alone for a bit." He told him with a fond smile at his mate's worry for him. He laid his head on his chest relaxing at his mates scent. "Maybe we should get married now? That way when the pup is born we are married." Dickie offered. Cory shook his head and smiled a little. "No, I think it'd be cute to have our pup at the wedding. You know, being the flower girl or ring bearer." He said, rubbing his stomach softly with a fond smile. Robin smiled at the suggestion at their pup being part of their wedding. "That would be so cute Cory. Seeing our little pup carry a little basket with flower petals or carry a pillow with the rings toddling down the aisle." He said, imagining it. He looked at the hurt look on Dickie's face. "Dickie, I know you wanna be married to us before our pup is born. Cory wants our pup in the wedding and have that special moment as a family. I'm sure the cast would wanna be there for the wedding. Our parents would wanna be there." He said then looked at Cory when he felt him tense up at the mention of their parents. He looked at his mate confused and made him look at him. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked once he saw the tears. Cory took a few breaths to calm down. "I don't think my parents would want anything to do with us. We are a three person relationship, three men at that, and they disowned me after I came out to them as a gay trans male. They said never contact them again." He said. He started to feel stressed and began to cry too. Robin and Dickie pulled him into a hug as he cried looking at each other worried. Ben walked over and looked at the two with a glare. "I think you two should go and talk about the wedding. He's stressing out and that isn't good for your pup." He said in a low warning growl. He relaxed when the two left to head home.

Cory whimpered and curled up on the bed tearing up more. "Maybe I should have stayed as who I was." He said. Ben went over and held his pup too him. "No Cory, you wouldn't be happy and you most certainly wouldn't be with Robin and Dickie. Your parents shouldn't have kicked you out when you were just entering middle school. I'm so glad you ran away and found me out on the town. I wouldn't have a wonderful son." He told him and kissed his forehead. He remembered the day he found Cory and adopted him thanks to his parents giving up their rights. Once he was legally Cory's father he began his son's transition. He was so much more confident and happier after that. "Cory Michael McKenzie, my pride and joy. You don't need them Cory. You have me and your mom Morena." He said fondly. He smiled seeing his son's mood lighten up. He started to hum a tune he used to sing to Cory when he had nightmares as a kid. Cory listened to the tune and chuckled a little. "Remember you sang that to me after a nightmare while my friends stayed over?" He asked. Ben laughed at the memory. "Yeah you told me to stop and it was embarrassing you as your friends laughed." He said. Cory smiled at the memory and shook his head. "Then you growled and made my friends leave because they weren't true friends if they'd laugh at something that soothed me after having such a bad dream I had. Thank you for sticking up for me. I wanted to fit into my group of friends from drama class. I forgot you always taught me to never change who I am. I'm a theater kid who is gentle, kind, caring, and sensitive. Not what those kids wanted me to be or who ever wants me to be who I'm not." He said. Ben smiled proudly at his son. He rubbed his back as Cory laid down looking tired. "I'll make sure my pup has that lesson." Cory said tiredly. Ben smiled and hummed to his son until he's asleep before getting up. He went to his wife who had watched him fondly. "He's a sweet guy Ben. You raised him well. We should let him sleep and come up in the morning." Morena told him. Ben nodded and took her hand heading to the door before stopping to look at his son. "Daddy will be back tomorrow morning Cor." He whispered.

Morena playfully elbowed him in the side. "Ben, you need to stop treating him like he's still a kid." She playfully scolded. Ben chuckled as he walked out of the hospital. "I know, I can't help it. He's been through so much and my fatherly instincts kick in." He explained. He looked surprised seeing Dickie and Robin were still there. The two went over to them and looked at Robin since Dickie was asleep in the passenger's seat. "Hey what are you guys still doing here?" Ben asked. Robin looked up from his phone at his question and smiled at him. "I was your ride here. We don't have to worry about Dickie's car since he took a taxi. He was too worried about Cory to drive." He explained. He started up his car as Ben and Morena got in. He pulled out and started to drive to the set where they lived for the time being while they were filming the show. "I hope we didn't upset Cory too much. We had no idea about his parents and how they reacted to him being gay and trans." He explained worriedly about his mate. Ben shook his head gripping his arm tightly to hold back a growl. "He wished he stayed as his old self. But I reminded him he wouldn't be happy. I cheered him up with memories." He told him. He had a fond smile as he thought of them. Robin smiled a bit and rested his head on his hand as he drove. "I'm glad that helped him. Dickie understands now that we should wait for the pup so they could be part of the wedding like Cory wants." He told him. He then frowned after a bit. "But I do see why he wants us to get married now. They wouldn't let him be there for the birth unless he was Cory's husband and mate or part of the scene." He added. Ben tensed at that and bit his lip anxiously. "He will need both of you during that time. Especially with it being his first pup or should be his first pup." He said, sounding sad at the end as Morena rubbed his back to soothe her mate. Robin looked at Ben in the mirror confused. "What do you mean should be his first pup?" He asked.

Ben looked out the window tearing up and got situated more comfortably. "When Cory was sixteen he had a boyfriend that he clearly loved dearly. He spent his heat with him and he was so happy in the end. Three months later he started feeling sick, getting tired easily, mini cravings. So I brought him to his doctor to get him looked at. He was so happy he was carrying his boyfriend's pup. So happy in fact he called him over after school to tell him." He said. He stopped to calm down his shaking as the memory replayed in his head. "It didn't go down well. They argued and argued and his anger increased. He wanted Cory to abort the pup but Cory wanted to keep the pup. As soon as no left Cory's mouth the guy lost it. He did everything he could to his stomach so he'd lose the pup. When he left I rushed Cory to the hospital. He was barely there but he was devastated when he heard he miscarried. He didn't go to school when he was cleared to go back. He probably still has nightmares from that." He told him. Robin gripped the steering wheel after hearing what happened and growled. "That's why he got so stressed after I told him we couldn't have a pup. Fuck I'm an idiot. I'll make sure Cory and that pup remain safe and healthy throughout the pregnancy. I'll make sure he knows that pup is wanted and definitely loved." He promised. Ben smiled at that and looked at Robin relieved. "I know you will be Robin. You aren't like that guy." He told him. Morena held Ben's hand remembering that time when Ben was upset and worried for his son. "I remember you having a hard time concentrating on your lines during the OC. You brought Cory a lot so you could watch over him. You would have to stop a scene everytime Cory held his stomach and cried so you could get him through the attack." She said, Ben nodded remembering how bad his attacks used to be back then. Robin looked worried now that Cory was at the hospital alone hoping being there wouldn't trigger anything now that he was pregnant again. "Shit I should be there with him." He said as he pulled into the parking lot. He woke up Dickie so he could get to bed as Ben and Morena headed to their trailer which was thankfully next door to theirs. He watched Dickie head in after explaining the situation.

Robin pulled out and headed back to the hospital. He was led to Cory's new room and went inside. He looked at Cory and his heart broke seeing he was panicking. He rushed over and held him close. "Shhh it's okay, our pup is in your stomach still happily growing and they are okay." He reassured his mate. He laid down with Cory and laid his head on his chest running his fingers through his hair. He smiled as Cory calmed down and gently rubbed his stomach. "Our pup is safe, wanted, and loved. This isn't gonna be like before." He told him. Cory looked surprised and looked at Robin. "How did you know about my baby bean?" He asked. Robin looked down at him smiling reassuringly. "Ben told me about them on our way home. After Morena told me about the attacks you had after that made me realize I should be here with you. You're in a hospital and pregnant. I didn't want you to be here and go through them alone." He explained. He held his mate close, running his fingers through his hair. He hummed to Cory and they slowly fell asleep.

Ben woke up the next morning and made pancakes the next morning for Francis' breakfast. He made some blueberry ones for Cory since the hospital's food wasn't good. He noticed Robin's car pulling in as he gave his daughter his pancakes. "Looks like he went back up to see your big brother last night." He told his daughter. He drank his coffee as he watched Robin get out and head to the set to talk to Bruno. He kissed his wife good morning when she walked into the kitchen. He handed her a plate of pancakes and a mug of coffee then turned to the blender and made a blueberry smoothie as well for Cory. "Should we bring Francis up to see Cory? I'm sure he'd be happy to see her and it could help ease his worries about his memories about that day." He offered. Morena ate some of her pancakes and took a sip of her coffee looking at her husband. "I'm sure it'd make him happy but would it really ease the memories? I mean wouldn't it just remind him of what he could've had?" She asked. Ben shook his head a bit. "No the pup would be older than Francis is and it could help his motherly instincts if he has a pup during the pregnancy." He said putting the smoothie in one of Cory's favorite to go cups he asked them to hold onto. Morena sighed and nodded and hoped Ben was right. Ben got ready to head up to the hospital and as he waited for his wife he got Francis ready then waited by the door with her for Morena holding the food he made for his son in his hand. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door when his wife was ready. He opened the car and put Francis in her car seat buckling her in before getting in the driver's seat after shutting the door. Morena looked at the food he had confused. "How come your bringing food up? I'm pretty sure they feed them." She said. Ben pulled out and started to drive. "I made him blueberry pancakes and a blueberry smoothie. Their food isn't good and I doubt they'll allow him to have what he's craving for." He explained as he drove. Morena sighed and looked out the window thinking of her response carefully. "Ben, you should leave that to Robin and Dickie. Cory doesn't need his dad to take care of him anymore. Stop babying him and treating him like he's that crying weak and pathetic teen he was that day." She said slightly annoyed he treats Cory differently than his actual daughter. Ben stopped the car and pulled over glaring at his wife. "I'm not babying him, Morena! I'm doing what a father should! He still suffers from that day, from what his parents did, He needs his dad Morena! Yes he had Dickie and Robin but he needs us too. If you don't like how I treat my son then get out. I'll go up with Francis and be there for him alone!" He said. He watched as his wife got out and drove off quickly.

When Ben arrived at the hospital he was calmer. He got out with the food before getting Francis out of her carseat. He went in and followed the directions Robin had texted him. He smiled seeing Cory was up rubbing his stomach and went in. Cory looked up and smiled seeing his dad and sister. His mouth watered, smelling the blueberry pancakes. "Have you eaten yet? I made you blueberry pancakes and a blueberry smoothie." Ben said, setting the plate and cup on the tray. Cory shook his head a bit. "No, I tried but the pup didn't like the food." He told him. He started to eat the pancakes and smiled happy to eat something he was craving then drank some of the smoothie. "This is so much better than the hospital food. I just wish they would let me come home. Robin, Dickie, and you will make sure I get my strength back up as well as make sure I'm taking it easy. I just feel so lonely without my family and mates." He said. He finished his pancakes and smiled more when he got the chance to cuddle his sister. He kissed her head and purred softly to her. Ben took a picture and sent it to Robin and Dickie smiling, really happy to see Cory smiling. "You're gonna be a great dad Cory. You're amazing with Francis and every time you're with our young fans you're great with them." He told him. Cory smiled at his dad and looked down at his sister, starting to frown as the text from Morena's text to him came to mind. "Morena hates me because she thinks you treat me much better than you do with Francis and Julius." He told him. He flinched and whimpered at the growl Ben gave. "No I don't, Cory. I just want to support you. I love you and your brother and sister all equally. You lost a pup tragically, now you're pregnant again and you're in the hospital. This is probably traumatic for you." Ben explained. Cory nodded, tearing up as he thought about the pup he lost. "It is and I just want to go home..... They are worried because my heart rate is high. I've been stressed since Robin left for filming." He said. Ben looked at the heart rate monitor and smiled. " It seems it's better now that your sister and I are here. I'll see what I can do to get you out of here sooner." He told him.

Cory nodded watching him walk out of the room. He sat up a little more and looked down at his sister. "Have you missed your big brother Francis?" He asked and chuckled as the little girl giggled. He kissed her cheek and played with her as they waited for their dad to come back. "You're gonna be an aunt soon and I'm so excited to have a pup. You would have been an aunt when you were born but a mean man took that away. But Robin and Dickie are giving me another chance to have a family. They actually love me." He told her. He smiled at his sister when she cooed. He purred to her and laid back when he noticed her get tired. He covered her up and started to sing a lullaby to her. He rested when she fell asleep on his chest. When Ben came back to the room Cory looked at his dad hopeful. Ben smiled at his son and sat in the chair reaching for his daughter. "Get dressed I'll take Francis. The Doctor is getting your release papers ready." He told him taking his daughter. Cory nodded excitedly and got up getting dressed as he blushed putting on Robin's shirt he left for him. He relaxed once he was surrounded by his mates scent. As he finished getting ready the Doctor walked in with his release papers. He went over and signed them, happy to be able to go home. He followed Ben out to the car once the doctor said he was free to go. He took Francis from Ben and got in the back with her. He put her in her carseat and buckled her in as Ben started up the car. "They are gonna be so happy when they see I'm home. Robin hated seeing me in a hospital bed. I told him he'd have to see me in a fake hospital bed when I give birth and he chuckled." He said. He smiled fondly as he thought about his mates then looked out the window drinking more of the blueberry smoothie. "God this is so good. The pup really likes it. I'll have to ask how you made it so I could make some to drink during work." He told him. Ben smiled as he continued to drive and looked at Cory through the rearview mirror. "I'll make it for you every morning if you like. Maybe it'll help you eat better during work. Or I'm sure Robin and Dickie could make you some as well." He said. Cory smiled at his dad and continued to drink the smoothie rubbing his stomach. He tensed up as he felt the morning sickness kick in. "D-Dad pull over." He said. He got out relieved that it was on a bridge going over and leaned over throwing up. He got back in after throwing up again. He leaned back after shutting the door, closing his eyes as he felt Ben start to drive again. "Are you okay? Do you want me to stop by the pharmacy to pick up the anti-nausea and vitamins?" He asked. Cory relaxed slightly and nodded. "Yeah that'd be helpful. I don't want to bother Robin or Dickie with going to a pharmacy." He said. When they got to the pharmacy he got out. "I'll go get them so I'll be back." He told him. He went in and requested them to fill in the prescriptions. As he waited he went to look at a few snacks, grabbing himself, Robin and Dickie their favorite snacks and got them drinks before going back to pay for the medicine as well as the food before going back out. He got in and took the medicine with the smoothie after getting in. He smiled when they arrived home as Robin was heading home.

Cory got out and ran to his mate hugging him purring happily. Robin looked surprised but held Cory close, happy to have his mate back home. "They let you come home early?" He asked. Ben got out and picked up his daughter going to the two. "Yeah I convinced the doctor that You, Me, Dickie, and the rest of the cast can make sure he gets stronger and take it easy." He explained smiling when he heard Cory purring. He looked at Robin bouncing Francis. "How did the talk with Bruno go?" He asked. Robin ran his fingers through Cory's hair with a smile and looked at Ben. "He agrees that we should make Nygmobblepot cannon and have them have a baby. He also agrees having Cory give birth on the show is a good scene. He's happy to let Cory take it easy at work as well. He wants Dad and pup happy and healthy." He told him. Cory smiled at the news and enjoyed being close to Robin laying his head on his chest feeling tired. Robin looked to see if Dickie had gone off to film the movie he was cast in. He looked down at Cory and smiled more. "Let's go relax and cuddle. We have the trailer to ourselves since Dickie got a call last night to say he got a part so he's off to film that." He explained. Cory nodded and headed inside feeling exhausted then laid down in his nest purring at the scents of Robin and Dickie. Robin looked at Ben smiling a bit. "You and Francis can come in as well. I'm sure it'd make Cory happy to have his dad and sister visit." He told him. He looked surprised when Ben handed him Francis. "Morena and I have some scenes to film so I can't come in but I'm sure Francis would love to spend more time with her big brother Cory and Robin." He explained. Robin nodded and watched Ben head off to get his make up and hair done to start his work day. He headed in holding Francis and went to the bedroom smiling as he saw his mate curled up in his nest. "Hey baby we've got Francis for a little bit while Ben and Morena film some scenes." He told him.

Cory sat up and held out his arms for his sister. He took her and laid down cuddling to her in his nest. He moved closer to his mate when he laid down behind him. He started to purr when he felt Robin wrap his arms around him and started to softly rub his stomach. "You're going to look so good with a baby bump." He told him. Cory smiled and closed his eyes. "Not sure about that one Robin. Directors are looking for good looking and skinny omega's not what I'm going to be when the pup is bigger." He told him. He looked surprised when Robin made him look at him. "Cory I never want to hear you say that to yourself or about yourself again. You are going to be beautiful with a baby bump. Because you are carrying and giving birth to my pup, That is the most wonderful thing in the world." Robin told him. Cory still looked surprised and nodded in understanding. He never felt this much love from the alpha's he's dated and it felt great. He couldn't wait to meet their pup in the next seven months.

—————————————————————— is at the beginning and end of the smut scene.


Brief mentions of miscarriage, and unwanted sex. Nothing detailed though. No need to worry I post my stories on AO3 and wattpad as well.

I hope you like it. Comments and critic is always welcome just please be kind. I do not tolerate hate. Updates will be slow.

Cory_Tysoncreators' thoughts